
Your beliefs are very powerful and have the power to create or to destroy your life. In most cases,whatever you believe is what you will become. If you believe that you are a loser,that you never get a break in life,and that you can't accomplish anything,these things will be your reality. 1       that you can do anything you determined to do,and when you do,your accomplishments will know no bounds. You control your beliefs,and that is how you unlimitedly control your life.

This is a very important point. 2       Many of our beliefs come from our environment,the world we live in on a daily basis. If your environment is limiting your beliefs,then work very hard on changing it. If you are constantly around people who are negative and limiting,find other people to hang out with.

3      .

4       That is why it is so important to experience success on a regular basis. Set small,achievable goals,and then try your best to reach them. "I will finish this project by early afternoon.""I will make six calls on the phone in the next hour. " "I will exercise for 20 minutes tonight."When you start to experience success,then you start to believe in success,and that leads to more and bigger success.

5       The more you learn,the more things you will know to be possible. Always take advantage of opportunities to learn something new. It will bring new possibility into your beliefs and your life. Most importantly,you can develop new beliefs by setting and imagining goals for your life. Define your goals clearly and accurately. Then,in your mind,see yourself achieving them in all of their sensible details. Mentally live the experience,see the sights,hear the sounds,smell the aroma        (芳香) ,feel the feelings. Your broughtup beliefs will lead you to their reality.

   A. Beliefs come from knowledge.

   B. So how do you develop beliefs that will enable you?

   C. Contact with positive and successful people.

   D. Beliefs also come from past experiences.

   E. Never give up your dream and work hard to realize it.

   F. Believe that you are unlimited

   G. Don't let the positive surroundings influence you.

 1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.         


1. F考查转折与对比关系。本段总起讲述信念的重要性,你相信自己能做到,就一定能做到。故选F项。

2. B本段承上启下,后几段都介绍如何形成积极的信念。故B项正确c

3. C考查因果关系。上句提到要远离消极、思想负面的人,所以本句谈到要接触乐观、积极的成功人士。

4. D 本段主要讲信念和经验的关系。故D项正确。

5. A考查总分关系。本段主要讲信念和知识的关系。故A项正确


The storm of abuse in the popular press that greeted the appearance of Webster's Third New International Dictionary is a curious phenomenon. 1       The New York Times,in a special editorial,felt that the work would "accelerate the deterioration" of the language and seriously accused the editors of betraying a public trust. The Journal of the American Bar Association saw the publication as "a serious blow to the cause of good English".

      Just what's a dictionary for? What does the common reader go to a dictionary to find?

The demands are simple. 3       He wants to know what is current and respectable. But he wants―and has a right to―the truth,the full truth. And the full truth about any language is that there are many areas in which certainty is impossible and simplification is misleading.

Even in so settled a matter as spelling,a dictionary cannot always be absolute. 4       And so are traveled and travelled,plow and plough,catalog and catalogue,and scores of other variants. The reader may want a single certainty. He may demand that the dictionary "settle" the matter. 5       And the fact here is that there are many words in our language which may be spelled,with equal correctness,in either of two ways.

But one thing is certain:anyone who seriously announces in the year 1962 that he will be guided in matters of English usage by a dictionary published in 1934 is talking ignorant and pretentious nonsense.

   A. Such evaluation requires us to examine basic principles.

   B. But this is not the concern of the dictionary's; it must record the facts.

   C. Never has a scholarly work of this importance been attacked with such extreme anger and contempt.

   D. As a reader,he wants to know what an author intended to convey.

   E. The common reader turns to a dictionary for information about the spelling,pronunciation,meaning,and proper use of words.

   F. Theater is correct,but so is theatre.

   G. The new dictionary has many faults.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.      

When you turn on the radio,you hear an advertisement. 1       If you turn the pages of a newspaper or magazine,again you find an advertisement. If you walk down the street,you see one advertising board after another. All day,every day,people who want to sell you something compete to catch your attention. As a result,advertisements are almost everywhere.

2       Many TV stations,newspapers,magazines,radio stations are privately owned in the West. The government does not give them money. So where does the money come from? From advertisements. Without advertisements,there would not be these private businesses.

3       Through the years,people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of " keeping your name before the public”. And some people thought that advertising was " truth well told". Now more and more people describe it in this way:

       Second,advertising is not personal. It is not face to face communication. Although you may feel that a message in a certain advertisement is aimed directly at you,in reality,it is directed at large groups of people. Third,advertising is usually persuasive. Directly or indirectly it tells people to do something. 5       Fourth,the sponsor of the advertisement must be identified. From the advertisement,we can see if the sponsor is a company,or an organization,or an individual. Fifth,advertising reaches us through traditional and nontraditional mass media. Included in the traditional media are newspapers,magazines,radio,television,and films. Nontraditional media include the mail,matchbox covers,and billboards (广告牌) .

   A. First,advertising is usually paid for.

   B. All advertisements try to make people believe that the product,idea,or service advertised can do good to them.

   C. Advertisements are very popular in Asian countries.

   D. When you watch television,you hear and see an advertisement.

   E. In the West,advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work.

   F. Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is?

   G. It takes a large amount of money to produce an advertisement.

1.                  2.         3.         4.          5.         

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