
Twelve-year-old Leonardo was born in a poor family in Bambamarca in Peru. He knew how to read but he had never seen a book in his life. So he asked the new priest(牧师)in his village to give him one. But there was no electricity. So Leonardo borrowed candles from the church and sat up all night reading it. The next morning, he was at the door of the priest asking for another book to read.

John Medcalf, the priest,was moved. He also realised that people would love to read if given a chance. But he knew how difficult it was for Leonardo and those in his village to get books. And yet, no one can be taught to read and write without books. To make people in a poor, faraway area grow to love books,they have to be with them. So he thought the only way was to bring books to people.

But how could this be done? Mobile libraries or car libraries would be too expensive and difficult to continue in the rocky, hilly land of Peru. So what other methods could be used?

Medcalf got a new idea from the barefoot(赤脚)doctors of China. And that was how the barefoot librarians(图书管理员)first appeared in the villages of northern Peru,almost thirty years ago.

The librarians began by going from village to village, lending books to villagers. They helped start The Rura1 Library Network of Peru.

At first,they were teachers of the village schools which these faraway libraries belonged to. But the teachers were not very interested in the job because it meant a lot of hard work. So, village leaders took on the job themselves.

Today, there are 600 village libraries across Peru. The barefoot librarians who walk up to 15 hours a day with bags of books are their lifeline.

1.The first paragraph tells us that Leonardo ______ .

A. had a lot of books

B. bought candles from others

C. enjoyed reading books

D. lived in the church

2.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 3 probably refers to “______ ”

A. to grow to love books B. to bring books to people

C. to read and write D. to build a new library

3.The passage doesn't mention ______.

A. when the barefoot librarians appeared

B. who worked as village librarians at first

C. where Medcalf met Chinese doctors

D. how many village libraries Peru has today

4.It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that ______.

A. the first church in Peru was set up by John Medcalf

B. car libraries used to be popular in Leonardo's village

C. teachers were interested in bringing books to villagers

D. the barefoot librarians are important to village libraries


This past Thanksgiving Day the boss of the company I work for decided to serve a Thanksgiving meal for the poor. I couldn't ________ this and decided that I wanted to ________ ! I could deliver foods and send out my smile card.

I arrived at my ________ around 11 and found a line of families waiting outside the doors. I wasn't sure ________ I wanted to give my card to because there were so many people there ________ I knew I wanted to give it to a mother.

I served ________ table plates of turkey with all the fixings and slices of pumpkin pie for desert. Everyone was so happy and honestly seemed ________ for what my co-workers and I were doing.

At my last ________ there was an older lady with about eight kids. She looked tired, but ________ that her children were ________ . Smiling at her, I exchanged a few words ________her and knew that she was a foster mom(养母) and that ________ she would have liked to cook at home she couldn't __________it because of the size of her family. She then thanked me for ________ time with my family to serve hers.

She burst ________ a smile and gave me a hug__________ .I gave my smile card to her.

At the end of the day I didn't think about how I gave up time with my ________ to do this because I got so ________ out of this special and unforgettable experience, ________ made me so incredibly thankful for ________ I have and I now realize it is important to give back, and not just on the holidays.

1.A. escape B. accept C. forget D. miss

2.A. ignore B. sign C. help D. take

3.A. factory B. company C. home D. farm

4.A. what B. when C. who D. where

5.A. but B. so C. and D. while

6.A. an amount of B. a number of C. the series of D. the number of

7.A. thankful B. regretful C. confused D. amused

8.A. round B. table C. turn D. desk

9.A. surprised B. upset C. happy D. curious

10.A. sitting B. singing C. laughing D. eating

11.A. with B. for C. about D. over

12.A. in case B. as though C. even if D. so that

13.A. pay B. think C. succeed D. afford

14.A. putting up B. giving up C. taking up D. making up

15.A. in B. out C. onto D. into

16.A. hardly B. slightly C. carefully D. immediately

17.A. family B. friend C. boss D. co-workers

18.A. much B. little C. many D. few

19.A. as B. which C. what D. it

20.A. something B. somebody C. everything D. Everybody

Children have their own rules in playing games.They seldom need a referee (裁判) and rarely take trouble to keep scores.They don’t care much about who wins or loses,and it doesn’t seem to worry them if the game is not finished.Yet,they like games that depend a lot on luck,so that their personal abilities cannot be directly compared.They also enjoy games that move in stages,in which each stage,the choosing of leaders,the picking-up of sides,or the determining of which side shall start,is almost a game in itself.

Grown-ups can hardly find children’s game exciting,and they often feel puzzled at why their kids play such simple game again and again.However,it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons.He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person,and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone of whom he is ordinary afraid.He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn.He can be confident,too,in particular games,that it is his place to give orders,to pretend to be dead,to throw a ball actually at someone,or to kiss someone he has caught.

It appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control.Everyone knows the rules,and more importantly,everyone plays according to the rules.Those rules may be childish,but they make sure that every child has a chance to win.

1.What is true about children when they play games?

A. They can stop playing any time they like.

B. They can test their personal abilities.

C. They want to pick a better team.

D. They don’t need rules.

2.To become a leader in a game,the child has to _________.

A. be a useful partner

B. wait for his turn

C. be confident in himself

D. be popular among his playmates

3.Why does a child like playing games?

A. Because he can be someone other than himself.

B. Because he can become popular among friends.

C. Because he finds he is always lucky in games.

D. Because he likes the place where he plays a game.

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Rules in Children’s Games

B. Advantages of Playing Games for Children

C. Reasons for Children’s Games

D. How to Be a Popular Game Player


Many people admit that they aren't prepared financially for life's unexpected challenges and emergencies. If your New Year's decision is to become more financially prepared for a“rainy day” the following tips are helpful for you to save,

Start saving now.

Set specific savings goals and break them down to a set dollar amount to save each paycheck. 1. Save at least a small portion of each paycheck and remain committed to saving, and then look for ways each month to increase the amount.


One of the simplest ways to find money to put toward your rainy day fund is to keep a close eye on where your money is being spent. For two or three months, try keeping track of every expense, including small ones. Once you have a better idea of where your money is going, make a budget that includes a spending and savings plan. 3.

Make saving automatic.

4. If your goal is to save $5,000 this year, calculate the amount you'll need to save from each paycheck, then arrange to have it automatically saved into your savings account each time you get paid. Visit your bank branch and ask a banker if you can set up automatic transfers into your savings account.

Go on a spending diet.

Avoid spending any money on non-essentials for 30 days and challenge yourself to save as much as you can to put toward your rainy clay fund. 5. Then make a list and determine not to spend on these items for one month,

A. Track your spending.

B. Put your savings to work.

C. Do remember: Actions always speak louder than words.

D. The important thing is to start saving now, no matter how little.

E. Treat your rainy day account like you'd treat any other financial obligation(债务 ).

F. Review your budget at the end of every month and determine if your spending is in line with your p1an.

G. Review your budget and identify extra or non-essential expenses, such as eating out, shopping. entertainment, etc.

In America, when the eighth graders leave the middle school, they are often worried about moving to the high school.It is a hard time for them, but it can be an exciting one as well.To make it easier, students need to get familiar with their school.

Even though they’ve done this already in the middle school, it’s still important to find where their classrooms are.Most schools take students to the high school for a visit at the end of their eighth grade year.And, most schools also have a freshman (新生) speech for parents and students before the first year begins.Sometimes the main office will give away a map of the school.This can help students and parents to find different places in the school.

One way to know your high school more and make new friends is to join a club or play a sport.Schools often offer chances to join different clubs and sports.Fall activities begin in August before the first day of school.If you are not interested in sports, there are clubs for any interest, such as drama, dance, chess, photography, community service, etc.These clubs allow students from different grades.By joining an activity, students can find new friendships, not to mention improving their chances in future college applications(申请).The school office will have a list of activities offered at the school and information on how to join them.

What’s more, to have a great start to a high school year, students can write down some of their worries, and ask for help from teachers and school workers.

1.According to the text, most students feel ________ when entering the high school.

A. unhappy

B. nervous

C. lonely

D. disappointed

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the school clubs?

A. There are fewer students from higher grades in the school clubs.

B. The school clubs in high school mainly welcome sports fans.

C. The school office can help new students join school clubs.

D. Summer activities begin before school starts.

3.When do many schools take students to visit their new high school?

A. Before the eighth grade year starts.

B. Right after the high school year starts.

C. At the beginning of the new term in the high school.

D. By the end of the last year in the middle school.

4.What is the purpose of this text?

A. To describe high school life.

B. To give advice to new high school students.

C. To teach useful experience.

D. To introduce new schools.

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