
In Britain, many theatres put on shows for children at Christmas and many theatres have a theatreineducation team working there. This team, made up of actors and teachers, writes plays for children, usually performing them in schools. They do different plays for different age groups and the children often take part in the play in some way.
Pantomime is a special kind of Christmas show for children. It is loved by people and also allows the audience (观众) to join in."Pantomime" was the name of the Roman actor who performed shows without speaking — this is where the English word "mime" comes from.
A pantomime is always based on a wellknown children's story. But there are always certain types of characters in the show and certain situations and events. For example, a pantomime must always include a hero, known as the "principal boy" and this principal boy is always played by a pretty girl wearing a short costume (服装). Then there is the comic older woman, known as the "dame" who is played by a man. There is always a group of men and women who sing and dance and often there is a pantomime horse. The horse is played by two men who form the "front" and "back" ends inside a "horse" costume. It is funny and it usually kicks the dame when she isn't looking.
Members of the audience have to shout a warning to one of the characters and argue (争论) with the character (usually the dame) when she does not believe them. When she shouts, "Oh no, it isn't, " the audience always responds with "Oh yes, it is!" The audience also learns and sings a simple song and a few children are sometimes invited to help one of the characters during the show.
(1)The theatreineducation teams____________.
A.are made up of famous local actors
B.write plays for the same age group
C.often give plays in their own theatres
D.usually allow children to join in a play
(2)According to the text, a pantomime____________.
A.is designed to make people laugh
B.is made up of three characters
C.is especially popular with grownups
D.can be watched all year round in Britain
(3)When the dame says, "Yes, it is, " the audience should___________.
A.follow her and sing
B.stand up and dance
C.repeat what she says
D.disagree with her loudly

(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"They do different plays for different age groups and the children often take part in the play in some way."可知,这种教育剧场团队为不同的年龄群体表演,孩子们也经常在剧中参演。故选D。
(3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"Members of the audience have to shout a warning to one of the characters and argue with the character (usually the dame) when she does not believe them."可知,观众要和演员进行“争论”,即表达与演员不同的意思。故选D。


【题目】Although I knew we were not wealthy as children, I didn’t know we were “poor”. I always had everything I needed and wanted, including beautiful __. But according to my mother, I didn't have enough clothes. I can still remember so clearly going to Kmart to __ them —the beautiful clothes. When my mother said that we would be __ this, I knew it meant that I would soon be performing as a(n) __ , trying on new clothes for the eager audience —Mom.

I also knew that I would be going home with a new outfit(服装). I always __ my mother’s hand in the parking lot and through the store. She would __ me to the fitting rooms in the rear(后面)and she would __ the store for anything she wanted me to try on. She could examine the sizes, __ and prices and still know __ what I was doing. It amazed me how she seemed to __ when 1 was about to be tempted (有兴趣的)to dive under the clothes racks (衣架)or wander away.

Once her load of clothes was __ for me to model, the lady would arrange me in my own room to begin the __ . After each fitting, my mom would rush up with a new dress. The look in her eyes is still __ in my memory—a look that said, “Yes, this one may be __ than the last.” When I walked out of the dressing room, she would put her hand __ her mouth in awe(惊叹), and smiles.

Sometimes, during this __ , I would look up at her and see a sort of desiring. It was a(n) __ look. It was almost like she'd give up any of her things just to buy me one more pretty dress. But even __ that, she had a __ of pure love and joy. She wanted so much to give her little girl everything she needed and wanted, __ what she didn’t know was that her little girl already had everything she needed and wanted—her mom.

1A. flowers B. vases C. clothes D. pictures

2A. look at B. rely on C. make room for D. Heal with

3A. wearing B. measuring C. preserving D. doing

4A. model B. actress C. athlete D. tailor

5A. dragged B. shook C. held D. examined

6A. drive B. invite C. adapt D. lead

7A. open B. search C. keep D. run

8A. styles B. parcels C. targets D. meanings

9A. publically B. confidently C. clearly D. skillfully

10A. know B. report C. declare D. forget

11A. heavy B. ready C. potential D. limited

12A. bargain B. sale C. rest D. show

13A. impressed B. reminded C. provided D. explored

14A. cheaper B. lighter C. better D. brighter

15A. beyond B. from C. under D. over

16A. journey B. process C. research D. experiment

17A. painful B. brave C. honest D. terrified

18A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. less than

19A. glance B. chance C. lack D. look

20A. once B. or C. but D. and

The Cambridge Science Festival CuriosityChallenge
Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge!
The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) ispleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge. The challengeinvites , even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to createartwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity how it inspires themto explore their world.
Students are being dared to draw apicture, write an article, take a photo or write a poem that shows what theyare curious about. To enter the challenge, all artwork or pieces of writingshould be sent to the Cambridge Science Festival, MIT Museum, 265 Mass Avenue,
Students who enter the CuriosityChallenge and are selected as winners will be honor at a special ceremonyduring the CSF on Sunday, April 21st. Guest speakers will alsopresent prizes to the students. Winning entries will be published in a book.Student entries will exhibited and prizes will be given. Families of those whotake part will be included in celebration and brunch will be served.
Between March 10th and March15h, each winner will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony and theCuriosity Challenge celebration. The program guidelines and other relatedinformation are available at :http:// cambridgesciencefestival.org.
(1)Who can take part in the Curiosity Challenge?
A.Cambridge locals.
B.School students.
C.CSF winners.
D.MIT artists.
(2)When will the prize-giving ceremony be held?
A.On February 8th.
B.On March 10th.
C.On March 15th
D.On April 21st.
(3)What type of writing is this text?
A.An exhibition guide.
B.An art show review.
C.An announcement.
D.An official report.

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