
I was sitting in a fast food restaurant with my two children, who at the time were about 6 and 9. Inside there was also a group of teens in Gothic(哥特式的) dress and appearance. Everyone kept away from them inside the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, people jumped past the homeless man searching the garbage bin, who was looking for food or perhaps a cigarette. I too had rushed past him with my youngsters, refusing his request for money but thinking maybe, just maybe, I would bring him some food. It turned out that I didn't have to.

One girl in the Gothic youth jumped up, went to the counter and ordered more food, which she then took outside to the homeless man and sat on the bench with him, chatting away as he ate. He didn't say much—he was greedy—but I think I saw a bit of a smile and a flash in his eyes as he nodded to her questions.

Writing this now, several years later, I still choke up. That girl was a model citizen living the values of goodness and kindness. These are values I have always held high and hoped to teach my kids. She made my job much easier. We stopped by on our way out and thanked her for setting such a positive example for us. I hope that hearing that has made as much of a difference in her life as seeing what she did has made to ours.

1.Why did people keep away from the teens in the fast food restaurant?

A. Because they were dressed in Gothic dress.

B. Because they were too young to pay their meal.

C. Because they liked to quarrel with others.

D. Because they killed two children.

2.What did the homeless man want the author to do?

A. To help him get money. B. To bring him some food.

C. To provide him with money. D. To refuse to take care of him.

3.It can be inferred that the homeless man ________.

A. was very greedy in deed B. was very hungry at that time

C. didn't like talking with others much D. didn't answer the girl's questions

4.What can we learn about the author from the passage?

A. The author is also a model citizen like the girl.

B. The author sets a good example for the girl.

C. The author is deeply moved by the girl.

D. The author has sympathy for the girl.


Busy healthcare providers in need of Basic Life Support CPR (心肺复苏术) classes can now register to take them on Saturday mornings through CPR Certification Houston.

American Heart Association Certified BLS CPR for Healthcare Providers classes are available on Saturday mornings at CPR Certification Houston, 1121 Delano St, Houston, Texas, 77003. Booking information can be obtained by calling (281) 377?8918. These classes offer more convenience to nurses, emergency medical technicians, teachers and others in need of AHA BLS CPR/AED certification who struggle to fit the class into their busy schedules.

CPR Certification Houston is recognized by the American Heart Association. CPR Certification Houston's Basic Life Support CPR and AED for adults, children and infants classes are the exact CPR certification that nurses and other healthcare providers need.

Students learn how to perform CPR on infants, children and adults as well as fibrillation (心房颤动) and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED体外自动除颤器). The same class is offered to everyone including non?healthcare providers like nannies and personal trainers. That way they can ensure that they are as qualified and as confident in saving lives as possible no matter where they work.

The company strives to provide the Houston community with the best quality CPR for the best possible price. Its goal is to leave a positive footprint in its community and to make a difference to the number of lives that get saved every day.

Private group lessons and first aid classes are also available.

CPR Certification Houston is located at 1121 Delano St, Houston, Texas, 77003. Call 281?377?8918 to register.


Doug Jones

Address: 1121 Delano St, Houston, Texas 77003

Phone: 281?377?8918



1.What can people do by connecting 281?377?8918?

A. Get certain certification.

B. Order BLS CPR classes.

C. Find out class providers' schedules.

D. Know about the information of classes.

2.Who are BLS CPR classes intended for?

A. Busy people. B. Elderly teachers.

C. Serious patients. D. School students.

3.Why are the CPR classes offered to everyone?

A. To train medical interns. B. To promote their popularity.

C. To perform CPR for patients. D. To help them deal with emergency.

4.What is CPR Certification Houston special for?

A. Free CPR classes. B. AEDs sold to patients.

C. Its help to the Houston community. D. Classes for people with heart diseases.

You've probably heard of sheepdogs that guard sheep.But on a small island off the coast of Australia,these specially trained little dogs protect fairy penguins from foxes.About 800 little blue penguins,once nested on Australia's Middle Island.They are the smallest species of penguin in the world.By 2015,there were fewer than 10 left on the island.

The problem started when people brought red foxes to Australia in the 1800s.The foxes made their way to Middle Island and began killing off penguins and other native wildlife.Local officials wondered what could be done.

In 2014,a local farmer named Allan Marsh had an idea.He advised training Maremma sheepdogs to protect the penguins.At that time,Marsh was using the dogs on his farm to guard his chickens from foxes.At first,local officials said no to the plan because they didn't think it would work.But they changed their minds when the penguins had almost completely disappeared."The powers wouldn't listen to me until it got down to six penguins,"Marsh told The New York Times.

The first sheepdog went to work on Middle Island in 2016,and dogs have been on duty ever since.The dogs bark at and go after foxes to frighten them away.Thanks to the sheepdogs,the number of fairy penguins on Middle Island has increased.Today,close to 200 penguins live on the island.In fact,officials report that no penguin has been killed since the dogs were on the job.

Eudy and Tula,the two dogs guarding Middle Island,are now 8 years old They are almost ready to retire(退休). Local groups are trying to raise $ 25,000 needed to buy and train two new pups.

1.How many little penguins are living on the island now?

A. Fewer than 10. B. About 200.

C. About 800. D. More than 25,000.

2.Why did the little penguins almost completely disappear?

A. Local officials didn't support the protection plan.

B. People destroyed their living environment.

C. The dogs couldn't protect them.

D. The red foxes hunted them.

3.What new problem will the penguins he faced with?

A. There are too many of them on the island.

B. They will disappear on Middle Island soon.

C. The two new pups won't he trained.

D. The dogs are too old to guard them.

4.From the text,we can learn that .

A. sheepdogs can really protect penguins on Middle Island

B. local officials didn't agree with Marsh's plan finally

C. the first sheepdog appeared on Middle Island in 2006

D. sheepdogs only guard sheep and chickens

A few changes about how a teacher runs a classroom can make a huge effect on how concentrated students will be in that classroom.It's an issue every teacher has to face,1.Here are just a few of my strategies.


I did the seat rearrangement because class conversation had become dull,and students just seemed to be there but not actually there.2.I had all of my students pick new seats at the tables.The rules were simple.They could not sit with more than one other person they'd already sat with,and it had to be at a different table.

●Take over A Lesson.

Once in a while,it can be fun to let the students take over a lesson in a unit.Let them become the teachers,and the teacher becomes the student.You can provide the topic they need to cover.3.

●Have Open Projects.

Open projects have been very successful in my class.4.I used to dictate every part of my project assignments.Students would ask to do things a little differently.And I'd give in,surprised that their ideas were better than mine.


Sometimes teachers forget to bring the fun to the classroom.We try so hard to cover the courses for our students until they break down.Sometimes it's good to just set things aside for a day or two and have some fun.

A.Have fun.

B.Listen carefully.

C.But it can be solved in some very simple ways.

D.Let the students choose the topic and teach whatever they want.

E.It's one of the simplest ways to rearrange a class and get things going again.

F.They get to deal with the material in a way that is refreshing and new to them.

G.I've found that the more choices I gave my students, the better the projects have been

Did you ever have a dream? I’m not talking about a dream you have when you sleep. I’m talking about a conscious ______where you would like to see a new future, a different choice of employment, and a_____ of you own. How many times have you wished that you could be living in a different______than the one you are_______ experiencing?

Several years ago, I had a dream about inventing a board game that would________my life's fortunes. After many revisions, a board game was developed. It was a(n)______ time. Our dream seemed to come true with sales starting to accumulate, and our company was also _________

____, another new board game________the market and made great progress in sales. Eventually, our company was dissolved.

Perhaps for a game developer, the______emotions that it never was meant to be will discourage his future dreams of a different life. But to me, maybe I didn't succeed to the level I________, at the very least I turned my dream________a reality. ________I had never transferred my dream into goal and then to action, there wouldn't have been _________lessons to be learned from the failure. It may take many________but success is only achieved. Once dreams are _______action, failure becomes a ______action plans in future. The important__________here is that success only comes by turning dreams into reality and realizing that________are only stepping-stones to final success. After many attempts, many failures, many lessons and many false starts, learn valuable lessons from failure, tum dreams into________, and don't let a dream only be a dream, success will arrive at last.

1.A. future B. life C. dream D. plan

2.A. factory B. farm C. car D. business

3.A. environment B. school C. family D. society

4.A. enjoyably B. previously C. constantly D. currently

5.A. destroy B. realize C. change D. create

6.A. exciting B. terrible C. dark D. embarrassing

7.A. canceled B. combined C. disappeared D. founded

8.A. Unfortunately B. Unlikely C. Unconsciously D. Unfairly

9.A. came into B. left out C. came back D. took in

10.A. optimistic B. negative C. difficult D. positive

11.A. needed B. devoted C. desired D. begged

12.A. by B. on C. over D. into

13.A. Unless B. If C. After D. Before

14.A. valuable B. successful C. useless D. cruel

15.A. analyses B. designs C. attempts D. revisions

16.A. took up B. look into C. run across D. put into

17.A. good B. better C. most D. bad

18.A. meaning B. point C. truth D. purpose

19.A. efforts B. achievements C. possibilities D. difficulties

20.A. heart B. existence C. action D. ambition

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