
【题目】You may like at least some kind of music. But the problem is that, in lots of places, you’re made 1 (hear) somebody else’s choice of music. Say you’ve just landed at an airport, where the background (背景) music may be played loudly. When you are 2 the way to you hotel, there may be another kind of music 3 (switch) on by the taxi driver. Then you go out to dinner and end up in a restaurant, 4 owner thinks music will help make you eat more and spend more. Then a person 5 (play) the violin comes around. This is called the “music wallpaper” and its purpose is to make you consume more. In a word, you find 6 hard to find a quiet public place without music.

Noise pollution may be 7 (harm) to our hearing. It’s also bad for some of our daily 8 (activity).

The fact 9 you can’t see, taste or smell noise may help explain why it has not received as much attention as other kinds of pollution, such as air pollution or water pollution. Many of us fail to realize we 10 (surround) by too much noise. As a result, harm is done to our health without us being aware of it.


1to hear









10are surrounded


1固定结构:make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,此处是不带to的动词不定式做宾语补足语,但变成被动语态时要把to加上,可知答案为to hear。

2固定词组:on one’s way to---,在去---的路上,可知答案为on。





7句意:噪音污染可能对我们的听力是有害的。be harmful to---有伤害,故答案为harmful。


9句意:你看不见、尝不到或闻不到噪音的这个事实有助于解释---。此处The fact后面是that引导的同位语从句,故答案为that。

10句意:我们很多人没有意识到我们被太多的污染包围。根据句意可知句子用一般现在时态的被动语态,we是主语,复数形式,故答案为are surrounded。

1.不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语

have/make/see/watch/hear/let/notice/observe/feel/look at/listen to sb. do sth.

注意:help sb. (to) do sth.

温馨提示:不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,但是变成被动语态时要把to加上。He made me feel at home. (主动语态)I was made to feel at home.(被动语态)


encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事;want sb. to do 想让某人做某事;invite sb. to do邀请某人做某事; ask sb. to do 请求某人做某事;order sb. to do命令某人做某事; tell sb. to do告诉某人做某事;force sb. to do 强迫某人做某事;allow sb. to do允许某人做某事; forbid sb. to do 禁止某人做某事;persuade sb. to do 劝说某人做某事。


In Britain, many theatres put on shows for children at Christmas and many theatres have a theatreineducation team working there. This team, made up of actors and teachers, writes plays for children, usually performing them in schools. They do different plays for different age groups and the children often take part in the play in some way.
Pantomime is a special kind of Christmas show for children. It is loved by people and also allows the audience (观众) to join in."Pantomime" was the name of the Roman actor who performed shows without speaking — this is where the English word "mime" comes from.
A pantomime is always based on a wellknown children's story. But there are always certain types of characters in the show and certain situations and events. For example, a pantomime must always include a hero, known as the "principal boy" and this principal boy is always played by a pretty girl wearing a short costume (服装). Then there is the comic older woman, known as the "dame" who is played by a man. There is always a group of men and women who sing and dance and often there is a pantomime horse. The horse is played by two men who form the "front" and "back" ends inside a "horse" costume. It is funny and it usually kicks the dame when she isn't looking.
Members of the audience have to shout a warning to one of the characters and argue (争论) with the character (usually the dame) when she does not believe them. When she shouts, "Oh no, it isn't, " the audience always responds with "Oh yes, it is!" The audience also learns and sings a simple song and a few children are sometimes invited to help one of the characters during the show.
(1)The theatreineducation teams____________.
A.are made up of famous local actors
B.write plays for the same age group
C.often give plays in their own theatres
D.usually allow children to join in a play
(2)According to the text, a pantomime____________.
A.is designed to make people laugh
B.is made up of three characters
C.is especially popular with grownups
D.can be watched all year round in Britain
(3)When the dame says, "Yes, it is, " the audience should___________.
A.follow her and sing
B.stand up and dance
C.repeat what she says
D.disagree with her loudly

Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but helost his job a few months ago. He has good heart, but always feared applyingfor a new job.
One day, he gathered up all his strengthand decided to attend a job interview. His appointment was at 10 am and it wasalready 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to beinterviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre(轮胎) of hiscar. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Jimmy immediately wentup to lend him a hand. When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old manasked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said there was no needto pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for aninterview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office foryour interview. It’s the least I could do. Please. I insist.” Jimmy agreed.
Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line ofapplications waiting to be interviewed. Jimmy still had some grease on himafter the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have achange of shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office withdisappointed look on their faces. Finally his name was called. The interviewerwas sitting on a large chair facing the office window. Rocking the chair backand forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” Jimmy’s heartsank. “With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?” hethought to himself.
Then the interviewer turned the chairand to Jimmy’s surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning.It turned out he was the General Manager of the company.
“Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but Iwas pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforcebefore you even stepped into the office. I just know you’d be a trustworthyworker. Congratulations!” Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well-deservedcoffee as he landed himself a new job.
(1)Why did Jimmy apply for a new job?
A.He was out of work
B.He was bored with his job
C.He wanted a higher position
D.He hoped to find a better boss
(2)What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview?
A.A friend's car had a flat tyre
B.a wild man was pushing a car
C.a terrible accident happened
D.an old man’s car broke down
(3)Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride?
A.He was also to be interviewed
B.He needed a traveling companion
C.He always helped people in need
D.He was thankful to Jimmy
(4)How did Jimmy feel on hearing the interviewer’s question?
A.He was sorry for the other applicants
B.There was no hope for him to get the job
C.He regretted helping the old man
D.The interviewer was very rude
(5)What can we learn from Jimmy’s experience?
A.Where there is a will, there’s a way
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed
C.Good is rewarded with good.
D.Two heads are better than one

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