
【题目】It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it ________be rather cold sometimes.

A. must B. can C. should D. would



试题分析:句意: 在我的家乡通常三月份天气温暖,但是有时也会很冷。A. must主观上必须;B. can能,有时会;C. should应该;D. would过去常常。综上可知选B。



Welcome to the Family Village! We are a global community that integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with cognitive and other disabilities, for their families, and for those that provide their services and support.

Our community includes informational resources on specific diagnoses, communication connections, adaptive products and technology, adaptive recreational activities, education, worship, health issues, disability-related media and literature, and much, much more!

So stop in, stroll around, and visit some of the Family Village's attractions. Simply click on a place to explore and discover a cornucopia of useful information! Let us know what you like or dislike, and visit often, for our village is constantly changing.

The Family Village is generously sponsored by the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. The Waisman Center is one of nine national facilities that include a Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Research Center and a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. The Waisman Center is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about human development, developmental disabilities.

The Family Village has been visited 2140927 times since February 13, 1996. Last updated January 5, 2009 by familyvillage@waisman.wisc.edu. Keywords: cognitive disability, children with disabilities, special health care needs, handicapped, disabled, disability, adaptive equipment, self-help groups, special education.

The Family Village welcomes suggestions and updates from web site visitors. If you know of a resource that should be included in Family Village, please tell us.


1What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The history of the Family Village.

B. The origin of the Family Village

C. The function of the Family Village.

D. The introduction of the Family Village.

2The Family Village is_________.

A. an organization which can give a hand to people in trouble

B. a community which have many good opportunities to look for jobs

C. a website tells us some miserable stories about ordinary people.

D. a community which can give people some advice for the disabled and their family

3What does the underlined word “sponsored” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. advised B. supported C. suspected D. included

4What can we infer from the passage?

A. The Family Village was popular.

B. The Family Village came into being ten years ago.

C. Help provided by the Family village is money.

D. Our village is constantly changing.

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings.

The expression “to be in hot water” is one of them. It is a very old expression, which can be 1 back to 500 years ago. The expression is used to mean being in trouble. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing extremely hot water down on enemies attacking a castle.

Being in “deep water” is almost the same as being in “hot water”. When you are in deep water, you are in a difficult 2. Imagine a person who cannot swim being thrown in water over his head. You are in deep water when you are facing a problem that you do not have the ability to solve. The problem is too deep. You can be in deep water, for example, if you invest in stocks in complete 3 of the stock market.

"Water over the dam" is another expression about a past event. It is something that cannot be 4. The expression comes from the idea that water that has 5 a dam cannot be brought back again. When a friend is 6 by a mistake she has made, you might tell her to forget about it. You say it is water over the dam.

Another common expression, "to hold water," is about the strength or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing about. It probably comes from the way of testing the 7 of a container. If it can hold water, it is strong and has no holes in it. If your 8 can hold water, it is strong and does not have any holes. If it does not hold water, then it is weak and can not be 9.

"Throwing cold water" also is an expression that deals with an idea or 10. For example, you want to buy a new car because the old one has some problems. But you wife "throws cold water" on the idea, because she says a new car costs too much

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