
5.We met a little girl seven years ago during one of my daughter's occasional hospital stays.Her name was Beth and she was my daughter's roommate for a week.My Daughter and an incurable kidney(肾) disease.Beth was a very happy girl,despite the fact that she had cancer.I was amazed at her will and determination to never give up,however sick her treatment made her.She was always concerned about my daughter and the other children with cancer.
My daughter's hospital treatment was completed in a week and we were waiting for her final discharge orders when Beth appeared.She said"I want you to have this.I know you need a new kidney,so keep this angel pin with you till you get better.She will watch over you and make you smile.My friend,John,gave it to me to watch over me.When you get your new kidney and smile,you can give this angel to someone that needs her,too".My daughter thanked her and the girls exchanged hugs and big smiles.Later that year,Beth passed away.
We kept that angel for six more years.Finally,a kidney became available and she received a transplant.
Now she felt it was time to give it to someone who needed to be watched over until he or she could smile again.She gave it to an elderly man trying to recover from a heart problem.
How many families and hearts this angel has touched,no one knows for sure.But all that it took was a single gift of kindness.So in this Christmas season,create a tradition with your children or maybe someone you love.Give them a gift that keeps on giving.It's a gift from your heart.

61.For what reason was the author impressed with Beth?(No more than 15 words)She was determined and never gave up however sick she was
62.Why did Beth give an angel pin to the author's daughter?(No more than 10 words)She wanted to cheer her up./She wanted to make her happy.
63.What does the underlined word"it"in the last paragraph refer to?(No more than 5 words)The angel pin
64.What tradition should be created as it is suggested in the passage?(No more than 15 words)Give someone you love a gift of kindness and keeps on giving
65.In your opinion what can be a gift from your heart?And why?(No more than 20 words)Dedication.Because love is giving continually.

分析 本文讲述的是作者的女儿住院时,认识了一位坚强对抗病魔的女孩,她送给女儿一个天使别针,鼓励女儿,希望女儿快点好起来.而女儿病好以后也将这个别针传递给了下一个人.文章告诉我们要教育孩子不断给予,不断奉献.

解答 61.She was determined and never gave up however sick she was.根据文章第一段"I was amazed at her will and determination to never give up,however sick her treatment made her."可知,不管疾病怎样对待这个小朋友,作者对她永不放弃的决心感到惊讶.可见这件事给使Beth在作者心中留下了很深刻的印象.故可填She was determined and never gave up however sick she was.
62.She wanted to cheer her up./She wanted to make her happy.根据文章第二段"I know you need a new kidney,so keep this angel pin with you till you get better"可知,Beth知道作者的女儿需要一个新的肾脏,所以把这个天使别针放在一边希望作者的女儿好起来,鼓励她振作起来.故可填"She wanted to cheer her up"或"She wanted to make her happy".
63.The angel pin.根据文章前文提到"keep this angel pin with you till you get better"Beth给作者女儿一个天使别针,又提到这个别针对作者的女儿来说是一个珍贵的礼物,也传递给了下一个需要照看的人,则可推测,本段中的"it"也是指天使别针,指那个不断奉献的礼物.故填"The angel pin".
64.Give someone you love a gift of kindness and keeps on giving.根据文章最后一段"So in this Christmas season,create a tradition with your children or maybe someone you love.Give them a gift that keeps on giving.It's a gift from your heart."可知,在这个圣诞节,给你的孩子创造一个传统,就是给予一个不断奉献的礼物.故填"Give someone you love a gift of kindness and keeps on giving".
65.Dedication.Because love is giving continually.文章提出了一个观点-"keeps on giving"不断给予,不断奉献,此题为开放题,可围绕文章观点进行阐述并说明原因.故可填"Dedication.Because love is giving continually"

点评 本文属于故事类阅读,这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件.命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力.

15.Overcome the Complexity Within You
Although it doesn't show up clearly in any personality test,some people seem to be likely to create complexity.Instead of cutting to the heart of an issue and narrowing down projects,they allow the scope to keep expanding; and instead of making decisions,they always wait for more data and better analysis.
People of"complexifiers"are characterized with these behaviors,always leaving complexity in their wake and making it more difficult for colleagues,customers,and even family members to get things done.Here's a brief example:
Due to changing market conditions,a billion-dollar consumer products company was starting to see decline in market share and profitability.To turn things around,an industry expert named Phillip was brought in as a new general manager.
Phillip turned out to be a classic complexifier.At every meeting he asked for extra data and scolded his people for not knowing the answers to every detailed question he could think of.And although he was dissatisfied with some members,he kept telling HR that he wanted more time to evaluate them,so no changes were made.Eventually he reorganized the unit into a team that most of his people didn't fully understand him.The result was that market share and profitability continued to decline.
Obviously Phillip represents an extreme example of a complexifier.But all of us fall into this category from time to time.If you want to learn how to think more like a"simplifier,"here are four questions that you can ask yourself and/or discuss with your team:
How much data is enough?Complexifiers always want more information,with the hope that the next bit or byte will answer all questions and hold the key to success.Simplifiers understand that there will never be complete data and that it's necessary to create hypotheses (假设) and action plans based on an intuitive sense of how much is enough.
Have we agreed on the key issues?Rather than get locked in to a few things,complexifiers ask their people to keep multiple balls in the air.Simplifiers on the other hand narrow the focus to a few key things and give their people permission to stop doing things that don't make the cut.
Do we have an efficient process for rapid review and course correction?Complexifiers like to spend their time in long meetings,sorting through reports and analyses.Simplifiers have focused reviews of the key priorities and hold people accountable for their commitments and results.They also learn as they go,continually testing their hypotheses about what should be done against the reality of what's working and what is not.This allows them to shift course whenever necessary.
Can we explain our plan to others?Complexifiers have a hard time communicating their plans to colleagues and customers,relying on intricate (复杂的) charts and diagrams rather than simple,straightforward messages.Simplifiers tell stories that can get across the situation,the goals,and the plans-in a way that helps people understand what they need to do and how their work fits with everything else.
Some people are naturals at simplification.But for the rest of us,asking these questions can help keep us honest about whether we are avoiding complexity,or creating it.

Title:Overcome the Complexity Within You
(71)Characteristics/Features of complexifiers●They have a (72)tendency to make things complex.
●What they focus on is usually off the point.
●They are (73)crazy/mad about data collection and analysis.
An example of a complexifier-Phillip●He demanded extra data and blamed colleagues for their (74)inability/failing/failure to answer his detailed questions.
●He claimed more time to evaluate them,but never took (75)action/measures/steps.
●What he did proved to be an (76)inefficient/ineffective process.

Contrasts between complexifiers and simplifiers
●Complexifiers want more information while simplifiers consider obtaining complete data (77)unnecessary.
●Complexifiers keep their people busy with multiple things whereas simplifiers focus on key things.
●Complexifiers like to (78)sort/classify different reports and analysis while simplifiers focus reviews of the key priorities and results.
●Complexifiers employ complicated charts to inform people while simplifiers (79)convey messages through simple stories
A possible solution
to the problem
Asking questions can help identify if we are complexity avoiders or (80)creators of it.
13.(31)G.Why read an article in the newspaper,when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures?Why read the life story of a famous man,when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?
  (32)A.Today,newspapers sell in very large numbers.And books of every kind are sold more than ever before.(33)FAlthough some books with hard covers are expensive,many books are printed today as paper books (平装本),which are quite cheap.A paperback collection of short stories,for example,is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater,and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.Additionally,(34)B.No matter when you are on the subway or you are waiting at the airport,a book in hand is always a good choice.
Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home.(35)C.A good encyclopedia (百科全书),though expensive,is useful,too,because you can find information on any subject.Besides,you can have such books as history books.,science textbook,cookbooks,and collections of stories and poems.Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.

A.Television has not killed reading,however.
B.A printed book is a good time killer.
C.Every home should have a good dictionary.
D.More and more people spend less time doing sports.
E.Choosing a good book is just like choosing a friend.
F.Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment.
G.With the popularity of televisions,some think fewer people will buy books and newspapers.
17.It may appear strange to hear that crops are making headlines.But this is no ordinary produce-these fruits and vegetables have been grown in simulated(模拟的)Martian and lunar soils!
Though the possibility of growing crops in outer space only gained widespread interest after Matt Damon grew potatoes in the movie"The Martian",scientists have been testing the idea for many years.Fresh produce will after all be the key to setting up space colonies(殖民地).
Among the pioneers in this effort is a team led by Wieger Wamelink,a scientist at Netherland's Wageningen University.In 2013,they planted fourteen varieties of plants in simulated Martian and lunar soils.Though the"Mars"plants did not bear any produce,they grew better than the"lunar"plants,most of which died shortly after being planted.Lack of vapor in the soil,according to the scientists,might have accounted for the failure.
The second experiment began in late 2015.The researchers selected the same crops,while this time they used larger containers and added grass to them.In March 2016,their efforts were rewarded with a variety of produce including the vegetable that kept"The Martian"alive:potatoes.
However,the researchers were still not sure if the produce was safe to eat.That's because the Martian and lunar soils contain heavy metals like lead and arsenic,which do not affect plants but are poisonous to humans.
After months of testing,earlier this week,the team finally confirmed that the produce was safe for human consumption.Some of the crops even contained lower levels of heavy metals than plants grown in the"ordinary"earth soil.
To celebrate the success,the scientists held a dinner party that centered ground the crops.While there is no word on how the food tasted,it sure looks delicious.

24.Scientists are trying out the idea of growing crops in outer space becauseC.
A.the movie"The Martian"has opened up the possibility for the idea
B.soils on the Mars and the moon are similar to the earth soil
C.it is of great importance to space exploration in the future
D.it is a good solution to the world's growing population
25.What change was made in the second experiment?C
A.The shape of the containers.
B.The types of the plants.
C.The conditions of the soil.
D.The temperature of the lab.
26.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?D
A.Wieger Wamelink-a Pioneer in Space Crop Growing
B.Space Colonies-Far from Possible
C.Food Safety-a Main Public Concern
D."Martian"and"Lunar"Crops-Safe for Humans.

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