
19.My parents are not fond of the film.I am not fond of it,either.(用neither…nor …合并句子)
Neither my parents nor I am fond of the film..

分析 我的父母不喜欢这部电影.我也不喜欢它.

解答 答案:Neither my parents nor I am fond of the film.考查句型转换.neither…nor…意为"既不…也不…",其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份.连接两个主语时,谓语动词采用"就近原则".

点评 同义句型转换,是把意思相同或相近的句子用不同的词汇、短语及句型表示出来.同义句的相互转换除了考查主动句与被动句,复合句与简单句之间的转换,直接引语变间接引语外,还有一些词或短语的替换,仅仅通过替换几个词或短语,而使句子意思不变,就能达到异曲同工之妙."句型转换"题是用来考查学生对句子结构变化所掌握的程度.

4.Below are four ads on the website.
Artful Experience
It's an artful experience even if you're artistically challenged.Adults,teens,and children of all ages are welcome at Contemporary Art studio.We provide everything:stamps,idea books,a little coaching,and a lot of encouragement.Drop in anytime.It's creative fun for everyone to paint your own pottery(陶器)!No experience needed.Our studio will show you how.It's as easy as 1-2-3!sumplastpl@hotmail.com
Chinese-English Translator
This is an excellent opportunity for recent graduates looking to put their Chinese skills to use.
Requirements:native speaker of English;business translation experience is preferred but not a must;able to fulfill several projects on time;excellent reading skills in Chinese.If interested,please email staff@young.com or call 453-268-130.
Ancient Object Market
Here you rind a large variety of old European furniture,statues and paintings.We also offer a large selection of clocks in bronze,wood,white metal.Organizing buying tours based on the needs of our clients is something else we do.We pick you up from the airport,make hotel reservations and drive you around to the best wholesale(批发)dealers.Our email is ar tworkdeal@hotmail.corn.
We are delighted to offer you an efficient and reasonably priced service of high-class car rentals(租赁)with qualified drivers.Suitable for your journeys to and/or from Rome's airports or other destinations.We will be there to meet you on your arrival at the airport and drive you to your destination in complete safety and comfort.If you need the service,please call 668-556429.

21.Contemporary Art studio is a place whereB.
A.one can enjoy many kinds of artworks
B.one can learn how to paint on pottery
C.one can make pottery by himself/herself
D.one can improve his/her painting skills greatly
22.Who may be suitable for a Chinese-English translator?A
A.An American graduate who is good at Chinese.
B.A Chinese graduate who majored in business.
C.A Chinese college student who has good English writing skills.
D.An American college student who is interested in English translation.
23.If Mr.Black wants to buy a painting,he canB.
A.send an email to sumplastpl@hotmail.com
B.send an email to artworkdeal@hotmail.com
C.call 453-268-130
D.call 668-556-429
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the fourth advertisement?B
A.Nice Rome trips.
B.Airport Car Rentals With Drivers.
C.Cheap Car Tours.
D.Flight Service To Pick You Up.
11.CParents play a very important role in children's development,but that doesn't mean that parents should spend all their money in educating their children.Or else,it would be unfair to them.However,some modern Chinese parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England,the United States or Australia without caring about the money.They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will learn a musical instrument or ballet or other classes which will give them a head start in life.The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is,the better it is.So the parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.However,what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap.Parents can see that their children's skills vary,skilled in some areas while poor in others.What most parents fail to realize though,is that today's children lack self-respect and self-confidence.The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well,but parents aren't teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident,happy and clever.Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooki ng,sewing and doing housework.Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life.Cooking demands patience and time.It's an enjoyable but difficult experiment.A good cook always tries to improve his cooking,so he will learn to work hard and gradually to finish his job successfully.His result,a well-cooked dinner,will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.Some old machines,such as a broken radio or TV set that you give yo ur children to play with will make him curious and arouse his interest.He will spend hours looking at them,trying to fix them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up.These activities aren't merely teaching a child to read a book,but rather to think,to use his mind.And that is more important.

28.According to this passage,there are some problems withC.
A.the Chinese children's skills                         
B.the education system of China
C.the Chinese parents'idea of educating their children     
D.the Chinese children's hobbies
29.The writer of this passage seems to agree that parents in ChinaD.
A.are too strict with their children          
 B.are t oo rich to educate their children
C are too poor to educate their children      
D.have some problems in educating their children correctly
30.We can conclude that cooking at home helps childrenA.
A.benefit from it and prepare themselves for the future   
B.learn how to become strong and fat
C.learn how to serve their parents                   
D.make their parents believe that they are clever
31.The last paragraph shows thatC.
A.broken radios and television sets are useful  
B.an engineer must fix many broken radios
C.one's curiosity may be useful for his later life
D.a good student should spend much time repairing radios.
8.Rod Kalin learned the secret to success while he was young.As a child,he liked playing with a stuffed (填充)rabbit his mother had made."At that time,I knew he would become a craftsman (工匠) in the future,"Kalin's mother said.
Kalin's father was a carpenter and taught him early how to use his hands.In high school,Kalin was so interested in photography that he cut class to take photos 18 hours a day.Eventually Kalin ended up at New York University.One night,his landlord asked him to build a website for his restaurant."I didn't know anything about websites,but I built the basic site by looking through books in four weeks,"Kalin recalls.
After working on a craft site that provided"advice and a lot of hand-holding",Kalin recognized that there was no market for their goods.He wrote a fan letter to Stewart Butterfield,the founder of Flickr,who had sold his highly popular photo-sharing website to Yahoo!Impressed by Kalin's letter,he took a look at Kalin's idea and invited him to San Francisco for a month in 2006.He taught Kalin how to build a website,and helped him borrow $615,000 from a bank.
With the help of Stewart,Kalin was able to create etsy.com,an online craft fair that may be the largest market for hand made goods in the world.Last year,350,000 woodworkers and other craftsmen sold their one-of-a-kind goods on the four-year-old site.It sells everything from hand-knitted T-shirts to wooden electric guitars.In an age of chain stores and malls,it seems there's still a big market for the unique:custom-made skirts and hand-painted tea sets.Today,Etsy's staff has increased to 70 employees,and more than three million consumers in 150 countries are buying goods on Etsy every year.

21.It can be learned from the passage that Rob KalinC.
A.opened a restaurant after graduation
B.was good at building websites at university
C.admired Stewart Butterfield very much
D.offered good advice to craftsmen
22.Which of the following can be used to describe Rob Kalin?A
A.Helpful and creative.
B.Curious and stubborn.
C.Smart and humorous.
D.Strict and brave.
23.What can we learn about Etsy from the passage?B
A.It offered craftsmen advice at first and then began to sell crafts.
B.It sells custom-made clothes and other handmade things.
C.It has employed 350,000 craftsmen.
D.It was set up by Stewart Butterfield.
24.The underlined part"custom-made shirts"in the last paragraph meansC.
A.shirts that are sold in large quantities on a website
B.shirts that are of high quality and sold at a high prize
C.shirts that are made according to someone's special requests
D.shirts that are designed to meet the need of a certain kind of craftsman.

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