
4.Once there lived a rich man  (56)who/thatwanted to do something for the people of his town.(57)Butfirst he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.
In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed(58)avery large stone.Then hehid(59).(hide ) behind a tree and waited.Soon an old man came along with his cow.
"Who put this stone in the centre of the road?"said the old man,but he did not try to remove the stone.Instead,with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way.(60)Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came,and another.All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove (61)it.Late in the afternoon a young man came along.He saw the stone,(62)saying(say) to himself:"The night (63)will be(be) very dark.Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone."
Then he began to move the stone.He pushed and pulled with all his(64)strength(strong) to move it.How great was his surprise at last!(65)Underthe stone,he found a bag of money.

分析 文章讲述一个有钱人想帮助别人,但是想看看这些人值不值得帮助,他用一块大石头试探人们.

解答 56.who/that 考查定语从句,先行词指人,定语从句缺少主语,故用who.
57.But 考查连词.根据句意"但是他想确认一下镇上的人是否值得他帮助."可知,这里应该是转折关系.
58.a 考查冠词.泛指一块大石头,a large stone.
60.Another 考查代词.泛指"另一个人"用another,并且,后文有提示.
61.it 考查代词.前文提到的事物,再次提到用代词代替,以避免重复.故用it.
63.will be 考查时态.根据句意可知,此人说的情况是将来的情况.故用一般将来时.
64.strength 考查名词."用尽全力"with后要用"力量"的名词形式.即strength.
65.Under考查介词. 在石头下,他发现一大袋钱.考查介词"在…下面"under.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

14.Flaubert had it that"one way of tolerating existence is to lose oneself in literature as in an unending party".It turns out that reading doesn't only help us to tolerate existence,but actually lengthens it.
A recent study by Yale University researchers,published online in the journal Social Science & Medicine,concluded that"book readers experienced a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death over the 12years of follow-up compared to non-book readers."
The data was obtained from the study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.The study looked at 3,635 subjects,all older than 50,whom the researchers divided into three groups:those who didn't read books,those who read up to 3.5 hours a week and those who read more than 3.5 hours a week.
The findings were remarkable:on average,book readers survived almost two years longer than those who didn't crack open a book.The more the subjects read,the longer they lived,but that as little as 30 minutes a day was still beneficial in terms of survival.
Accounting for factors such as education level,income and health status,the study found that those who read more than 3.5 hours weekly were 23 percent less likely to die during that 12-year period.Those who read up to 3.5 hours-an average of a half-hour a day-were 17 percent less likely.
In other words,just like a healthy diet and exercise,books appear to promote a"significant survival advantage,"the authors concluded.
Why or how that's the case remains unclear; the research showed only an association between book reading and longevity,not a causal relationship.But the findings are not so surprising.Other recent research showed that reading novels appears to increase both brain connectivity and sympathy.

28.Why does the author mention Flaubert's words in the first paragraph?C
A.To stress the value of reading.
B.To compare reading with party.
C.To introduce the study on reading.
D.To support the findings of the study.
29.From the text,what can we learn about the study?B
A.No similar study on reading has been carried out.
B.The process of the study lasted more than ten years.
C.It shows readers live two years longer than non-readers.
D.It shows time spent on reading increases one's love for it.
30.What does the underlined words"that's the case"probably mean?A
A.Reading books enables people to live longer.
B.Reading is similar to a healthy diet and exercise.
C.Reading books is closely associated with longevity.
D.Reading increases brain connectivity and sympathy.
31.Where can we most probably read this text?C
15.That children are the hoped of our tomorrow is a statement that is repeated time and again.And it is an axiom(格言); they are our pillars of the coming time.But then do we train them into becoming healthy human beings?
Healthy human beings here are not meant the physical well being,but the good human being,that is,one with virtues and values keeps them in the state of working towards the benefit of humanity.
How can children absorb within themselves the virtues and values?Well,this is the primary responsibility of parents and other immediate family member,followed by school authorities.The values and virtues of an individual is sown in their childhood and nurtured as they grow up.
Depending on the way we bring up our children,we decide our own future.It is vital that in the formative years we give them quality time and attention.We teach them to discriminate between the good,bad and the ugly.We have to teach them use positive w-emotions like love and compassion and teach them actions of kindness and generosity.At the same time we have to help them to away with the negatives of hatred,anger,jealousy,selfishness,etc.
Your child is liked a plant.You sow the seeds and also reap the benefits of its growth and development.First and foremost you as a parent have to realize your responsibility in nurturing a child to grow into a good human being.And it is just not up to anyone of the parents,but both together to inculcate(谆谆教诲)the values and virtues into your child.

32.What should a good human being have?B
A.A good physical state     B.A good virtue or value
C.A good career in society   D.A powerful relationship net
33.What sense is the most important for kids to learn?D
A.Safety sense           B.Lifestyle sense.
C.Transportation sense    D.Responsibility sense.
34.Whom is the passage most probably written for?A
A.Family parents       B.Child experts
C.Health researchers    D.Primary school teachers
35.What does the passage mainly want to tell us?C
A.Children are parents'hope
B.Educating children is a tough thing
C.Parents take responsibilities for educating children
D.Parents have trouble in educating children.
12.Pink has never been one of the favorite colors of the fashion industry,as it's often seen as silly and not cool enough.But this spring,it's having its moment in the spotlight,all thanks to the fact that the color is no longer all about being girly and sweet.Instead,pink is taking on a new meaning of independence and power.
This shift happened last month during the Women's March.Tens of thousands of women filled the streets of major cities in the US and in countries all around the world to protest(抗议)against the disrespect to women.What was unusual about the protests is that a lot of people taking part were wearing pink hats,making the streets appear like a"sea of pink".Even though the hats were without any slogan(标语),their pink color is thought to have sent out a message that is louder than any words."We women have power and we're not going to sit down and shut up,"Aileen Gildea,one of the protesters in the US,told The Boston Globe.
Now young people are changing their attitudes to pink.They are no longer trying to escape pink,but give new meanings to it instead.
"Women who came before us…to be taken seriously they had to get away from the symbols used to make women seem less capable.Younger women don't have that reaction.They're more interested in breaking and rebuild those symbols,"Audrey Gelman,a businesswoman in the US,told The Wall Street Journal.
So sometimes it's not the thing itself that needs to be changed,but the way we look at it.And in the case of pink,what used to be seen as silly may be turned into something really serious.

21.In general,people tend to relate pink toB.
22.According to Aileen Gildea,what were their protests meant to convey?C
A.Women actually prefer pink to any other color.
B.Women need to get away from those symbols of silliness.
C.Women ought to have a bigger voice in society.
D.Women should have the right to choose whatever colors.
23.The last paragraph implies that sometimes it is necessary toA.
A.change our traditional concepts
B.show greater respect for women
C.have doubts about the so-called"truth"
D.tell something silly from something serious.
16.You Skate.They Donate.We Can Fill a Plate.
This holiday season,Contra Costa Oncology has once again partnered with Walnut Creek Ice to help raise funds for the Food Bank.For every ice skating ticket that is collected,Contra Costa Oncology will donate to the Food Bank.For more information,visit www.iceskatewalnutcreek.com.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Help fight against hunger!The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of youth working to fight against hunger.Churches,schools and other organizations simply take up a collection (many use a soup pot) asking for one dollar or for a food item for people in need.
For more information,call Kimberly at (925)676-7543x 252.
Family Food Sort-Fairfield
Look to do something fun and meaningful with your children?Do you want to introduce your young family members to the charity?Families will bag fresh vegetables for the Food Bank's Produce Program.This is a first come,first served opportunity,and the number is limited to 30people at a time.All volunteers must be scheduled.
For more information,visit foodbankccs,org/family food sort.
Dutch Luv Day!
Dutch Bros.Coffee in Oakley and Fairfield will be joining in Dutch Luv Day.On Valentine's Day,Dutch Bros,will be spreading the love by donating $ 1to the Food Bank for every drink sold.Not only will you get a delicious drink,you will also get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping your neighbors in need of food.
Fairfield Location:
1420W Texas St,Fairfield,CA 94533
Oakley Location:
1092Main St,Oakley,CA 94561

31.What's the common aim of the four activities?D
A.To educate the poor.
B.To collect more food.
C.To fight against disease.
D.To help people in need
32.If you want to give away fresh vegetables,you shouldB.
A.visit www.iceskatewalnutcreek.com
B.visit foodbankccs.org/family food sort
C.call Kimberly at (925)676-7543x 252
D.go to 1092Main St,Oakley,CA 94561
33.Which activity probably requires people to sign up in advance?C
A.Dutch Luv Day!
B.Souper Bowl of Caring.
C.Family Food Sort-Fairfield.
D.You Skate.They Donate.We Can Fill a Plate.
34.What can you do for the charity work on Valentine's Day in Oakley?C
A.Go to skate.
B.Go to churches.
C.Drink at Dutch Bros.Coffee.
D.Buy fresh vegetables in Fairfield.
13.Spring soccer season is under way,and many youth leagues are playing under new safety rules.In November,the US Soccer Federation said that players on its teams who are 10 or younger are no longer allowed to head the ball Players ages 11 to 13 have limits on how often they can practice heading.The new rules are made to prevent kids from getting concussions (脑震荡)-injuries caused by a blow to the head that shakes the brain.Common problems include headaches and dizziness.Severe concussions can lead to long brain damage.
Heading the ball can be one of the riskiest parts of soccer.Sometimes the force of hitting the ball with their heads gives players concussions.But more often,players receive concussions when they accidentally knock heads with other players and hit their heads on the grass."More concussions happen during the act of heading than any other action in soccer,"explains Dr.Robert Cantu,an expert on brain injuries.
So far,the new rules are made only to teams that are part of the US Soccer Federation.But the group says it hopes other leagues will soon follow its example.
Former US soccer star Brandi Chastain is one of the leaders of the activity to ban heading in youth soccer.She applauds the rule change.Last month,Chastain showed her determination of learning more about the effects of heading when she promised to donate her brain to science after she dies.
"If there's any information to be gathered on the study of someone like me,who has played soccer for 40 years,it feels like my responsibility,"Chastain told The New York Times.
29.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?D
A.Players needn't take the risk of heading the ball in soccer.
B.All of the players,headaches result from hitting heads on the grass.
C Players must receive concussions when knocking heads with other players.
D.The act 0f heading can cause more concussions than other actions in soccer.
30.What is Brandi Chastain's attitude towards the new safety rules in playing soccer?B
31.From the text,we can learnC.
A.Brandi Chastain suffers from very severe concussions
B.concussions caused by heading the ball can not be healed
C.Brandi Chastain is willing to devote herself to the security of soccer players
D.the new rules in soccer have been carried out among all of the American leagues.

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