
【题目】 【1】 This old saying calls attention to the wisdom of saving money. “Putting money away for a rainy day.” is another way to talk about saving for the future.

People who hate to spend money are known as “tightwads”, while those who like to get the most value for their money are called “thrifty”. 2 A spendthrift is someone who spends wastefully. People like that are often said to spend money “like a drunken sailor” or “like there is no tomorrow”.

In the United States, people who want to start a savings account have different choices of where to put their money. 3 Credit unions are cooperatives for people who have some kind of connection. For example, the members might work for a university or a government agency. Most credit unions are nonprofit organizations.

Credit unions, banks and other financial institutions pay interest on savings accounts. But the rates are low. Certificates of deposit (定期存款) pay higher returns. With Certificates of deposit, people agree not to withdraw the money for a certain period of time. This term could be anywhere from a few months to several years. 4 People can withdraw the money early but they have to pay a penalty.(罚金)

In many countries, people have been saving less over the years. It is reported that in 2000, Americans had a household savings rate of 7%. 5 Many European countries have higher rates, but Americans save more than families in Japan.

A. People are willing to save money for te future.

B. Before gold, even kings take off their hats.

C. A penny saved is a penny earned.

D. Longer terms, and large amounts, pay higher interest.

E. This year the rate is expected to be a little more than four percent.

F. These include banks and credit unions.

G. A thrifty person is different from a spendthrift.









【1】选C,A penny saved is a penny earned.存一分钱便是赚一分钱。由原文可知此处应填入一个引导性的句子作为文章的开头。由第一段第二句“This old saying calls attention to the wisdom of saving money.”可知这句老话的意思是要注意会存钱的智者,从而在下面选项中寻找相似的句子,只有A和C是关于save money的,而C句子为一句谚语,符合old saying,故选C。

【2】选G,A thrifty person is different from a spendthrift. 节俭的人与注重挥霍的人是不一样的。联系上下文,上一句“while those who like to get the most value for their money are called “thrifty””把钱花在最有价值的地方的人叫做节俭,这里解释了什么是“thrifty”,下一句“A spendthrift is someone who spends wastefully.”挥霍是指一个人花钱很大手大脚,这里解释了什么是“spendthrift”,由此可知,第17题应填与thrifty和spendthrift相关的句子,故选G。

【3】选F,These include banks and credit unions.这包括银行和信用合作。由前一句“In the United States, people who want to start a savings account have different choices of where to put their money. ”在美国,想存钱的人关于把钱存在哪儿有不同的选择,可知下一句应是介绍有哪几种选择。而且后文注重介绍了credit union可知,此处应填与credit union相关的句子,故选F。

【4】选D,Longer terms, and large amounts, pay higher interest.期限更长,账目更大,收益更高。由原文可知,这一段主要介绍的是定期存款,所以此处应填与定期存款有关的句子。由文中“Certificates of deposit (定期存款) pay higher returns”可知定期存款收益更高,而选项D符合定期存款的特点,故选D。

【5】选E,This year the rate is expected to be a little more than four percent.这一年的利率预计会略高于百分之四。由原文可知,这一段主要介绍的是在2000年,一些国家的利率情况,所以此处应填与利率相关的句子,故选E。


【题目】The word Im going to introduce to you today is-phubbing. Lets see the definition of this term:phubbing n. the act of snubbing(冷落)someone in a social setting by looking at your cell phone instead of paying attention As you can probably guess, phubbing is a blend of phone and snubbing. The term was coined by a 23-year-old Melbourne resident Alex Haigh. Obviously, he got fed up with how people are always checking Facebook or Twitter on their phones when they are supposed to be interacting with someone face to face. He wanted to put an end to this social phenomenon, therefore he came up with this catchy term.

And it did catch on. The word’s earliest media mention dates back to June 2012, and in a little over a year’s time, phubbing has already been picked up by almost all the mainstream media outlets one can think of.

Here is a typical example from the British newspaper The Independent. In the article titled The Rise of Phubbing, which was published on August 5, 2013, Tom Chatfield writes, there’s an uncomfortable truth at the heart of phubbing: other people are easier to handle when seen on screen. They’re less likely to demand unreasonable efforts such as undivided attention or clean shirts.

While the term phubbing has undoubtedly taken off, some people question why it is called phubbing instead of phnubbing. Alex Haigh has not personally addressed the issue, but word has it that phubbing sounds more crispy and thus easier to remember.

Phubbing is indeed a univers al problem that can no longer be ignored. So why do people keep phubbing each other if they know it’s rude? Is there anything we can do to stop it? Or maybe we should just be more kind, because sometimes there are good excuses to phub.

I think there is plenty we can do to try and stop phubbing. For starters, we can jo in Alex Haigh in his Stop Phubbing campaign. Remind our friends and family that phubbing is not appreciated. We can also make or download some anti-phubbing posters to spread the word in public places. And dont forget that some phubbers simply do not realize the harmful effect their behavior has on others,so be b rave enough to stop them, even if you are a total stranger.

【1This passage is mainly talking about __________.

A. the rise of phubbing in all the mainstream media outlets

B. a new term “phubbing”and its problem

C. the campaign of keeping phubbing

D. different opinions on phubbing

【2The authors attitude towards the act of phubbing can be described as ___________.

A. bearable B. Unacceptable

C. reasonableD. understandable

【3What can we infer from this passage?

A. People are easier to handle when seen on screen.

B. Alex Haigh doesn’t like the term “phnubbing”

C. More and more people have become phubbers.

D. We can phub if we have proper excuses.

【4The writer suggests we should __________.

A. stop phubbing in public places

B. not be afraid of the harmful effect

C. be brave to support a st ranger phubbing

D. remind our friends of Stop Phubbing campaign

【题目】There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(担任考试委员会主席), the students would be in fear, because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave. A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again. Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.

The professor began to ask. The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK.

Then the professor asked about the cure (药剂) for illness, and the student, too, answered just as right.

“Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient?”

“A full spoon”, answered the student.

“Now you may go out and wait for what you can get.” said the professor. At the same time, the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr Professor, I’ve made a mistake! A full spoon is too much for a patient. He can take only five drops.”

“I’m sorry, sir.” said the professor coldly, “But it’s too late. Your patient has died.”

【1The students were afraid of the professor because_________.

A. they often angered and disappointed him

B. he often misunderstood them and give them bad markers

C. their answers often astonished him

D. their answers seldom satisfied him

【2Before he left the room the student was almost sure that ______.

A. his last answer was satisfying

B. he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark

C. he had made a mistake

D. he had not done well in the exam

【3Which of the following is Not true?

A. The patient will be in danger if he’s taken as much as a full spoon.

B. The doctor will be in trouble if he’s given the patient a full spoon.

C. Since one spoon is less than five drops, the patient will be all right soon if he takes only one full spoon at a time.

D. If the patient wants to remain safe, he should take no more than five drops at a time.

【题目】【原创】Times were tough in our household.My husband was out of work and there was no sign of anything for him.In addition to going to nursing school full-time,1 was working three part-time jobs to put food on the table for our family of five.

After a rather__ meal one night,I answered the ringing phone. With no ,a voice asked,’’Do you need food? Come to my place and I can help you.”Directions followed and he hung up the phone. No in-depth conversation or queries as to our situation. It was up to us to decide whether we a voice on the telephone.

1 was desperate. With food in the cabinet and no prospect of a job for my husband, I had to take a , swallow my pride, and accept the strange offer. Was there a ?When I uneasily got to a ranch home as ,I found there was no car in the garage. ,lined up in orderly rows were tables filled with varieties of food. A craggy (轮廓分明有皱纹的)gentleman me, not much different than our phone conversation!’’Look around. If you see what you want,__ yourself.”'He handed me paper bags and turned to another new arrival, passing along the same .This couldn't be real!

I guiltily filled the paper sacks with what we needed and gratefully thanked the elderly man.。’Be here next week. You’ll of the food by then “was his reply,

Then I learned the thing. Widowed and retired, he wanted to do something in his golden years to fill his time. Daily, he drove his pickup truck and begged for items and canned goods from local grocery stores and folks like us who had fallen on hard times.

I never knew what our weekly menus would be I had “shopped" in the garage, but I knew, with our bellies full, we could focus on paying necessary bills.

【1A.worrying B.boring C.confusing D.promising

【2A.just B.even C.ever D.also

【3A.delicious B.necessary C.simple D.ordinary

【4A.information B.communication C.introduction D.instruction

【5A.physical B.financial C.educational D.social

【6A.trusted B.accepted C.recognized D.satisfied

【7A.certainly B.originally C.actually D.barely

【8A.chance B.step C.decision D.measure

【9A.future B.possibility C.trap D.kindness

【10A.appointed B.directed C.guided D.requested

【11A.Therefore B.Besides C.Instead D.However

【12A.discovered B.greeted C.reminded D.examined

【13A.help B.enjoy C.behave D.seat

【14A.welcome B.supply C.assistance D.message

【15A.mostly B.eventually C.absolutely D.accidentally

【16A.leave out B.drop out C.run out D.get out

【17A.interesting B.worthwhile C.mysterious D.astonishing

【18A.usable B.additional C.acceptable D.valuable

【19A.recalled B.sought C.identified D.inspected

【20A.although B.since C.before D.until

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