14£®×î½üѧУÕýÔÚÕ¹¿ªÒ»³¡¼±¾È֪ʶÆÕ¼°»î¶¯£¬¾Í´ËÄãËùÔڵİ༶¾ÙÐÐÁËÒ»³¡ÌÖÂۻᣬ²¢Ìá³öÒÔϼ¸µã½¨Ò飮ÏÖÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÒÔÏÂÒªµãÒÔFirst Aid in Fires ÎªÌâдһƪÎÄÕ£¬ËµÃ÷·¢Éú»ðÔÖʱҪעÒâµÄ¼¸µãÊÂÏÌùÔڰ༶µÄ°å±¨ÉÏ£®
First Aid in Fires
It is important to know what to do when you are in dangerous situations such as a fire£®So please readthe following tips which must help you when a fire happens£®£¨µãÃ÷Ö÷Ì⣩
When you are caught in a fire£¬don't panic£®Firstly£¬you should call 119 and report it to firemen at once£®If you are in thick smoke£¬keep close to the ground and use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose£®Secondly£¬don't take a lift or jump from a high building£®You can fasten ropes to something that's fixed and then slide down the building£®Thirdly£¬don't be unwilling to leave your money or other things behind£®You should try to get away from the fire as quickly as you can£®After all£¬life is more important£®Once you get out of the fire£¬don't go back into it again£®£¨»ðÔÖ·¢Éúʱ¾ßÌåµÄ½¨Ò飩
We cann't predict what will happen next second£¬so keep the tips in mind to nip it in the bud£®£¨ÔÙ´ÎÌáʾעÒâÕâЩ½¨ÒéµÄÖØÒªÐÔ£©£®

·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪ¹ØÓÚ·¢Éú»ðÔÖʱҪעÒâµÄ¼¸µãÊÂÏîµÄ×÷ÎÄ£®¸ù¾ÝÌâÄ¿ÒªÇó¿ÉÖªÓõڶþÈ˳ƺÍÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ̬£®ÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨£ºÒ»µãÃ÷Ö÷Ì⣻¶þ»ðÔÖ·¢Éúʱ¾ßÌåµÄ½¨Ò飻ÈýÔÙ´ÎÌáʾעÒâÕâЩ½¨ÒéµÄÖØÒªÐÔ£®
1£®So please read the following tips which must help you when a fire happens£®¾ä×ÓÀïwhichÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬´úÖ¸ÏÈÐдÊthe following tips£»when Òýµ¼´Ó¾äµÄʱ¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾ä£®
2£®You can fasten ropes to something that's fixed and then slide down the building£®¾ä×ÓÀïfasten¡­to¡­±íʾ"°Ñ¡­Ë¨µ½¡­"£» thatÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬´úÖ¸ÏÈÐдÊsomething£®

½â´ð First Aid in Fires
     It is important to know what to do when you are in dangerous situations such as a fire£®So please read the following tips which must help youwhen a fire happens£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£¨µãÃ÷Ö÷Ì⣩
    When you are caught in a fire£¬don't panic£®Firstly£¬you should call 119 and report it to firemen at once£®If you are in thick smoke£¬keep close to the ground and use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose£®Secondly£¬don't take a lift or jump from a high building£®You can fasten ropes to something that's fixed and then slide down the building£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿Thirdly£¬don't be unwilling to leave your money or other things behind£®You should try to get away from the fire as quickly as you can£®After all£¬life is more important£®Once you get out of the fire£¬don't go back into it again£®£¨»ðÔÖ·¢Éúʱ¾ßÌåµÄ½¨Ò飩
      You cann't predict what will happen next second£¬so keep the tips in mind to nip it in the bud£®£¨ÔÙ´ÎÌáʾעÒâÕâЩ½¨ÒéµÄÖØÒªÐÔ£©

µãÆÀ ¿¼²éÌá¸ÙÀà×÷ÎÄ£®

2£®One of the most important things in the world is friendship£®In order to have friends£¬you have to be a friend£®£¨36£©A£®
Listen when they are talking£®£¨37£©BSometimes it's not necessary for you to have anything to say£» they just need someone to talk to about their feelings£®
Help them
£¨38£©EYou should try to put them first£¬but make sure you don't do everything they want you to do£®Try to take an extra pencil or pen with you to classes in case they forget one£®Have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need£®
Be there for them
Be there for your friends to help make them feel better in hard times£®Marilyn Monroe£¬a famous US actor£¬once said£¬"I often make mistakes£¬Sometimes I am out of control£¬but if you can't stay with me at my worst£¬you are sure not to be with me at my best£®"Always remember this!£¨39£©G£®
Make plans
Try to make plans with your friends£®Go shopping£¬go for ice cream£¬have a party£¬go to a movie and so on£®£¨40£©DTake time to know each other even better by doing something you all enjoy£®And you'll remember these things when you're all old!

A£®But how can you be a good friend£¿
B£®Don't say anything unless they ask you a question£®
C£®Don't take in others or make fun of your classmates£®
D£®By planning things together£¬you all can have a good time£®
E£®If your friends in need of something£¬be there to help them£®
F£®There is little chance of making true friends if you keep on breaking your promise£®
G£®If you don't want to stay with your friends when they're in hard times£¬you don't deserve£¨ÖµµÃ£©to be with them when they're having a good time£®
9£®Amanda Moore noticed that the new student at school always sat alone at lunch£®She felt bad about that£®The 10-year-old girl decided to befriend Rafael Anaya£¬but she also noticed something else-he struggled to understand English£®Instead of letting that stop her£¬she used Google Translate to handwrite a note in Spanish asking him to join her for lunch£®Her act earned her the"Student of the Month"award for October at her school£®
Rafael had moved to Temecula£¬California from Mexico at the beginning of the school year£®He often cried after returning home from school because he felt so lonely£®Amanda didn't know that when she wrote the letter£®She simply knew that he spoke Spanish and that he was lonely£®She spent the afternoon carefully writing a letter£®When she got home£¬she couldn't wait to tell her mother£¬Kimber Kinard£¬about the letter£¬wanting her to proofread£¨Ð£¶Ô£© it£®
But Kinard felt confused£¬because she didn't understand Spanish£¬either£®So Amanda helped her use the app to understand it£®Kinard was excited and tearful because she thought it was the nicest thing£®The note read£º"Would you like to sit with me today£¿Look for me and I will show you where I sit£®We can chat or simply tell interesting stories£®"
The next day£¬Amanda handed the note to Rafael£®He gave her a hug£®But it wasn't until their maths class that he said"yes"to lunch£®The two have been sitting together ever since£®
The note helped Rafael feel more comfortable and encouraged him to work harder on his English£®He really wants to learn English to talk to Amanda£®
The two use gestures and Google Translate to communicate now£¬but they hope it will become easier when Rafael's English improves£®And Amanda is learning some Spanish£®

29£®When Amanda wrote Rafael the note£¬sheB£®
A£®asked her teacher for help
B£®sensed Rafael's loneliness
C£®knew Rafael often cried after school
D£®knew Rafael had moved to Temecula from Mexico
30£®The note to RafaelC£®
A£®moved Rafael's mother to tears
B£®was written to arrange an appointment
C£®was written to ask him to eat with Amanda
D£®was translated by Amanda's mother
31£®We can learn from the text that RafaelC£®
A£®agreed to Amanda's invitation at once
B£®wrote back to Amanda in English using Google Translate
C£®was encouraged by the note to improve his English
D£®was encouraged by Amanda to communicate with other students£®
19£®Six years ago at the age of 35£¬I suddenly decided I wanted to learn the cello£¨´óÌáÇÙ£©£®Straight away I rented an instrument and appeared before Wendell Margrave£¬professor of musical instruction£®
"You can be as good as you want to be£¬"Margrave said rather mysteriously£®On a piece of paper he drew the notes E and F£®He showed me where to put my fingers on the neck of the cello and how to draw the bow£®Then he entered my name in his book£º10am£¬Tuesday£®Tuesday followed Tuesday£¬and soon it was spring£®
Thus began my voyage out of ignorance and into the dream£®E-F£¬E-F£¬we played together-and moved on to G£® It was a happy time£®I was again becoming something new£¬and no longer trapped as the same person£®Surely the most terrible recognition of middle life is that we are past changing£®We do what we can already do£®The cello was something I couldn't do£®Yet each Tuesday this became less and less true£®Riding home on the bus one snowy night and learning the score of Mozart's C-Major Quintet£¬I felt the page burst into music in my hands£®I could by then more or less read a score£¬and was humming£¨ºß³ª£©the cello line£¬when suddenly all five parts came together harmonically in my head£®The fellow sitting opposite stared£®I met his glance with tears£¬actually hearing the music in my head for the first time£®Could he hear it too£¬perhaps£¿No£¬he got off at the next stop£®
As the years slipped by£¬my daughter grew up£¬playing the piano well£®My goal was that she and I would one day perform together£®I also wanted to perform in public with and for my peers£¬and to be secretly envied£®I continued to play£¬to perform£¬but it is not the same£®Before£¬when I heard a cello£¬it was all beauty and light£®Now£¬as the TV camera gets close to Rostropovich's face£¬I recognize that his smile shows his incredible determination£®Even for him£¬the cello is a difficult instrument that doesn't respect your ambitions£®I picked up my cello and practiced£®As good as I wanted to be£¬I am as good as I'm going to get£®It is good enough£®

67£®From the first two paragraphs£¬we can learn thatB£®
A£®the author already knew some cello basics
B£®the author went to a cello lesson every Tuesday
C£®the author bought a cello after he decided to learn it
D£®Wendell Margrave was a famous but mysterious professor
68£®The author writes that"it was a happy time"in Paragraph 3 mainly becauseD£®
A£®he felt very bored with his new life
B£®it was beautiful to be able to hear the music in his mind
C£®Professor Margrave made learning the cello very easy for him
D£®he enjoyed the feelings of growth and getting closer to his dream
69£®From the last paragraph£¬it can be inferred that the authorC£®
A£®put on shows with his daughter
B£®was determined to catch up with Rostropovich
C£®is happy to have kept up his personal development
D£®was confident that his peers would envy him for his cello playing ability
70£®The purpose of the article is mainly toD£®
A£®show his deep gratitude to his cello tutor
B£®advise readers on how to improve their cello skills
C£®describe his incredible efforts to overcome difficulties
D£®encourage readers that it's never too late to pursue their dreams£®
3£®Ñо¿·¢ÏÖ£¬½áʶ־ȤÏàͬµÄÅóÓÑ£¬½¨Á¢Á¼ºÃµÄÉç½»ÍøÂ磬ÓÐÒæÓÚÎÒÃǵÄÉíÐĽ¡¿µ£®µ«Éú»îÖУ¬ÓÐһЩÈËÔÚÇéÐ÷µÍÂäʱ²»Ô¸ÓëÈËͶ£®Çë¸ù¾ÝÄã¶ÔÓÒ²àÁ½·ùͼµÄÀí½â£¬ÒÔ"You Are Not Alone"ΪÌ⣬ÓÃÓ¢Óïдһƪ×÷ÎÄ£®
²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºmask £¨Ãæ¾ß£©   negative emotions £¨Ïû¼«ÇéÐ÷£©
You Are Not AloneAll of us need somebody with whom we can share our emotions£®But in Picture 1£¬the person tends to hide his negative emotions behind a mask£®Luckily£¬in Picture 2£¬he gets over his negative feelings after talking to a friend£®
In fact£¬everyone has different things that put them in negative emotions£®For example£¬I used to feel nervous and worried before exams and become sad or disappointed if the grades weren't satisfying£®But each time I got upset£¬I would turn to my teachers£¬my parents or friends£¬who were always timely helping me out£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®
Avoiding negative emotions is impossible£®Yetmaking changes in our life can cut down on negative emotionsand having friendships can give us confidence that we matter£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®Therefore£¬we should learn to become open to others£®When we open our hearts and open our minds£¬new experiences will open up for us£®£¨150 words£©£®
4£®Recent months have seen a revival of the humble£¨ÆÕͨµÄ£©bike across China£¬with an increasing number of people choosing pedaling£¨Æï³µ£©instead of driving to school£¬to workplaces or to do sightseeing£®The introduction of bike-sharing systems£¬services in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals who do not own them and pioneered by start-ups like Ofo and Mobike£¬has brought the trend to a new level£®
Washington D£®C£®has one of the biggest bike sharing systems in the US with 3£¬700 bikes and 440 stations£®The UK£¬France and Germany all have growing programs£®However£¬China£¬so far£¬outdoes£¨³¬¹ý£©them all by operating three out of four of the world's shard bikes£®
People can unlock the shard bikes by simply using their smartphone£®The bikes are equipped with GPS and users of China's versions can leave bikes anywhere in public for the next user£®They're popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the"last mile"problem£¬which refers to the final leg of a person's journey£®
However£¬the Chinese programs have also led to problems such as illegal parking£¬vandalism£¨¹ÊÒâÆÆ»µ£©and theft£®In fact£¬these problems are also shared by bike-sharing programs abroad£®Launched in 2007£¬V¨¦ilb is a large-scale public bike sharing system in Paris£®At its early stage of operation£¬it also suffered from problems of vandalism or theft£®By Oct 2009£¬a large number of V¨¦lib's initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft£¬according to The New York Times£®
To deal with these problems£¬the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides£®Now£¬Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems£®Fox example£¬Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user£¬with points taken in the case of bad behavior£®Once a score drops below 80£¬bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes£¬up from 0.5-1yuan£®

33£®What can we learn about bike sharing systems£¿C
A£®They offer free bike rides£®
B£®They are running perfectly£®
C£®China operates the biggest system£®
D£®France was the first to launch the system£®
34£®As a means of transportation£¬bike-sharing can be best described asB£®
A£®promising but expensive£®
B£®convenient and eco-friendly£®
C£®eco-friendly but ineffective£®
D£®troublesome and meaningless£®
35£®What can be a suitable title for the text£¿A
A£®Shared Bikes Pedal into Style£®
B£®Problems with Bikes in China£®
C£®Shared Bikes Attract Young People£®
D£®Transportation Changes with the Times£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
