
  When William enrolled himself to learn the piano,the music teacher was reluctant to accept him. “William,1        do you want to learn the piano?” the teacher asked. “I want to play for my mother. ”She noticed the 2        in his eyes as he answered her. She had no heart to 3        him down and accepted him as her student. But at each music lesson,William 4        to be in a hurry and play badly. “My mother is waiting outside for me. ” He 5        tell the teacher. So the teacher had to advise William not to 6        his time because he never hit the right tone.

  Suddenly,William 7        coming for his lessons. At the end of the semester,the music teacher decided to 8       a piano concert for her students and she sent leaflets to them to 9      . She was surprised to find William’s application that he would like to 10 a musical piece.

  The day came and William bowed before the audience and said he was 11        for the music teacher’s patience with him as he might not have been the best of her pupils.

 “Tonight I am 12        my music to my mother,” he said. When the most beautiful sound of music was heard,everyone felt 13      . Later they asked why he didn’t bring his mother as she would surely be 14        to hear him play. William replied, “My mother was 15        deaf and she could never hear me play during her lifetime. Yet she 16        her time and money to let me learn the piano. This morning my mother passed 17      .  I am sure she is now happy as she can hear my piano concert. Everyone was 18        to hear what William said and tears welled over their eyes. ”

  The music teacher proudly 19      ,“William,not only your mother but we all are proud of you. We are deeply 20        by your devotion and your love for your mother. ”

(   ) 1. A. what   B. how

   C. why   D. when

(   ) 2. A. tears   B. embarrassments

   C. depressions   D. delights

(   ) 3. A. calm   B. turn

   C. bring   D. break

(   ) 4. A. intended   B. claimed

   C. pretended   D. appeared

(   ) 5. A. should   B. could

   C. would   D. might

(   ) 6. A. waste   B. save

   C. cost   D. cherish

(   ) 7. A. started   B. remembered

   C. regretted,   D. stopped

(   ) 8. A. organize   B. discuss

   C. imagine   D. cancel

(   ) 9. A. offer   B. participate

   C. arrange   D. comment

(   ) 10. A. draw   B. explain

   C. contribute   D. release

(   ) 11. A. beneficial   B. desperate

   C. thankful   D. hopeful

(   ) 12. A. sparing   B. treasuring

   C. spending   D. devoting

(   ) 13. A. terrified   B. amazed

   C. disappointed   D. honoured

(   ) 14. A. proud   B. calm

   C. harmonious   D. peaceful

(   ) 15. A. soil   B. sand

   C. water   D. stone

(   ) 16. A. sacrificed   B. valued

   C. scheduled   D. absorbed

(   ) 17. A. through   B. away

   C. on   D. by

(   ) 18. A. scared   B. terrified

   C. electrified   D. streamed  

(   ) 19. A. envied   B. admired

   C. forgave   D. praised

(   ) 20. A. understood   B. touched

   C. guided   D. shamed


1. C根据语境可知,音乐老师问William为什么来学习钢琴课。故C正确。

2. A William在回答老师问题时,老师注意到了他眼中的泪水。tear眼泪;embarrassment;;depression沮丧;delight 高兴。故A正确。

3. B calm…down使.... 平静下来;turn down拒绝;bring sb down使某人跌倒;break down出故障,崩溃。故B正确。

4. D根据语境应该是每次课他似乎都匆忙地出现,并且演奏得非常糟糕。故D正确。

5. C每一次William迟到,他都会向老师解释:"我"的妈妈正在外面等"我"。

6. A waste浪费;save节省,拯救;cost花费;cherish珍惜,珍爱。由"你弹得从来都不在调上"知,老师劝William不要浪费时间,故A正确。

7. D根据本段中"She was surprised to find William's applica?tion that…"可知William不来上课了。故D正确。

8. A老师准备为她的学生们组织一场音乐会。

organize组织; discuss讨论;imagine想象;cancel取消。故A正确。

9. B offer主动提供;participate参加;arrange安排;comment评论,评价。老师把单子发给他们,让他们去参加音乐会。故B 正确。 

10. C老师发现William的申请是想要演奏一首音乐时很惊讶。draw;explain解释;contribute奉献,贡献;release释放,发行。故C正确。 

11. C那天终于到来了,William给就座于前面的观众鞠躬,并感谢老师一直以来对他的耐心。故C正确。 

12. D今晚,"我"想把"我"的音乐献给"我"的妈妈。故D 正确。 

13. B terrified害怕的,惊恐的;amazed惊讶的,诧异的;disap?pointed失望的;honoured荣幸的。当听到那么美妙的音乐后,每个人都感到很吃惊。故B正确。 

14. A后来他们都说为什么不把妈妈带来听你演奏,她一定会为你的表演感到骄傲的。故A正确。 15. D William向他们解释他的妈妈完全聋了。stone deaf完全聋的。故D正确。 

16. A母亲虽然完全聋了,仍然牺牲自己的时间和金钱让Wil?liam学习钢琴。sacrifice牺牲;value重视;schedule为某事安排时间;absorb吸收。故A正确。 

17. B早上William的母亲去世了。pass away去世。故B 正确。 

18. C观众们听到William的讲述后都很吃惊,都感动得热泪盈睚。故C正确。 

19. D音乐老师很豪地表扬William:你不仅是你母亲的骄傲,"我们"都因你而感到自豪。故D正确。 

20. B  "我们"都被你对你母亲的付出和爱所打动了。故B正确。


  Nowadays,there is a heated debate on whether pollutants should be cleaned in the air. Cleaning up the air,while good for our lungs,could make global warming worse. And the pollutants still go up around the air,along with carbon dioxide.

  These pollutants are called aerosols and they include soot as well as mixtures of nitrogen (氮) and sulfur (硫) and other stuff into the air. Natalie Mahowald,a climate researcher at Cornell University,says,so far,scientists have mostly tried to understand what those aerosols do while they’re actually in the air.

  “There are so many different kinds of aerosols,” she says. “Some are warm and some are cool. But in fact,humans are giving out a lot of extra aerosols,and they tend to cool for the most part. ”

  The aerosols reflect sunlight back into space,or keep us cool. But it turns out that’s not all they do. These aerosols also influence how much carbon dioxide gets drawn out of the air by plants on land and in the sea.

  “They can add nutrients,for example,to the ocean or to the land ,” Mahowald says. “But also while they’re in the atmosphere they can change the climate,and thus that also can influence the amount of carbon,the land or the ocean can take up. So there are quite a few different ways that aerosols can act on each other. ”

Mahowald’s results suggest that reducing those pollutants could be an even bigger problem than realized,when you consider that aerosols help remove carbon dioxide from the air by encouraging plant growth. Hard numbers on this effect are highly uncertain at the moment,but this could turn out to be quite significant.

  And studying it is not easy because the effects aren’t well understood. For example,nitrogen can be a fertilizer (肥料) , but it can stop plant growing when nitrogen comes out of the air in acid form.

  Right now it seems like we’re much more likely to clean up aerosol pollution,while increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. So scientists,unfortunately,may have a chance to see whether this experiment on our planet should continue or not.

(   ) 5. From Paragraph 2,we know that     .

   A. scientists have been aware of how aerosols work

   B. Natalie Mahowald is an expert in climate

   C. cleaning up the air is so popular

   D. pollutants are under control so far

(   ) 6. What does the last sentence of the passage imply?

   A. Scientists will be in a dilemma.

   B. The experiment will be successful.

   C. Scientists will carry out the experiment.

   D. Scientists have difficulty in the experiment.

(   ) 7. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

   A. Pollutants in the Air

   B. The Experiment on the Planet

   C. The Reason for Global Warming

   D. The Influence of Aerosols

  If you’ve ever seen the way dog people interacted with their pets,it comes as no surprise that there’s some germ-exchanging going on there. A new study indicates that dog ownership specifically may be one of the biggest single contributors to what kinds of microbes living on your skin.

A team of researchers led by Se Jin Song at the University of Colorado,Boulder,took swabs (化验标本) of the tongues,palms,forehead and faeces (排泄物) of members of 60 family households. Some of the families had children or household pets and some did not;dogs were the only pets swabbed.

  Researchers then analyzed the DNA of the bacteria they found to determine how diverse the bacteria populations were. Not surprisingly,family members who lived together had more bacteria in common than members of separate households. Bacteria on the skin were especially similar within households,probably because we pass microbes through the air,through direct contact,and via the surfaces we touch.

  The most surprising finding,however,was the large bacteria contribution Fidonad made. The skin bacteria of dog owners from different households were almost as similar as if they’d cohabited without a dog. Put another way,you and a friend across town who both own dogs share a skin ecosystem as alike as a married couple does.

  The reason for this appears to be that dogs harbor some kinds of bacteria that are rare on human skin. One in particular,a family of bacteria called Methylophilaceae,was abundant in the mouths of dogs sampled as well as the skin of their owners—indicating “a common occurrence of oral-skin transfer between dogs and their owners”,according to the results published in the journal Life.

(   ) 5. From the study,we know that    .

   A. some kinds of bacteria live on our skin because of dog ownership

   B. nobody finds it surprising that there should be some germ-exchanging between dogs and their owners

   C. only dog ownership contributes to the sort of microbes that live on our skin

   D. there would most probably be no microbe on our skin if it were not for dogs

(   ) 6. The research took the following factors into consideration EXCEPT    .

   A. varieties of swabs from members of 60 family households

   B. families with children or household pets

   C. families without children or household pets

   D. dogs being the only pets in the households

(   ) 7. Why did researchers analyze the DNA of the bacte ria they found?

   A. To search for the way microbes pass from one member of a family to another.

   B. To find out the exact number of the bacteria living on human skin and dog skin.

   C. To decide whether the bacteria were of the same kind or not.

   D. To prove that family members who lived together had the same bacteria as the members of separate households.

(   ) 8. What does this passage mainly tell us?

   A. It is unsafe to keep dogs because of microbes.

   B. How many kinds of bacteria live on people’s skin because of dog ownership.

   C. Dog ownership affects the kinds of microbes living on people’s skin.

   D. What are the similarities between people who keep dogs and those who don’t.

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