2£®What would I do for Carol's 50th birthday£¿It was£¨36£©B that she didn't want a party£¬certainly not a surprise party £¨that was an agreement at our marriage£©£®"How about a small dinner with£¨37£©C£¿"I asked£®
"No£¬"she said£¬"I hate being the center of£¨38£©A£®"
Still£¬the milestone had to be marked£®£¨39£©D wasn't going to let her get away with a Stouffer's frozen dinner and a movie video£¬£¨40£©C this was all she said she wanted£®
I thought and thought£¬and£¨41£©B making my decision£¬I sent a letter to her friends£¬asking them for photos£¬poems£¬and letters£®"Carol doesn't £¨42£©A a party in person¡but I'm hoping to£¨43£©D her a party in a book£®"I bought a£¨n£©£¨44£©A with a friend's advice£¬and what I wanted£¨45£©B£®For a few minutes at the end of every workday£¬I£¨46£©C pull out the marking pens and make up the£¨47£©D£¬Carol's£®
Photos of her in junior high£¬pictures of us £¨48£©C the boys£¬original songs£¬notes£¬cards£¬and poems£®It made me£¨49£©A for all the years we had had together£®The£¨50£©B was more than the album£®It was the friendship and love she had given to me and to our kids and to all her friends and family£®You could £¨51£©B it on every page£®
I wrapped it up and£¨52£©A it home£®"Happy birthday£¬sweetie£¬"I said£®"It's not a frozen dinner or a video£¬but it's £¨53£©D you deserve£®"She cried£®She doesn't£¨54£©C like to cry£¬but I think she likes the book£®She's said so many times£®And every time I remind her£¨55£©B putting it together was a gift to me£®
36£®A£®amazing | B£®clear | C£®unusual | D£®important |
37£®A£®neighbours | B£®children | C£®friends | D£®classmates |
38£®A£®attention | B£®comment | C£®view | D£®interest |
39£®A£®She | B£®It | C£®He | D£®I |
40£®A£®for | B£®or | C£®and | D£®when |
41£®A£®before | B£®after | C£®when | D£®once |
42£®A£®want | B£®have | C£®hold | D£®attend |
43£®A£®make | B£®choose | C£®find | D£®give |
44£®A£®album | B£®novel | C£®mirror | D£®overcoat |
45£®A£®went on | B£®poured in | C£®turned back | D£®got away |
46£®A£®could | B£®should | C£®would | D£®might |
47£®A£®decision | B£®story | C£®mind | D£®book |
48£®A£®for | B£®around | C£®with | D£®except |
49£®A£®grateful | B£®worried | C£®nervous | D£®special |
50£®A£®meaning | B£®gift | C£®party | D£®world |
51£®A£®count | B£®read | C£®express | D£®improve |
52£®A£®took | B£®sent | C£®placed | D£®packed |
53£®A£®how | B£®why | C£®which | D£®what |
54£®A£®normally | B£®merely | C£®really | D£®obviously |
55£®A£®whether | B£®that | C£®when | D£®who |
·ÖÎö ÔÚÆÞ×Ó50ËêÉúÈÕʱ£¬ÕÉ·òË͸øÆÞ×ÓÒ»·ÝÌØÊâµÄÀñÎÄÇÊÇÒ»±¾¾«ÐÄÖÆ×÷µÄÊ飬¼Ç¼ÁËÆÞ×Ó¼¸Ê®ÄêÀ´¶ÔÅóÓѺͼÒͥȫ²¿µÄ°®£®
42£®A£®¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®Carol²»Ï루want£©¾ÙÐÐÉúÈÕÑç»á£®µÚÒ»¶ÎµÄ"she didn't want a party"ÊÇÏßË÷Ìáʾ£»¹ÊÑ¡A£®
43£®D£®¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®ÎÒÏë¸øËý¾Ù°ìÒ»¸öÊé±¾ÉϵÄÅɶԣ®give sb£®a partyÒâΪ"ΪijÈ˾ٰìÒ»¸öÅɶÔ"£»¹ÊÑ¡D£®
44£®A£®¿¼²éÃû´Ê±æÎö£®ÎÒÔÚÒ»¸öÅóÓѵĽ¨ÒéÏÂÂòÁËÒ»±¾Ïà²á£¨album£©£®µ¹ÊýµÚ¶þ¶Îµ¹ÊýµÚÈýÐÐÖеÄ"more than the album"ÊÇÏßË÷Ìáʾ£»¹ÊÑ¡A£®
45£®B£®¿¼²é¶ÌÓï±æÎö£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎÄ¿ÉÖª´Ë´¦±íʾÎÒ°ÑÏëÒªµÄ¶«Î÷²»¶ÏµØ·ÅÈëÏà²áÖУ®pour in"²»¶ÏÓ¿Ïò"£¬·ûºÏÓï¾³£®go on"¼ÌÐø"£»turn back"Íù»Ø×ß"£»get away"ÍÑÉí£»ÌÓÀë"£»¹ÊÑ¡B£®
49£®A£®¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʱæÎö£®ÊÕ¼¯µ½µÄ¶«Î÷ÈÃÎҷdz£¸Ð¼¤ÎÒÃÇÒ»Æð×ß¹ýµÄËêÔ£®be grateful for"¸Ð¼¤¡"£»¹ÊÑ¡A£®
52£®A£®¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®ÎÒ°ÑÕâ±¾Êé°ü×°ºÃÖ®ºó´ø»Ø¼ÒÖУ®take it home"´ø»Ø¼Ò"£»¹ÊÑ¡A£®
53£®D£®¿¼²é½é´Ê±æÎö£®ÎÒ˵£º"Õâ¿É²»ÊÇÒ»¶ÙÀ䶳µÄ·¹²Ë»òÕßÊÇÒ»¸öÊÓƵ£¬¶øÊÇÄãÖµµÃÓµÓеĶ«Î÷£®""what you deserve"Ϊ±íÓï´Ó¾ä£»¹ÊÑ¡D£®

First of all£¬students need to realize that conflict is £¨53£©D£®A report indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor £¨54£©C£®For example£¬a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime£® £¨55£©D
Dthe sandwich can lead to insults£¬which in turn can lead to violence£®The problem isn't in the sandwich£¬but in the way students deal with the conflict£®
Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable£¬they can £¨56£©B the golden rule of conflict resolution£ºstay calm£®Once the student feels calmer£¬he should choose words that will calm the other person down as well£®Rude words and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire£®On the other hand£¬£¨57£©A words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control£®
After both sides have calmed down£¬they can use another key£¨58£©B for conflict resolution£ºlistening£®Listening allows the two sides to understand each other£®One person should describe his or her side£¬and the other person should listen without interrupting£®Afterward£¬the listener can ask non-threatening questions to make the speaker's position clear£®Then the two people should change £¨59£©C£®
£¨60£©D£¬students need to consider what they are hearing£®This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person£®It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to £¨61£©A£®For example£¬a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things£®Students need to ask themselves questions such as these£ºHow did this start£¿What do I really want£¿What am I afraid of£¿As the issue becomes £¨62£©B£¬the conflict often simply becomes smaller£®Even if it doesn't£¬£¨63£©D thought helps both sides figure out a better solution£®
After students started a conflict resolution£¬there has been an increase in student £¨64£©A£®Learning to resolve conflicts can help students£¨65£©C friends£¬teachers£¬parents£¬bosses and coworkers£®In that way£¬conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country£®
51£®A£®As a result | B£®In fact | C£®By contrast | D£®On the contrary | |
52£®A£®conflict | B£®lives | C£®relationships | D£®affairs | |
53£®A£®violent | B£®global | C£®unresolved | D£®unavoidable | |
54£®A£®remark | B£®assumption | C£®insult | D£®resolution | |
55£®A£®Preferencefor | B£®Particularity about | C£®Complaint over | D£®Laughter over | |
56£®A£®interpret | B£®practice | C£®assess | D£®bend | |
57£®A£®soft | B£®tough | C£®critical | D£®clear | |
58£®A£®measure | B£®strategy | C£®assessment | D£®application | |
59£®A£®responses | B£®attitudes | C£®roles | D£®intentions | |
60£®A£®Contrarily | B£®Relatively | C£®Consequently | D£®Finally | |
61£®A£®accomplish | B£®ignore | C£®foresee | D£®seek | |
62£®A£®wider | B£®clearer | C£®more complex | D£®more critical | |
63£®A£®unselfish | B£®initial | C£®inspiring | D£®careful | |
64£®A£®cooperation | B£®argument | C£®gratitude | D£®support | |
65£®A£®admire | B£®select | C£®deal with | D£®back up |