
01. 书面表达

假设你是红星中学高二(1) 班的学生李华,下面四幅图描述了你们家上周收留流浪狗的真实故事,请根据图片的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文。

注意:1. 文章的开头已为你写好;

2. 词数100左右。

Last Friday,

The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

  One possible version: Last Friday,a chance encounter changed me and my family's life greatly.

  After school,I was about to enter my apartment building when a little dirty dog,lying beside the dustbin,caught my eye. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me with sympathy. So I bent down and held him in my arms. I rushed him upstairs and right away fixed him some food. Then,I gave him a bath. After the bath he looked energetic and re?freshed. What a lovely dog!

  When my parents got home* I asked if I could keep the dog. To my surprise and happiness,they agreed. From that day on,he has become a member of our family.   Everyone has enjoyed his company. My parents walk him often. He and I play joyfully.

Looking at the cute,happy dog today,I realize that I did the right thing. I brought him to a warm,loving home and he has brought us great happiness and laughter.


 “No man is an island” is a well-known line from John Donne’s Devotion,written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. Without other people,life became empty and sad.1.

  For some of us,though making friends is not difficult,we may not want to make the first move. It is also difficult at times to keep the friends we already have.

There are many books about friendship,but Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence (影响) People written in 1936,is the most famous.2.      It was later put into 28 languages. Here is the list of advice from his book:

. 3.        Always greet with a smile. Begin with “excuse me”or “would you please”,when you want to ask somebody. Remember to say “ thank you ” and try to be as helpful as you can.

. Go out of your way to be nice.

4.        Making some soup for a sick neighbour may seem like a little thing to you,but it will make your neighbour feel a lot better.

. Remember names.

They say that the sweetest music to a person’s ears is the sound of his or her own name.

. 5.        Try to understand other people’s ways and ideas and learn something from them.

. Listen patiently.

When someone is talking to you,look at him or her,listen carefully and say something when necessary.

   A. This book about getting along with other people became a best seller.

   B. It’s also important to keep close friends in our daily life.

   C. So we all need to have friends.

   D. Be open-minded.

   E. Be friendly and polite.

   F. Try to help your friends get out of trouble.

   G. Find some time to do some things for other people.

  When William enrolled himself to learn the piano,the music teacher was reluctant to accept him. “William,1        do you want to learn the piano?” the teacher asked. “I want to play for my mother. ”She noticed the 2        in his eyes as he answered her. She had no heart to 3        him down and accepted him as her student. But at each music lesson,William 4        to be in a hurry and play badly. “My mother is waiting outside for me. ” He 5        tell the teacher. So the teacher had to advise William not to 6        his time because he never hit the right tone.

  Suddenly,William 7        coming for his lessons. At the end of the semester,the music teacher decided to 8       a piano concert for her students and she sent leaflets to them to 9      . She was surprised to find William’s application that he would like to 10 a musical piece.

  The day came and William bowed before the audience and said he was 11        for the music teacher’s patience with him as he might not have been the best of her pupils.

 “Tonight I am 12        my music to my mother,” he said. When the most beautiful sound of music was heard,everyone felt 13      . Later they asked why he didn’t bring his mother as she would surely be 14        to hear him play. William replied, “My mother was 15        deaf and she could never hear me play during her lifetime. Yet she 16        her time and money to let me learn the piano. This morning my mother passed 17      .  I am sure she is now happy as she can hear my piano concert. Everyone was 18        to hear what William said and tears welled over their eyes. ”

  The music teacher proudly 19      ,“William,not only your mother but we all are proud of you. We are deeply 20        by your devotion and your love for your mother. ”

(   ) 1. A. what   B. how

   C. why   D. when

(   ) 2. A. tears   B. embarrassments

   C. depressions   D. delights

(   ) 3. A. calm   B. turn

   C. bring   D. break

(   ) 4. A. intended   B. claimed

   C. pretended   D. appeared

(   ) 5. A. should   B. could

   C. would   D. might

(   ) 6. A. waste   B. save

   C. cost   D. cherish

(   ) 7. A. started   B. remembered

   C. regretted,   D. stopped

(   ) 8. A. organize   B. discuss

   C. imagine   D. cancel

(   ) 9. A. offer   B. participate

   C. arrange   D. comment

(   ) 10. A. draw   B. explain

   C. contribute   D. release

(   ) 11. A. beneficial   B. desperate

   C. thankful   D. hopeful

(   ) 12. A. sparing   B. treasuring

   C. spending   D. devoting

(   ) 13. A. terrified   B. amazed

   C. disappointed   D. honoured

(   ) 14. A. proud   B. calm

   C. harmonious   D. peaceful

(   ) 15. A. soil   B. sand

   C. water   D. stone

(   ) 16. A. sacrificed   B. valued

   C. scheduled   D. absorbed

(   ) 17. A. through   B. away

   C. on   D. by

(   ) 18. A. scared   B. terrified

   C. electrified   D. streamed  

(   ) 19. A. envied   B. admired

   C. forgave   D. praised

(   ) 20. A. understood   B. touched

   C. guided   D. shamed

  When you are little,it’s not hard to believe you can change the world. I remember my 1        when,at the age of 12,I 2        delegates at the Rio Earth Summit. “I am only a child,” I told them. “Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on 3        poverty and finding environmental answers,4________ a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to 5        others,to work things out,to respect others,to clean up our mess,not to hurt other creatures,to 6________,not to be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the thing you tell us not to do? You grown-ups say you love us,but I 7        you,please,to make your 8        reflect your words. ”

  I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation (长时间的喝彩) • Some of the delegates 9        cried. I thought that maybe I had 10        some of them,that my speech might actually spur (激励) action. Now,a decade from Rio,after I’ve sat through many more conferences,I'm not sure what has been accomplished. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual’s voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.

  When I was little,the world was simple. But as a young adult,I’m learning that as we have to make 11________education,career,lifestyle—life gets more and more 12________. We are beginning to feel 13      to produce and be successful. We are taught that economic growth is 14________,but aren’t taught how to 15________ a happy,healthy or sustainable (可持续的) way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12 was ideal and 16________.

Today I’m no longer a child,but I'm worried about what kind of 17________ my children will grow up in. I know change is 18________,because I am changing,still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great,19        if we accept individual responsibility and make sustainable choices,we will rise to the challenges,and we will become part of the 20        tide of change.

(   ) 1. A. feeling   B. pleasure

   C. enthusiasm   D. disappointment

(   ) 2. A. addressed   B. argued

   C. instructed   D. informed

(   ) 3. A. helping   B. ending

   C. destroying   D. changing

(   ) 4. A. which   B. that

   C. what   D. how

(   ) 5. A. fight with   B. compete with

   C. compare with   D. argue with

(   ) 6. A. gain   B. share

   C. save   D. enjoy

(   ) 7. A. challenge   B. respond

   C. forgive   D. force

(   ) 8. A. emotion   B. actions

   C. inspiration   D. deeds

(   ) 9. A. even   B. ever

   C. still   D. already

(   ) 10. A. satisfied   B. reached

   C. emphasized   D. disturbed

(   ) 11. A. money   B. friends

   C. living   D. choices I

(   ) 12. A. necessary   B. comfortable

   C. interesting   D. complicated j

(   ) 13. A. happiness   B. promise

   C. pressure   D. depression

(   ) 14. A. in relief   B. in peace

   C. in progress   D. in danger

(   ) 15. A. lead   B. ignore

   C. find   D. pursue

(   ) 16. A. romantic   B. beautiful

   C. innocent   D. puzzling

(   ) 17. A. environment   B. house

   C. land   D. condition

(   ) 18. A. hard   B. possible

   C. flexible   D. fragile

(   ) 19. A. though   B. however

   C. and   D. but

(   ) 20. A. positive   B. passive

   C. important   D. independent

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