
Singles¡¯ Day falls on November 11th every year in China, 1. is recognized as a day for people who have no girlfriend or boyfriend. Couples and lovers have Valentine¡¯s Day in 2. (celebrate) of their love, but how about the singles? There must be a day they can celebrate even without a partner. That¡¯s 3. people created Singles¡¯ Day.

On Singles¡¯ Day many singles choose to say goodbye to their single lives, 4. (attend) blind date parties, and some people even decide to get 5. (marry) with strangers. 6. this day has recently become more of a time for shopping, because many shops online will give customers great discount 7. (promote) their goods.

More and more people are 8. (will) to shop online to get what they want, and I am one of them. I just can¡¯t help buying things 9. I need them or not. 10. (honest) speaking, some of the things that I bought have been put aside forever in my closet.


Twelve-year-old Leonardo was born in a poor family in Bambamarca in Peru. He knew how to read but he had never seen a book in his life. So he asked the new priest£¨ÄÁʦ£©in his village to give him one. But there was no electricity. So Leonardo borrowed candles from the church and sat up all night reading it. The next morning, he was at the door of the priest asking for another book to read.

John Medcalf, the priest£¬was moved. He also realised that people would love to read if given a chance. But he knew how difficult it was for Leonardo and those in his village to get books. And yet, no one can be taught to read and write without books. To make people in a poor, faraway area grow to love books£¬they have to be with them. So he thought the only way was to bring books to people.

But how could this be done? Mobile libraries or car libraries would be too expensive and difficult to continue in the rocky, hilly land of Peru. So what other methods could be used?

Medcalf got a new idea from the barefoot£¨³à½Å£©doctors of China. And that was how the barefoot librarians£¨Í¼Êé¹ÜÀíÔ±£©first appeared in the villages of northern Peru£¬almost thirty years ago.

The librarians began by going from village to village, lending books to villagers. They helped start The Rura1 Library Network of Peru.

At first£¬they were teachers of the village schools which these faraway libraries belonged to. But the teachers were not very interested in the job because it meant a lot of hard work. So, village leaders took on the job themselves.

Today, there are 600 village libraries across Peru. The barefoot librarians who walk up to 15 hours a day with bags of books are their lifeline.

1.The first paragraph tells us that Leonardo ______ .

A. had a lot of books

B. bought candles from others

C. enjoyed reading books

D. lived in the church

2.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 3 probably refers to ¡°______ ¡±

A. to grow to love books B. to bring books to people

C. to read and write D. to build a new library

3.The passage doesn't mention ______.

A. when the barefoot librarians appeared

B. who worked as village librarians at first

C. where Medcalf met Chinese doctors

D. how many village libraries Peru has today

4.It can be inferred£¨Íƶϣ©from the passage that ______£®

A. the first church in Peru was set up by John Medcalf

B. car libraries used to be popular in Leonardo's village

C. teachers were interested in bringing books to villagers

D. the barefoot librarians are important to village libraries


The famous composer(×÷Çú¼Ò)£¬Albert Roussel£¬didn¡¯t have a good start in this career. However£¬he achieved a great deal of success as a result of a £®

Roussel's parents died when he was eight and he went to live with his £®As a little boy£¬he fell in 1ove with music and himself about it by reading through the family collection that his mother kept£® which there were a lot of related books£®

Three years later£®Roussel¡¯s grandfather died£¬and his mother¡¯s sister decided to him£®Her husband was a kind man and for young Roussel¡¯s music lessons£®One summer vacation at a Belgian seaside added a second to his life¡ªthe sea£®Then he studied to be a naval cadet(º£¾üѧԱ)£¬but still took time to study £®

In the French Navy£¬he and two friends found the time to a band£¬playing the works of Beethoven and other £®Roussel also began composing£®On Christmas day 1892£¬he had his first chance to as a composer£¬which turned out to be a success£®

That success Roussel to write a wedding march(»éÀñ½øÐÐÇú)£¬and one of his navy friends_______ to show it to a famous conductor£¬Edouard Colonne£®When Roussel¡¯s friend with the manuscript(ÊÖ¸å)£¬he reported that Colonne had advised Roussel to his naval career and devote his life to music£®

Not long £¬at the age of 25£¬Roussel decided to Edouard Colonne¡¯s advice£®He gave his heart and soul to his composing and a major force in the twentieth century¡¯s French music£®Because of Eduoard Colonne¡¯s inspiring £¬Roussel devoted his life to music£¬but Rousssel¡¯s friend later admitted that he had made it up£®He said he had never even shown Roussel¡¯s manuscript to the famous conductor£®

1.A£®joke B£®1ie C£®guess D£®hope

2.A£®neighbor B£®aunt C£®teacher D£®grandfather

3.A£®taught B£®chose C£®improved D£®asked

4.A£®among B£®between C£®within D£®before

5.A£®miss B£®catch C£®raise D£®1eave

6.A£®paid B£®applied C£®1ooked D£®waited

7.A£®page B£®1ove C£®wish D£®job

8.A£®an B£®English C£®dance D£®music

9.A£®deal with B£®make for C£®set up D£®take away

10.A£®teachers B£®professors C£®composers D£®singers

11.A£®perform B£®produce C£®study D£®publish

12.A£®found B£®encouraged C£®forbade D£®wanted

13.A£®came B£®brought C£®refused D£®offered

14.A£®went B£®returned C£®1eft D£®ran

15.A£®give up B£®keep to C£®begin with D£®focus on

16.A£®however B£®therefore C£®afterwards D£®then

17.A£®repeat B£®change C£®correct D£®follow

18.A£®became B£®replaced C£®improved D£®grasped

19.A£®will B£®request C£®order D£®advice

20.A£®school B£®navy C£®music D£®work

When I was having a walk through the park today, I met a friend I hadn¡¯t seen for ages. She stared at me curiously. ¡°You have kept this umbrella for years; it's old and out of date. I wonder why you keep it and take it wherever you go.¡± I smiled, ¡°it means a great deal to me.¡± I simply gave her my shortest answer. Honestly speaking, I, either, could not understand the reason why I kept it.

Then all of a sudden, fallen leaves darkened my eyes with a strong wind. I grabbed the umbrella instinctively. The rain poured down. Thanks to my umbrella, I didn¡¯t get wet at all.

¡°Why have I kept it for so long?¡± I asked myself, staring at my umbrella. I couldn¡¯t remember when and where I bought it, for I¡¯m always tired and lazy to answer questions. It could protect me from the heavy rain, I told myself eventually. Looking at the people rushing through the street, I felt safe. This might be another reason.

It is always so. We know a thunderstorm comes unexpectedly and goes without a warning. The sky cleared up. The sun shone brightly. Just as usual, I seized the umbrella with my left hand. Still there¡¯s water dropping down. I walked among the noisy crowd and listened to what they were murmuring in their heart. ¡°Today I will ask for a rise, or I'll leave this company.¡± Good luck to you, I smiled to him. ¡°I¡¯ll manage to make you live forever.¡± A little boy held a pet dog close to him. ¡°She¡¯ll be all right, because she is blessed.¡± I heard angels singing in this city.

The moment my fingertips touched the umbrella, I felt it¡¯s dry, and it¡¯s warm. Soon it became hot. I held it up to avoid harmful sunshine. Do I need a reason to explain why? Maybe I should think about it. I need my umbrella when it is sunny as well as when it is rainy.

1.Which of the following words best describes the author?

A. Watchful. B. Hard-working.

C. Clever D. Strange

2. From the author's feelings with people among the noisy crowd, we can see that _____.

A. he is sensible enough to understand others¡¯ murmur

B. he is sorry for people who can¡¯t foresee their difficulties

C. he is warm-hearted even to care for unfamiliar people

D. he is kind enough to hope everyone will plan their life well

3.What¡¯s the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Try to notice every passer-by.

B. Umbrellas are important.

C. Always be prepared.

D. Weather changes unexpectedly.

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