
7.---I didn't attend Tom's wedding yesterday.
---I ________,either,if my friend hadn't reminded me.(  )
A.wouldn'tB.wouldn't haveC.didn'tD.hadn't

分析 -我昨天没有参加Tom的婚礼.

解答 答案:B
题干中if my friend hadn't reminded me是对过去的虚拟;对过去的虚拟,主句中要用情态动词加现在完成时态;句意是简略回答,have是助动词,标志着完成时态,不可省略.故选B.

点评 虚拟语气是表示与事实相反的假设,构成方式有:对现在或将来,条件句中用一般过去时态,主语用情态动词加动词原形;对过去,条件句中用过去完成时态,主语用情态动词加完成时态.学习时,要牢记构成方式.

12.In a time when a dangerous number of people are overweight,many people seem to have forgotten the most important way to keep healthy and slim---exercise.And as a new study carried out on mice in the lab has shown,exercise done early in life can rward you in your adult years.
A team of researchers at the University of California studied the effects of early exercise on adult physical activity,body mass and eating.They found that early-age exercise in mice has positive effects on adult levels of voluntary exercise in addition to reducing body mass.
"These results may have an effect on the importance of regular physical education in elementary and middle schools,"said Theodore Garland,a professor of biology,who led the research project."If kids exercise regularly through their school years,then they may be more likely to exercise as adults,which could have far-reaching poitive effects on human health and well-being."
Although the positive effects of early-life exercise lasted for only one week,it is important to note that one week in the life of a mouse is the same as about nine months for humans."Our results suggest that any positive effects of early-life exercise on adult eercise will need to be kept up if they are to be long-lasting."
His team of researchers found,too,that all mice that had access to early exercise were lighter in weight than non-exercised mice.
Garland explained that,in general,exercise will stimulate appetite sooner or later.However,it is possible that certain types of exercise,done for certain periods of time or at certain light levels,might not stimulate appetite much,if at all,at least in some individuals.
"If we could understand what sorts of exercise these might be,then we might be able to tailor exercise recommendations in a way that would bring the benefits of exercise without increase in appetite,leading to a better chance of weight loss,"he said.

28.How long do the positive effects of early-life exercise last for a mouse?B
A.One day       B.One week     C.One month      D.Nine months
29. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A
A.More study is needed to better understand the effects of different types of exercise.
B.Early-life exercise has life-long positive effects on people
C.Kids should be encouraged to o exercise as early as possible to ensure physical health.
D.The new study on mice mainly focused on how exercise affects appetite.
30.The underlined word"stimulate"in the last but one paragraph is closest in meaning toB.
A.decline         B.improve      C.vary            D.harm
31.What is the article mainly about?D
A.New ways to fight against being overweight.
B.The positive effects of mice
C.The possible risks of doing exercise
D.The positive effects of early-life exercise.
5.Free On-line Short Stories For Kids:Trevor The Taxi
In this children's story,suited to younger children,we have an adventure with Trevor.He is a taxi.Trevor loves his life:
"Sometimes he takes patients to the nursing home,where they can get better after being ill,and sometimes he takes people home when they have been shopping,and Stan puts all their packages inside Trevor's boot,so they will not get wet or broken."
The black cab,in this adventure,goes far beyond the call of duty whilst he achieves his wildest dreams!What could this be?Well you will just have to read this short story for yourself!
Free On-line Short Stories For Kids:The Girl Who Believed In Fairies
The fairy queen is upset and the elves just don't know what to do:
"Oh,oh,"sobbed the queen,getting her hankie all wet with her constant crying.For the twelfth time that day,Elgie the chief elf took her hankie and wrung it out on to the carpet of grass that grew all around the palace."
How will they manage to help the queen?Why was she so unhappy?There is only one person that can help!Can she do it?This is a lovely fairy tale that will glow the embers of your heart-only for young little princesses!
    Free On-line Short Stories For Kids:The Envious Kings
This story is suitable for 6 years and upwards.
Unfolding in the story pages of this recommendation is a children's story about two kings who were competing with each other:
"In spite of the easy life that the two kings had,they were not happy,for each of them kept thinking that the other one had a bigger and better palace,or owned more horses,or had more jewels or even had creamier milk."
They were both petty and,through their envy,they caused themselves much trouble.Who do you think saved the day?Well,you will just have to read the story to find out!
    Free On-line Short Stories For Kids:The Wise Old Woman
This story is probably suited to the 8 years old age range and upwards,although would appeal to adults,alike.
Here I introduce you to one of my kids on-line stories listed on the writing and literature section of Hubpages.In this parable you will find a magical world of wisdom involving trees,people and someone very special.
"As she stood and watched,the knowledge melted into her and the sapling grew…The magical transition took her breath away and as she watched on with ore,she noticed something strange."
So,what was this strangeness and magical transition?Let me leave you with wonderment…and a click of the link!
Free On-line Short Stories For Kids:Unusual Stories-Faffenburger's Odyssey
This story is probably more suited to the older child.So who is Faffenburger?Well with one of these free on-line short stories for kids,we enter into a different realm.A world of nonsense as Faffenburger moves within alpha and omega.This is a rather unusual story as you will find out!
"My friend,Henry Faffenburger stomped down the long lane on his short stumpy legs,moonlight glancing off his bald-spot,which was a little surprising as there was no moon that night.As he rounded the bend,he saw a pair of headlights coming toward him.They drew level,and stopped.A small man with yellow eyes emerged from the darkness behind the lights,and enquired if Faffenburger would like a lift.
"Where are you going?"asked my friend."Wherever you want to go",replied the owner of the yellow eyes."
So,the adventure begins!Where will they go?Alpha,Omega or just the middle?After all,it was a long summer-especially the middle!Take a closer look at this-you might find something a little more strange and a little more hidden that you have noticed before.Intrigued?Well you should be with Faffenburger's Odyssey!

46.Which story is more well-received by young girls?D 
A.Trevor The Taxi           B.Faffenburger's Odyssey
C.The Wise Old Woman        D.The Girl Who Believed In Fairys
47.You can find the description of a night scene inD?
A.The Envious Kings         B.The Girl Who Believed In Fairies
C.The Wise Old Woman        D.Faffenburger's Odyssey
48.According to the passage,the kings in"The Envious Kings"can be described asA?
A.Jealous   B.powerful         C.rude                 D.ugly
49.Who will most probably find the passage useful?A 
A.parents with children         B.children who love to surf the Internet
C.teachers in high school          D.experts who concern children.

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