
Spring soccer season is under way,and many youth leagues are playing under new safety rules.In November,the US Soccer Federation said that players on its teams who are 10 or younger are no longer allowed to head the ball. Players ages 11 to 13 have limits on how often they can practice heading.The new rules are made to prevent kids from getting concussions(脑震荡)—injuries caused by a blow to the head that shakes the brain.Common problems include headaches and dizziness.Severe concussions can lead to long brain damage.

Heading the ball can be one of the riskiest parts of soccer.Sometimes the force of hitting the ball with their heads gives players concussions.But more often,players receive concussions when they accidentally knock heads with other players and hit their heads on the grass."More concussions happen during the act of heading than any other action in soccer,"explains Dr.Robert Cantu,an expert on brain injuries.

So far,the new rules are made only to teams that are part of the US Soccer Federation.But the group says it hopes other leagues will soon follow its example.

Former US soccer star Brandi Chastain is one of the leaders of the activity to ban heading in Youth soccer.She applauds the rule change.Last month,Chastain showed her determination of learning more about the effects of heading when she promised to donate her brain to science after she dies.

"If there's any information to be gathered on the study of someone like me,who has played soccer for 40 years,it feels like my responsibility,"Chastain told The New York Times.

1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A. Players needn't take the risk of heading the ball in soccer.

B. All of the players' headaches result from hitting heads on the grass.

C. The act of heading can cause more concussions than other actions in soccer.

D. Players must receive concussions when knocking heads with other players.

2.What is Brandi Chastain's attitude towards the new safety rules in playing soccer?

A. Unconcerned. B. Positive.

C. Negative. D. Doubtful.

3.From the text,we can learn .

A. Brandi Chastain suffers from very severe concussions

B. concussions caused by heading the ball can not be healed

C. Brandi Chastain is willing to devote herself to the safety of soccer players

D. the new rules in soccer have been carried out among all of the American leagues


It is made from grapes grown without pesticides (杀虫剂) and chemicals, is kind to the environment and rarely causes hangovers (酒后头痛). Sales of organic wine are booming in the UK.

According to the organic food and farming group Soil Association, sales of organic beers, wines and spirits rose by 14.3% last year to reach nearly £ 6 million, driven by the demand from consumers who are increasingly seeking “natural” food.

“It seems that people are rediscovering their link with the environment through organic food. Organic wines also taste better, perhaps due to less use of man-made chemicals.” said Finn Cottle of Soil Association. As well as the benefits of producing grapes without using pesticides, organic wine also contains less sulphur dioxide (二氧化硫), which can contribute towards hangovers.

Supermarkets are increasing supplies on their shelves to meet consumer demand, while the switch to online shopping has also helped, as people are more easily able to find what they are looking for. Vintage Roots is now one of the UK’s biggest online shops of organic wine, while Ocado provides more than 100 different organic wines and Daylesford, best-known for its organic vegetable boxes, has branched out into organic wine and spirits.

The discount supermarket Aldi is set to start its first collection of so-called “green” wines this week, offering eight wines with organic certificates. Aldi expects the wines to appeal to the young shoppers who are increasingly concerned about the environmental influence of the produce that they are buying and consuming.

English organic wine producer Oxney Estate’s Noir Rosé recently won the Waitrose prize for the most outstanding rosé wine at the competition. A spokeswoman for Waitrose said: “Organic wine is a growing trend globally and we have seen sales increase by 16% in the last year”.

1.Sales of organic wine are increasing probably because ________.

A. consumers are now more environmentally aware

B. it offers a very different taste from traditional wine

C. consumers are tired of hangovers after drinking

D. it contains no sulphur dioxide or pesticide

2.What’s the main idea of paragraph 4?

A. UK supermarkets welcome organic wine and spirits.

B. Online shopping promotes the sales of organic wine.

C. There’re not enough supplies of organic wine in the UK.

D. Supermarkets should go online to sell more wine.

3.“Waitrose” in the last paragraph is probably ________.[

A. a wine producer B. an organic wine

C. a wine competition D. a news agency

4.The writing purpose of the text is to ________.

A. persuade readers to go green while drinking

B. compare organic wine and traditional wine

C. share with readers wines without hangovers

D. introduce a new consuming trend in the UK

Not all students know how to prepare for exams. 1. With teachers’ help, students can prepare for exams much better, thus doing better in exams. Here are some ways that teachers can use to help students prepare for exams.

2. With lower-grade students, create a list of topics that they need to study. Higher-grade students can still benefit from a list, even if it’s a list of all the topics they’ve studied that year. That’s because a list gives them something to check off. Throughout your review time, encourage students to mark their topic list, crossing off things that they already know and highlighting or putting a star beside things they need to study.

3.Don’t just stand in front of the class and try to review everything. Instead, students should be the ones looking up things in their notes and trying to remember how to solve problems. The more actively involved the students are, the more focused they will be, and the more they will remember.

involve more deeply in the material. 4. After that, have them exchange with another student and take each other’s quiz. Finally they are to grade the quiz they wrote and discuss any wrong answers with the student who took their quiz.

Have students write quizzes for each other. When students write their own quiz questions, they Give students a practice exam. 5. Usually on the last review day, I will give a practice exam—a short, ungraded test that has similar questions as what will be tested in the exam. We then go over it during the second half of the class. It’s really helpful.

A. Have the students work, not yourself.

B. Remember to try to review everything.

C. So have them write a 5-10-question quiz.

D. Give students similar questions before the exam.

E. It means teachers should help students prepare for exams.

F. Give students a list of topics that could be tested in the exam.

G. This is a great way to help students know how prepared they are.

An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, “Let me tell you a(n)_______

“I too, at times, have felt great______for those who have taken so much, with no_______for what they do. But hate______you out, and does not hurt your enemy. It’s like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have______these feelings many times.”

“It is as if there are two______inside me; one is good and does no harm. He lives _____all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only______when it is right to do so, and in the right way.”

“But…the other wolf…ah! The littlest thing will send him into a fit of________He fights everyone, all of the time, for no_______ He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is______anger, for his anger will change nothing.”

“Sometimes it is______to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to ____my spirit.”

With great______, the boy looked intently(专注地)into his Grandfather’s eyes asked, “Which one wins, Grandfather?”

The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, “The one I________

You have two sets of feelings; positive feelings and negative feelings. And you know the ____ between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel had. You should always remember that it is _____to feel good while having_______thoughts.

When you are feeling good, you must be thinking something good. So you are sending out a powerful frequency that is______back to you more good things that will make you feel good.______those moments when you are feeling good, and milk them. Be aware that as you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

1.A. adventure B. story C. joke D. challenge

2.A. hate B. regret C. envy D. tiredness

3.A. delight B. expectation C. appreciation D. sorrow

4.A. beats B. puts C. wears D. breaks

5.A. given out B. struggled with C. gone over D. thought about

6.A. devils B. pets C. wolves D. partners

7.A. in harmony with B. in company with C. in partnership with D. in agreement with

8.A. devote B. deliver C. fight D. offend

9.A. excitement B. temper C. happiness D. laughter

10.A. argument B. purpose C. judgement D. reason

11.A. helpless B. desperate C. effortless D. temporary

12.A. dangerous B. necessary C. tough D. funny

13.A. lift B. control C. weaken D. frighten

14.A. intention B. courage C. enthusiasm D. interest

15.A. feed B. arrest C. design D. resist

16.A. relation B. difference C. similarity D. distance

17.A. immoral B. impolite C. impatient D. impossible

18.A. anxious B. blank C. bad D. narrow

19.A. attracting B. dragging C. pushing D. expecting

20.A. Target B. Seize C. Interrupt D. Experience

Do you like animals? If you do, you can go to visit the following zoos around America.

Denver Zoo, Colorado

The zoo covers 80 acres in all. It houses species from all over the world, including bears, elephants, giraffes, birds, monkeys and fish. The zoo is laid out in a large circle, with animals both inside and outside the circle. It houses 4,125 animals.

Riverbanks Zoo, South Carolina

It covers 170 acres. The zoo is the beautiful home of over 2,000 animals, including African elephants, kangaroos and koalas. Also, Riverbanks Zoo has a 70-acre botanical(植物的)garden with more than 4,200 species of native and foreign plants.

Zoo Miami, Florida

It is the largest and oldest zoo in Florida. Zoo Miami is also the only tropical(热带的)zoo in the United States. There are four main sections in the zoo: Asia, Africa, Amazon and Beyond, and Australia. Don’t miss a ride on the air-conditioned monorail(单轨列车). It is a convenient and comfortable way to move between sections. And it also provides an amazing view of the zoo.

Fort Worth Zoo, Texas

The zoo has been named as a top zoo in the nation by Family Life magazine, The LA Times, and USA Today, and it made the list of top zoos in the South by Southern Living magazine. The zoo now is home to 5,000 native and foreign animals.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

America’s only mountainside zoo spans 140 acres and has a collection of more than 750 animals, representing nearly 150 different species. Don’t miss the wildly popular giraffe-feeding activity.

1.Riverbanks Zoo would most probably attract those who__________.

A. want to visit a tropical zoo

B. love both animals and plants

C. want a ride on a monorail

D. love the giraffe-feeding activity

2.Which of the following zoos has the most animals?

A. Denver Zoo.

B. Riverbanks Zoo.

C. Fort Worth Zoo.

D. Colorado Springs.

3.What makes Colorado Springs special?

A. Being the largest zoo in the US.

B. Being named as a top zoo in the US.

C. Having the largest number of animals.

D. Being the only mountainside zoo in the US

My dad always collected coins. He would walk to his long-time bankers and______they put at least some new coins aside for him______coins were issued. He gave them to every______member. It gradually became a special family______to get coins from Dad.

When my dad died, I felt a sense of______. My father and I had been so close. I was lost without his______ and support. I wondered if I would ______feel my dad around me again, watching over me. It was right after Hurricane Katrina. At the end of a motivational meeting, I felt so ______as I looked at these devoted volunteers. To my surprise, when I glanced at the ______, I saw a coin from the state where my dad was_____ and raised.

Later, I went to the bank to ______ a check. The bank manager, who had known me, called me into her office, showing me the coins for all the states my dad had ______.

Ever since that time, I have always______coins at the most extraordinary times, when I needed support the most.______, nowadays when I need emotional support during a tough time, a coin will always ______in a strange place.

Now every time a coin appears in our house, one of my______ says, “Oh, it’s Grandpa! ”We all feel a sense of ______ every time a single coin turns up in a (n) ______ place. We have all accepted it as a ______ of love, guidance and support from Dad — and ______ coin makes us smile.

1.A. point out B. talk about C. look at D. make sure

2.A. because B. when C. since D. until

3.A. club B. bank C. family D. team

4.A. principle B. tradition C. discovery D. memory

5.A. relief B. duty C. guilt D. emptiness

6.A. promise B. belief C. guidance D. expectation

7.A. ever B. just C. already D. even

8.A. nervous B. anxious C. disappointed D. grateful

9.A. ceiling B. floor C. playground D. wall

10.A. played B. saved C. born D. chosen

11.A. write B. post C. cash D. print

12.A. shared B. ordered C. received D. collected

13.A. found B. counted C. dropped D. collected

14.A. Unluckily B. Gradually C. Amazingly D. Obviously

15.A. break out B. end up C. fade away D. show up

16.A. students B. colleagues C. kids D. friends

17.A. comfort B. achievement C. pride D. loss

18.A. unexpected B. fixed C. similar D. distant

19.A. support B. message C. result D. record

20.A. another B. every C. either D. other

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