
【题目】The famous musician, as well as his students, __________ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.

A. were invited B. was invited

C. have been invited D. has been invited


【解析】句意:这个著名的音乐家和他的学生被邀请在2012年的台北花齐博览会演出。主语是The famous musician,尽管后面跟as well as…短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式;the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo是一个过去的时间,动作已经发生,用一般过去时态。故答案为B。


【题目】Scientists in UK have grown a living human brain. The team at Aston University created tiny bunch of cells which act like a mini nervous system.

They believe it could help find a cure for worse mental conditions like Parkinsons disease. Professor Michael Coleman is leading the research program. He explained,We are aiming to be able to study the human brain at the most basic level, using an actual living human cell system. Cells have to be alive and operating efficiently to enable us to really understand how the brain works. The experiment involves changing cells from a cancer tumor(肿瘤) and making them behave like brain cells.

Although far from finished, researchers hope the false brain cells will give them a greater understanding of how real brains work. This, in turn, could significantly further research into conditions which affect the brain. Neil Hunt, chief leader of the research group, said,It is still very early days, but in the future the research could lead to a useful tool for looking into dementia (痴呆).

The technique could also provide a way to carry on animal test and is being supported by the Humane Research Trust (HRT). The scientists predict that over the next ten years a million people will develop dementia. Professor Coleman believes their findings could change this. He said,We hope our research will provide scientists with a new and highly relational human experimental model to help them understand the brain better and develop new drugs to control the related disease. However, the biggest challenge at present is that we are greatly short of fund, which will slow our research.”

【1】【改编】UK scientists grow a living human brain so as to ________.

A.research into the structure of human brain

B.take advantage of living human cell system

C.discover how human brain really functions

D.distinguish cells from a cancer tumor

【2】According to Neil Hunt, research into brain cells ________.

A.will get finished as early as possible

B.will make people discover dementia

C.will affect the brain growth in many ways

D.will help to treat some diseases in nerve system

【3】【改编】What can we conclude from the last paragraph? ______.

A.the technique provided by HRT is immature

B.animal tests are forbidden by law

C.a million people suffer from brain diseases

D.the research program lacks financial support

【4】【改编】what is the purpose of the text ?________.

A.The text is intended to tell us about a breakthrough in medical research

B.The text is intended to introduce a research program in humans brain

C.The text is intended to introduce the progress of drugs for dementia

D.The text is intended to tell us about health problem in nerve system

【题目】 【1】 This old saying calls attention to the wisdom of saving money. “Putting money away for a rainy day.” is another way to talk about saving for the future.

People who hate to spend money are known as “tightwads”, while those who like to get the most value for their money are called “thrifty”. 2 A spendthrift is someone who spends wastefully. People like that are often said to spend money “like a drunken sailor” or “like there is no tomorrow”.

In the United States, people who want to start a savings account have different choices of where to put their money. 3 Credit unions are cooperatives for people who have some kind of connection. For example, the members might work for a university or a government agency. Most credit unions are nonprofit organizations.

Credit unions, banks and other financial institutions pay interest on savings accounts. But the rates are low. Certificates of deposit (定期存款) pay higher returns. With Certificates of deposit, people agree not to withdraw the money for a certain period of time. This term could be anywhere from a few months to several years. 4 People can withdraw the money early but they have to pay a penalty.(罚金)

In many countries, people have been saving less over the years. It is reported that in 2000, Americans had a household savings rate of 7%. 5 Many European countries have higher rates, but Americans save more than families in Japan.

A. People are willing to save money for te future.

B. Before gold, even kings take off their hats.

C. A penny saved is a penny earned.

D. Longer terms, and large amounts, pay higher interest.

E. This year the rate is expected to be a little more than four percent.

F. These include banks and credit unions.

G. A thrifty person is different from a spendthrift.

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