
Why do people feel so rushed? Part of this is a perception (认知) problem. Generally, people in rich countries have more free time than they used to. This is particularly true in Europe, but even in America free time has been inching up. Women's paid work has risen a lot over this period,but their time in unpaid work,like cooking and cleaning, has fallen even more significantly, thanks in part to dishwashers, washing machines and microwaves, and also to the fact that men shift themselves a little more around the house than they used to.

The problem, then, is less how much time people have than how they see it. Ever since a clock was first used at a workplace to record labor hours in the 18th century, time has been understood in relation to money. Once hours are financially quantified (量化), people worry more about wasting, but tend to save or use them more profitably. When economies grow and incomes rise, everyone's time becomes more valuable. And the more valuable something becomes, the rarer it seems.

Once seeing their time in terms of money, people often grow stingy with the former to maximize the latter. Workers who are paid by the hour volunteer less of their time and tend to feel more upset when they are not working.

The relationship between time, money and anxiety is something Gary Becker noticed in America's post-war boom years. "If anything, time is used more carefully today than a century ago," he noted in 1965. He found that when people are paid more to work, they tend to work longer hours, because working becomes a more profitable use of time. So the rising value of work time puts pressure on all time. Leisure time starts to seem more stressful, as people are forced to use it wisely or not at all.

1.Women's time in unpaid work has fallen partly because ______.

A. men's ability to support a family has been improved

B. men's involvement in housework has increased

C. women's leisure time was taken up by heavy housework

D. women become more skilled at household equipment

2.From the second paragraph, we learn that ______.

A. labor hours were recorded with a clock

B. people haven't realized the value of time

C. more work hours bring in more money

D. The rise of incomes makes time less valuable

3.The underlined phrase grow stingy with can probably be replaced by "______".

A. refuses to delay

B. intend to kill

C. try to accumulate

D. hesitate to spend

4.According to Gary Becker, what causes people feel anxious about time?

A. The wrong way of time being spent.

B. People's willingness to work hard.

C. The increasing value of work time.

D. More and more leisure time.




Do you:

◆Love the National Park, value it and hope to safeguard its future?

◆Wish to see the beautiful landscape of the Park protected?

◆Like to enjoy peaceful, informal recreation within the Park?


The Friends organization aims are to help protect and improve the Pembroke shire Coast National Park for all to enjoy. We are a voluntary organization and registered charity without financial links to the National Park Authority.


We encourage everyone to enjoy the National Park through regular talks and visits to interesting places in the Park with expert guides.

We keep an eye on planning applications, Park Authority policies and threats to the National Park such as massive leisure complexes. We work with like?minded organizations such as the Campaign for National Parks to make our voice more effective. We help children to understand the National Park by sponsoring publications such as an adventure booklet and projects in local schools.


◆Guided visits to places of interest which may not always be available to the general public.

◆All members receive our regular News and Views.

◆Talks by experts in their fields on current issues.

◆A discount is available on Friends items for sale.

◆Satisfaction of participation in work parties, for those willing and able to be involved. If interested, please complete the Application Form at www. fpnp.org. uk.

1.Which of the following is discouraged by the Friends organization?

A. To build massive complexes for public amusement.

B. To prevent possible damages to the National Park.

C. To help protect and improve the Park for all to enjoy.

D. To sponsor publications and projects in local schools.

2.One of the benefits for members of Friends is to ________.

A. have Friends' goods free of charge

B. visit any place not open to the public

C. take part in work parties if they want to

D. give talks in their fields on current issues

3.The purpose of this poster is to invite more people to ______.

A. raise money for the Friends organization

B. join the Friends organization and be members of it

C. work as managers for Pembrokeshire National Park

D. enjoy the landscape of Pembroke shire National Park

The Truth Can Set You Free

I recently got pulled over for speeding not far from my new home in Virginia. I hadn’t been paying attention, and I had driven a few miles an hour over the speed limit.

“Can I see your license and registration?” the police officer asked me. I pulled both out for him, and he saw my Pittsburgh address on my Pennsylvania driver’s license.

“What are you doing here?” he asked. “Are you with the army?”

“No, I’m not.” I answered. I explained that I had just moved to Virginia, and I hadn’t had time to re-register yet.

“So what brings you here?”

He had asked a direct question. Without thinking very hard, I gave him a direct answer. “Well, officer,” I said, “since you’ve asked, I have cancer. I have just months to live. We’ve moved down here to be close to my wife’s family.”

“So you’ve got cancer,” he said flatly. He was trying to figure me out. Was I really dying? Was I lying? He took a long look at me. “You know, for a guy who has only a few months to live, you sure look good.”

He was obviously thinking: “Either this guy is pulling one big fat line on me, or he’s telling the truth.” He was trying to question my honesty without directly calling me a liar. And so he had forced me to prove that I was being honest.

“Well, officer, I know that I look pretty healthy. I look great on the outside, but the tumors(肿瘤)are on the inside.” And then, I don’t know what possessed me, but I just did it. I pulled up my shirt, showing the operational scars.

He looked at my scars. He looked in my eyes. He now knew he was talking to a dying man. Well, he wasn’t taking this any further. He handed me back my license. “Do me a favor.” he said, “Slow down from now on.”

The awful truth had set me free. As he went back to his police car, I had a realization. I had been one of those gorgeous blondes (金发美女) who could bat her eyelashes and get out of tickets. I drove home under the speed limit, and I was smiling like a beauty queen.

1.The author was stopped by the police officer because ______.

A. he didn’t have a license

B. he forgot to re-register

C. he was seriously ill

D. he drove too fast

2.The author moved to Virginia probably because ______.

A. he was homesick

B. he served in the army there

C. Virginia had better hospitals

D. his family could be better cared for

3.On hearing about the author’s cancer, the police officer ______.

A. said it was an excuse

B. doubted his honesty

C. showed sympathy for him

D. asked him to show his scars

4.It can be inferred from the passage that the author was ______.

A. optimistic B. adventurous

C. dishonest D. romantic


Flash Mob: The Pop Culture

If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you don’t need to feel surprised. They are a flash mob. Who are they? Are they mobs (暴民)? 1.Actually, a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly separate.

A flash mob is usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communications networks.2. At a predetermined time, they gather and perform some tasks such as exchanging books, coming together to look at the sky, waving their hands and yelling something at the top of their lungs for 30 seconds. Then, they quickly disappear before the police can arrive.

Bill Wasik, senior editor of Harper’s Magazine, organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful flash mob gathered on June 3, 2003 at Macy’s department store. More than one hundred people stepped onto the ninth floor carpet department of Macy’s department store, gathering around an expensive carpet. Following this flash mob, about 200 people flooded the lounge of the Hyatt hotel and applauded for about fifteen seconds.3.

Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people. Such an activity might seem amusing, but it might also frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place. 4.They also have enormous economic potential, such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.

5.People use it to do many things. For example, in 2009, Michael Jackson’s fans took part in a flash mob to remember him. Hundreds of his fans gathered outside the railway station in Liverpool. They were singing and dancing Michael’s famous song “Beat It” together. And in another example, some people took part in a flash mob to tell more people not to use negative words.

Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.

A. Don’t be confused by their name.

B. People are attracted by the silly and harmless activities.

C. The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular.

D. Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change their gathering place.

E. A later mob saw hundreds of people in Central Park making bird noises.

F. The messages may be forwarded to friends, who forward to more people.

G. Undoubtedly, flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction.

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