

分析 本文是一篇提纲作文.根据所提供的材料信息,写一封信,就上海博物馆将要举办的一次画展场所(博物馆还是社区图书馆)发表自己的想法.
写作要点:1.简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择; 2.说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比).
重要短语:hear from…(收到…来信),as follows(如下),in terms of (就…而言),have advantages over(比…有优越性),be located in (位于…),be available to(可得到的,可利用的),after all (毕竟),be familiar to(为…所熟悉),with regard to(就…而言),be set in(以…为场景),preserve sth(保存某物),in a general sense(在一般意义上讲),of no match(比不上);be qualified (能胜任);to sum up(总之),.
1.I am now writing to express my opinion that the exhibition should be held in the museum.
2.it is located in the People's Square,which is the center of the city.
3.Another advantage is that it is easy to be found by those from other provinces around the country.
此处是由连接词"that"引导的表语从句,主语为"Another advantage",谓语动词为"is",表语为"that it is easy to be found by those from other provinces around the country".

解答 Dear Sir or Madam:
 I have heard from the newspaper that you,the Shanghai Museum,are planning to organize a famous painting exhibition.And you are now collecting suggestions about whether to hold it in your museum or the art gallery.I am now writing to express my opinion that the exhibition should be held in the museum.【高分句型一】My reasons are as follows.(写信的目的及对场所的选择)
 In terms of convenience,the museum has more advantages over the gallery.First,it is located in the People's Square,which is the center of the city.【高分句型一】So people can enjoy convenient transportation such as the subway line 1,2 and 8,which are available to people from nearly every district.【高分句型二】It saves the visitors a lot of time and trouble of traffic jam.Another advantage is that it is easy to be found by those from other provinces around the country.【高分句型三】After all the Shanghai Museum is a landmark of our city familiar to nearly every Chinese.(理由:便利性)
With regard to the professional function,though it seems natural that an art exhibition be set in the gallery,in a more general sense,I think the museum has more advanced facilities to make the exhibition successful and to preserve the paintings well.As we know,the museum has successfully held many national and international exhibitions and its advertising and organizing experience is of no match; also its staff is qualified and professional.(理由:专业性)
To sum up,I am sure the show will be fantastic if it is held in Shanghai Museum.(结论)

点评 提纲作文在写作时要注意内容是否包含了所有要点.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型.

14.In a time when a dangerous number of people are overweight,many people seem to have forgotten the mostimportant way to keep healthy and slim---exercise.And as a new study carried out on mice in the lab has shown,exercise done early in life can reward you in your adult years.
A team of researchers at the University of California studied the effects of early exercise on adult physical activity,body massand eating.They found that early-age exercise in mice has positive effects on adult levels of voluntary exercise in addition to reducing body mass.
"These results may have an effect on the importance of regular physical education in elementary and middle schools,"said Theodore Garland,a professor of biology,who led the research project."If kids exercise regularly through their school years,then they may be more likely to exercise as adults,which could have far-reaching positive effects on human health and well-being."
Although the positive effects of early-life exercise lasted for only one week,it is important to note that one week in the life of a mouse is the same as about nine months for humans."Our results suggest that any positive effects of early-life exercise on adult exercise will need to be kept up if they are to be long-lasting."
His team of researchers found,too,that all mice that had access to early exercise were lighter in weight than non-exercised mice.
Garland explained that,in general,exercise will stimulate appetite sooner or later.However,it is possible that certain types of exercise,done for certain periods of time or at certain light levels,might not stimulate appetite much,if at all,at least in some individuals.
"If we could understand what sorts of exercise these might be,then we might be able to tailor exercise recommendations i a way that would bring the benefits of exercise without increase in appetite,leading to a better chance of weight loss,"he said.

28.How long do the positiveeffects of early-life exercise last for a mouse?B
A.One day       B.One week     C.One month      D.Nine months
29 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A
A.More study is needed to better understand the effects of different types of exercise.
B.Early-life exercise has life-long positive effects on people
C.Kids should be encouraged to do exercise as early as possible to ensure physical health.
D.The new study on mice mainly focused on how exercise affects appetite.
30.The underlined word"stimulate"in the last but one paragraph is closest in meaning toB.
A.decline         B.improve      C.vary            D.harm
31.What is the article mainly about?D
A.New ways to fight against being overweight.
B.The positive effects of mice
C.The possible risks of doing exercise
D.The positive effects of early-life exercse.
14.Jogging has become the most popular individual sport in America.Many theories,even some mystical (神秘的) ones,have been advanced to explain the popularity of jogging.The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap,quick and efficient way to maintain (or achieve )physical fitness.
The most useful sort of exercise is exercise that develops the heart,lungs,and circulatory(循环的)systems.If these systems are fit,the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden demand made by work or emergencies.One can train more specifically,as by developing strength for weight lifting or the ability to run straight ahead for short distances with great power
as in football,but running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all parts of your body.It is worth doing that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can reduce heart disease,the number one cause of death in America.
Only one sort of equipment is needed-a good pair of shoes.Physicians advise beginning joggers not to run in a tennis or gym shoe.Many design advances have been made in only the last several years that make an excellent running shoe indispensable(不可缺少的)if a runner wishes to develop as quickly as possible,with as little chance of injury as possible.A good running shoe will have soft pads for absorbing shock,as well as  slightly built-up heels and full heel cups(后跟垫)that will give the knee and ankle more stability.A wise investment in good shoes will prevent blisters (水泡)and the foot,ankle and knee injuries  and will also enable the wearer to run on paved or soft surfaces.No other special equipment is needed; you can jog in any clothing you desire,even your street clothes.
Many joggers wear expensive,flashy (华丽的) warm-up suits,but just as many wear a simple pair of gym shoes and T-shirt; in fact,many people just jog in last year's clothes.In cold weather,several layers of clothing are better than one heavy sweater or coat.If joggers are wearing several layers of clothing,they can add or subtract layers as conditions change.
It takes surprisingly little time to develop the ability to run.The American Jogging Association has a twelve-week program designed to move from a fifteen-minute walk (which almost anyone can manage who is in reasonable health) to a thirty-minute run.A measure of common sense,a physical examination,and a planned schedule are all it takes.

74.They main purpose of this passage is toA.
A.discuss jogging as a physical fitness program
B.describe the type of clothing needed for jogging
C.provide scientific evidence of the benefits of jogging
D.launch a nationwide physical fitness campaign
75.The most effective kind of exercise should be the one thatD.
A.trains the body for weight lifting
B.enables a person to run straight ahead
C.is both beneficial and inexpensive
D.develops the heart,lungs,and circulatory systems
76.We can conclude from this passage thatB.
A.jogging makes heart disease no longer an American problem
B.jogging can be harmful if the runner is not properly prepared
C.warm-up suits are preferable to gym shoes and T-shirts
D.jogging is bad for the ankles and knees
77.What can we learn from the third paragraph?B
A.For beginning joggers,tennis or gym shoes are better choices.
B.A pair of good running shoes is necessary for a runner to develop quickly.
C.A pair of good running shoes with a full heel-cup is designed to prevent shock.
D.Comfortable pads will give the knees and ankles more stability.

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