
8.Rod Kalin learned the secret to success while he was young.As a child,he liked playing with a stuffed (填充)rabbit his mother had made."At that time,I knew he would become a craftsman (工匠) in the future,"Kalin's mother said.
Kalin's father was a carpenter and taught him early how to use his hands.In high school,Kalin was so interested in photography that he cut class to take photos 18 hours a day.Eventually Kalin ended up at New York University.One night,his landlord asked him to build a website for his restaurant."I didn't know anything about websites,but I built the basic site by looking through books in four weeks,"Kalin recalls.
After working on a craft site that provided"advice and a lot of hand-holding",Kalin recognized that there was no market for their goods.He wrote a fan letter to Stewart Butterfield,the founder of Flickr,who had sold his highly popular photo-sharing website to Yahoo!Impressed by Kalin's letter,he took a look at Kalin's idea and invited him to San Francisco for a month in 2006.He taught Kalin how to build a website,and helped him borrow $615,000 from a bank.
With the help of Stewart,Kalin was able to create etsy.com,an online craft fair that may be the largest market for hand made goods in the world.Last year,350,000 woodworkers and other craftsmen sold their one-of-a-kind goods on the four-year-old site.It sells everything from hand-knitted T-shirts to wooden electric guitars.In an age of chain stores and malls,it seems there's still a big market for the unique:custom-made skirts and hand-painted tea sets.Today,Etsy's staff has increased to 70 employees,and more than three million consumers in 150 countries are buying goods on Etsy every year.

21.It can be learned from the passage that Rob KalinC.
A.opened a restaurant after graduation
B.was good at building websites at university
C.admired Stewart Butterfield very much
D.offered good advice to craftsmen
22.Which of the following can be used to describe Rob Kalin?A
A.Helpful and creative.
B.Curious and stubborn.
C.Smart and humorous.
D.Strict and brave.
23.What can we learn about Etsy from the passage?B
A.It offered craftsmen advice at first and then began to sell crafts.
B.It sells custom-made clothes and other handmade things.
C.It has employed 350,000 craftsmen.
D.It was set up by Stewart Butterfield.
24.The underlined part"custom-made shirts"in the last paragraph meansC.
A.shirts that are sold in large quantities on a website
B.shirts that are of high quality and sold at a high prize
C.shirts that are made according to someone's special requests
D.shirts that are designed to meet the need of a certain kind of craftsman.

分析 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了Rob Kalin是如何了解到成功的秘诀的经历.

解答 21-24 CABC
21.C推理判断题.根据"He wrote a fan letter to Stewart Butterfield,the founder of Flickr,who had sold his highly popular photo-sharing website to Yahoo"可知他很欣赏巴菲特.故选C
22.A推理判断题.根据"Today,Etsy's staff has increased to 70 employees,and more than three million consumers in 150 countries are buying goods on Etsy every year"可知他是一个乐于助人的人.故选A.
23.B细节理解题.根据"It sells everything from hand-knitted T-shirts to wooden electric guitars.In an age of chain stores and malls,it seems there's still a big market for the unique:custom-made skirts and hand-painted tea sets"可知Etsy出售定制的衣服和其他手工制作的东西.故选B.
24.C词义猜测题.根据"It sells everything from hand-knitted T-shirts to wooden electric guitars.In an age of chain stores and malls,it seems there's still a big market for the unique:custom-made skirts and hand-painted tea sets"可知Etsy出售定制的衣服和其他手工制作的东西,意为根据某人的特殊要求专门制作的衬衫.故选C.

点评 本文是一个人物故事类阅读理解.题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要联系上下文根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据,词义猜测题需要我们推测单词所在出句子的意思,再进行选择.

3.With all of the wonderful things life brings us,it also brings us stress.It is for this reason that I am an active supporter of mental health days.
Although it's never good to ignore(忽视) responsibilities,sometimes it is good to unplug(拔除) from the world for a day.We eat healthy and stay active to keep us from getting sick,but sometimes we forget to care for our minds.Our minds and bodies are connected,and when only one is being cared for,the other may be suffering.It is important to try to combine self care with our lives and spend time on activities we enjoy.This helps relieve stress on a daily day.
So,what do you do on a mental health day?The answer is anything you want.Growing up,my brother and I were allowed a few mental health days a year.We would stay home from school and relax.For him,it was playing games on the computer,while my days were spent reading or watching TV.My mental health days now include picking things up around my apartment,cooking a tasty meal,and then reading for a few hours.I completely shut myself off from work or school.To me,this is relaxing.Organize the clutter(凌乱的东西) that piles up during the week,cook the meals I don't have time to cook,and read the books that I've bought but don't have time to read.
A mental health day is great,but only if it's supplemented(增补) with self care through the week.From my experience,if self care is not regularly provided in your week,taking a mental health day is just going to stress you out even more.But when it's needed,try hard to recognize that and take care of yourself.It will help keep you happy and healthy.A mental health day is not a day to avoid life,it is a day to recoup(恢复).

32.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A
A.People tend to ignore their mental health.
B.People should care for each other.
C.One should have a strong sense of responsibility.
D.Mental health is less important than physical health.
33.According to the author,on a mental health day people shouldD.
A.stay at home alone.
B.enjoy outdoor activities
C.do something meaningful.
D.do whatever they want.
34.What did the author's brother do on mental health days as a kid?B
A.He cooked for his family.
B.He played computer games.
C.He watched TV programs          
D.He read the books he bought.
35.According to the last paragraph,to keep mentally healthy,C.
A.one needs help and care from other.
B.leading a regular life is unnecessary.
C.mental health days are not enough.
D.one should try to be physically friendly.
13.Last night Mr.and Mrs.Rojas stayed home.It was cold and rainy and they didn't want to go out in the bad weather.Mrs.Rojas made some popcorn and ice tea.At 8:00,Mr.and Mrs.Rojas went into the living room,sat on the sofa and began the movie and ate and drank.At 8:15,Mr.and Mrs.Rojas realized they already watched the movie last year and they didn't want to watch it again.
"Now what?"asked Mr.Rojas."Let's play cards!"answered Mrs.Rojas.At 8:30Mr.and Mrs.Rojas started to play cards.They were playing for about 10minutes when Mr.Rojas looked out the window.The rain changed to snow and the trees were covered in beautiful white snow."I'm happy we stayed home tonight.It looks beautiful outside but this weather is very dangerous to drive in."said Mr.Rojas."You're right,"said Mrs.Rojas,"but I'm bored.Let's play some music and dance."
Mr.Rojas was surprised."Dance?But I really don't …."
"Oh come on!"Mrs.Rojas insisted.She put on a romantic CD and they both started to dance.They were dancing for about 1minute when suddenly the music stopped and the lights went out.Mrs.Rojas laughed."We're just not very lucky tonight,are we?"she said.Mr.Rojas said,"Of course we're lucky!We are together!"He kissed her and continued to dance with her,in the dark and without music.

41.Why did Mr.and Mrs.Rojas stay at home last night?B
A.They wanted to stay together.
B.The weather was so terrible.
C.They had a dinner at home.
D.They planned to watch a movie.
42.When it started to snow,Mr.and Mrs.Rojas wereC.
A.making popcorn
B.watching a movie  
C.playing cards
D.dancing to the music
43.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.It was a rainy day in summer     
B.Mrs.Rojas cooked very well
C.Mr.Rojas loved to dance at first 
D.Mr.Rojas was in love with his wife.
1.If your father never says to you"I love you"when you are a child,it   (38)D   to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows (39)D.
I do not(40)A  hearing the words from my father when I was growing up.(41)A,I could not recall (回忆) when I had (42)Bsaid those words to him either.
One day,I decided to  (43)B  the ice and make the first(44)C.So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my(45)A   and let out the words in a low voice,"Dad…I love you!"
There was a  (46)B at the other end and he awkwardly  (47)C,"Well,same back at you!"
I was unexpectedly(48)A and my voice was raised,"Dad,I know you love me,and I know when you are ready,you will say what you want to say."
Fifteen minutes later my mother called and (49)B   asked,"Paul,is everything okay?"
A few weeks later,Dad(50)C our phone conversation with the words,"Paul,I love you."I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally"(51)D"the love.As I sat there in tears I realized that this (52)C moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new(53)A.Shortly afterwards,my father narrowly (54)Bdeath following heart surgery(外科手术).Many times(55)D,I have(56)D   if I had not taken the first step and Dad not(57)Cthe surgery,I would have never"heard"the love.

38.A.works outB.breaks outC.comes outD.turns out

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