
16.This story,based on the real life story that took place on Thursday,January 15th,2009 when the world witnessed the"Miracle on the Hudson"as Captain,Chesley Sullenberger,nicknamed"Sully"glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River,saving the lives of all 155 aboard.However,even as Sully was being heralded by the public and the media for his unprecedented feat of aviation skill,an investigation was unfolding that threatened to destroy his reputation and his career.Tom Hanks portrayal as Sully is the heart and soul of this film.
Out of all the intense films released this year so far,Sully is the best one,hands down.Out of all the nonfiction films released this year,Sully is the greatest.From spectacular directing to emotional acting,Sully is easily one of the best films of 2016.
Sully begins when U.S.Airways flight 1549 lands in the water in the Hudson river after both engines are destroyed by birds.Luckily,not one passenger is injured and this is due to the skill of both rescue teams and pilot Sully Sullenbrger (Tom Hanks) and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles (Aaron Eckhart).Unfortunately,the nightmare is not over.Even though all passengers are in safety,it is still a major question if Sully should have landed the plane in the water and if he might have had enough speed and altitude to reach the runway at an actual airport.
This is a very famous story that happened in 2009,but many people do not know what happened after the plane water landed.Sully truly shows all the events of this flight.Another amazing aspect of the film is the acting.Both Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart do phenomenal portrayals of the pilots.Not only do the two look so much like the actual people,they also got their personalities right too.The two actors excel in the scenes where they keep imagining the crash,and it clearly affects them day after day.Clint Eastwood has directed many wonderful films,but Sully,without doubt,is one of his best.The story does not feel like it lasts 96minutes and I was surprised when it ended.
Sully really does keep you on the edge of your seat using cinematography that makes you feel like you are a part of the movie,acting that is emotional and dramatic and even special effects that make it look very real.Something to note,the film was shot with IMAX cameras so seeing it in IMAX theaters gives you the best possible experience.
My favorite scene is the actual plane crash.From taking off,to the passengers getting into rescue boats,this scene keeps your heart beating very fast.I personally suffer from a fear of flying and it pumped me full of adrenaline.I could not blink until I found out what happened next.The special effects of the plane going down in the middle of New York looks very realistic and intense.On top of that,the emotional acting of not only the pilots,but the passengers and the flight attendants brings even more drama to the scene.It is easily the most intense scene in the whole film and,because of cinematography,it makes you feel like you are a part of it,is borderline scary.
Sully is a very mature story.And though it lacks adult content,language or gore,it is geared for a mature audience because of its intense and dramatic scenes.It may be too intense for younger viewers so I recommend it for ages 12 to 18.I definitely give Sully 5 out of 5 stars for its spectacular directing,wonderful cinematography,emotional acting and realistic special effects.

65.According to the passage,Sully,with his heroic deeds,D.
A.eventually achieved his life goal       
 B.just displayed his creative talent
C.accidentally became well known        
D.still faced a challenge to his action
66.The underlined phrase"hands down"in Paragraph 2probably means"A".
A.without doubt        
B.passing it down        
C.beyond belief         
D.ending the topic
67.The writer of the passage holds the opinion thatB.
A.Tom and Aaron play the roles well due to their similar experience
B.full story plus good performance makes Sully an excellent film
C.Clint Eastwood is the deciding factor of the film's great success
D.advanced technology makes the film popular among its audience
68.Sometimes while seeing the film,the writer feltB.
A.amused and peaceful     
B.nervous and frightened   
C.excited and energetic      
D.sad and uncomfortable
69.It can be inferred from the passage that the writer thinksC.
A.no other films can compete with Sully now
B.the length of the film is not very satisfying
C.Sully is full of excitement associated with danger
D.Sully is a good film with only a bit to be improvement.
70.Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?C
A.It is just an account of a story.
B.It specially introduces Sully to us.
C.It is simply a movie review.
D.It mainly sings the praises of Sully.

分析 本文主要是对Sully这部电影进行了故事情节的大概介绍,同时对其进行了评价.

解答 65.D 细节题.根据文章内容,However,even as Sully was being heralded by the public and the media for his unprecedented feat of aviation skill,an investigation was unfolding that threatened to destroy his reputation and his career.然而,尽管Sully被公众所赞扬并且个媒体也报道他的高超的飞行技术,但是一项关于事故原因的调查报告还是将他的名誉和职业推向风口浪尖,结合选项,故选D
66.A词义猜测.根据文中内容,Out of all the intense films released this year so far,Sully is the best one,hands down.到今年为止的所有该类型的紧张刺激的电影中,毫无疑问,Sully是最好的.结合选项,故选A
67.B 细节题.根据文中内容,This is a very famous story that happened in 2009,but many people do not know what happened after the plane water landed.Sully truly shows all the events of this flight.Another amazing aspect of the film is the acting.这是一个发生在2009年的有名的事件,被搬上了荧幕.但是许多人都不知道飞机在水上迫降后发生的事,Sully将其展示的额很清楚.另外,电影里演员的表演也是非常的精彩.结合选项,B符合文意.
68.B 细节题.根据文中内容,From taking off,to the passengers getting into rescue boats,this scene keeps your heart beating very fast.I personally suffer from a fear of flying and it pumped me full of adrenaline..It is easily the most intense scene in the whole film and,because of cinematography,it makes you feel like you are a part of it,is borderline scary.由此可知,作者在看该电影时将自己完全融入进剧情,会随着剧情的发展而有紧张和害怕的情绪.结合选项,故选B
69.C 推理题.根据文中内容,it is geared for a mature audience because of its intense and dramatic scenes.由此可知,该电影是兴奋、紧张和危险的剧情都有的,从而使得观众喜欢.结合选项,故选C
70.C细节题.根据文中内容,It may be too intense for younger viewers so I recommend it for ages 12 to 18.I definitely give Sully 5 out of 5 stars for its spectacular directing,wonderful cinematography,emotional acting and realistic special effects.作者将电影推荐给12至18岁的年轻人,以及给了该电影5颗星的好评,由此可知,这是一篇关于该电影的影评.结合选项,故选C

点评 本文是一个故事类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

8.There's always that one student who never speaks.They constantly stare down at the desk or their work,afraid to direct their eyes else.Occasionally,they'll glance your way but only to look back down again.It is clear from their body language that the student is uncomfortable,but there's no way in making him feel at home.The timidity (胆小,羞怯) and the vulnerability(脆弱) in his eyes say all that needs to be said.
Though this student is an extreme example of an introvert(内向的人),there are still students like the student mentioned above.I know that one of this kind hide in the shadows of each of the world's classrooms.
In some countries,this little boy may swift through life successful,wealthy,and content with his life.However,the introvert cannot find comfort in America where there are outgoing,socially confident people,talking,shouting,and laughing for the world to hear.
America is a nation of those who peak freely.In fact,one of the most prized clauses of our Constitution is the freedom of speech.There is nothing we love more than the right to speak as we please,so much so that the burning of the American flag is a protected speech.Though it is looked down upon,the person who burnt the flag will not deserve a punishment of any kind.It's legal.
What seems to not be legal,however,is shyness.In a nation full of discussion,those who fear of speaking will not get by.In my high school,for example,teachers often hold Socratic Seminars of class discussion where students are expected to voice their opinions.Stressing the fact that what is said does not have to be correct,teachers encourage students to speak up.Most of the grades in my classes,in fact,rely heavily on participation.
Personally,I dislike public speaking.Class discussion where students mention repeated points over and over again is not my strength,but I must force myself to raise my voice.If I don't,often times there are other people talking for me.
Gradually I realized something else.Speaking stimulates the mind,enhances one's thoughts,and establishes a sense of confidence that wouldn't otherwise have been instigated.It may be uncomfortable and it may be embarrassing,but it's all worthwhile in the end.
Although I stress the importance of social confidence,it is not unheard of to see introverts stand out in various activities.In college,for example,they would be studying rather than spending the day with friends.They would be seen in a library rather than at a social event.Although these types of students lack the outgoing personality,they do not always lack the motivation and desire to succeed.Often times,the introverts will gather to form a friend group.Their happiness is from what brings them pleasure,and if they are content without speaking their mind,so be it.

61.We can learn from the passage is thatA.
A.it is not uncommon that in each of the world's classrooms there is an introvert
B.introverts swift through life successful and stand out in various activities in any country 
C.the writer's grades are not high because he dislikes public speaking  
D.from the writer's point,only when the introverts speak their mind can they succeed and gain happiness
62.What attitude does the writer hold towards introverts?A
D.Not Clear
63.which of the following words can replace the underlined word----instigated in paragraph 7?B
A.brought about   
64.Which would be the best title for the passage?C
A.Introverts hidden in the shadows
B.Success of introverts
C.Speak for the speechless
D.Spe ak out,the speechless.
a serving of   originate in   interfere in    time-honored    rush through    even if
date back to   set up    in season   physical well-being     in favor of     be aware of
73.Here's another nutritious summer recipe that shows the variety of vegetablesin season:
zucchini,onions,sweet corn and cherry tomatoes..
74.The shop ownerrushed through the last few orders so as to close the shop early.
75.Foreigners shouldn't take the first"No,thank you"seriously,for Chinese people automatically refuse food or drinks several times-even if they really feel hungry or thirsty.
76.It is important to take our time to taste and appreciate food,as this has an effect on our emotional andphysical well-being.
77.The contact between the Muslims from China and Indonesiadating back to a long time ago has become an important part of the rapidly growing bilateral relationship.
78.After nearly seven hours of intense debate,Britain's House of Commons on Friday evening votedin favor of a government motion on military action in Iraq.
79.No foreign country has the right to make improper comments andinterfere in Hong Kong's affairs in any way.
80.A glass of regular beer has 140calories anda serving of wine has 126calories,according to the doctor.
81.Air pollution is of concern globally,as some of the pollutantsoriginating in one country can be carried by winds to other countries.
82.Nearly 200viewing points have beenset up throughout the 3,000acres of the grapes exposition area for visitors to enjoy 1,014kinds of grapes from 36countries of origin at the annual Beijing International Tourism Festival.
19.It's well established that people with low economic status are the hardest hit by the current obesity pandemic (肥胖症),as well as related health problems such as diabetes.Poor healthcare,stress,unhealthy lifestyles,and a lot of cheap junk food are all thought to play a role.But a new study suggests there's a subconscious (潜意识)component,too.
When researchers merely led study volunteers to consider themselves low-class,they were more likely to prefer,choose,and eat larger amounts of food,as well as higher-calorie foods.The findings,published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,reflect what's been seen in a variety of animals.Thus,the authors assume that the mental problem may be an evolutionary holdover (遗贸物)intended to improve survival by compensating for a lack of social and material resources.More important for humans,the findings suggest that we may no!be able to deal with obesity by just improving access to healthier foods and promoting exercise.
For the study,psychology researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore drafted nearly 500healthy participants for two experiments.In the first,the team had 101participants complete a task in which they were shown a ladder with ten steps and told to select which step they were on relative to either a wealthy,well-educated,powerful person or a poor,uneducated,unimportant person.Next,the participants got to pick foods from an imagined buffet.Taking into account things like each participant's normal eating pattern,hunger,and gender,the researchers found that those who ranked their social status lower chose more food and more high-calorie foods than those that ranked themselves as having a higher social status.
In the other experiment,researchers gave 167 participants the same socioeconomic ranking task,then asked them to match high calorie foods (pizza,hamburgers,fried chicken) and low calories foods (vegetables and fruits) with either pleasant or unpleasant descriptors,such as tasty or nasty.Again,those who landed lower on the ladder had a tendency to prefer the high-calorie
"These findings suggest that the thought of low social standing may be critically linked to obesity risk via increased intake of calories,"the authors conclude.As such,the subjective experience of low social standing may be another barrier to improving health.

62.What does the author want to reveal in the first paragraph?C
A.More and more people tend to suffer from diabetes.
B.Unhealthy lifestyles contribute to obesity pandemic.
C.Subconscious plays a part in causing obesity pandemic.
D.low-class people are less likely to be affected by diabetes.
63.What is the possible link between low-class people and animals?A
A.Consumption of larger amounts of food results from desire for survival.
B.Low-class people and animals are easily affected by mental disabilities.
C.Creatures consuming higher-calorie foods consider themselves low-class.
D.humans and animals have both consumed much food during evolution.
64.How can humans deal with obesity completely according to the findings?D
A.By carrying out the two experiments.
B.By adopting comprehensive approaches.
C.By accessing large amounts of healthy foods.
C.By getting involved in lots of physical exercise.
65.The passage mainly intends to inform us thatB.
A.findings remain to be proved
B.obesity pandemic represents risks
C.low social standing ruins dignity
D.positive thoughts help stay in shape.

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