
【题目】When I wanted to express my thanks to him, words ______ me. I just held his hands firmly and choked.

A. left B. fled

C. forgot D. failed


【解析】句意:当我想对他表示感谢时,我一句话都说不出来,只是紧紧地抓着他的手,哽咽着。考查动词词义辨析。words failed me任何语言都表达不出我现在的(心情,状态……),符合句意。而leave表示离开; flee表示逃跑; forget表示人遗忘了某事,都不符合句意。


【题目】Doctors sometimes use light therapy to treat a form of depression in people who get too little morning sun. But too much light at other times may actually cause such mood disorder. Long-lasting exposure to light at night brings depression, a new study finds, at least in animals.

The new data confirm observations from studies of people who work night shifts, says Richard Stevens of the University of Connecticut Health Center. Mood disorders join a growing list of problems, including cancer, obesity and diabetes that can occur when light throws life out of balance by disturbing the biological clock and its timing of daily rhythms.

In the new study, Tracy Bedrosian and Randy Nelson of Ohio State University exposed mice to normal light and dark cycles for four weeks. For the next four weeks, half of the mice remained on this schedule, and the rest received continuous dim light throughout their night. Compared with mice exposed to normal night-time darkness, those getting dim light at night lost their strong preference for sweet drinks. “A sign that they no longer get pleasure out of activities they once enjoyed,” Bedrosian says.

In a second test, mice were clocked on how long they actively tried to escape a pool of water. Those exposed to night lights stopped struggling and just floated in the water, a sign of “behavioral despair”, 10 times as long as the mice that had experienced normal night-time darkness. All symptoms of depression disappeared within two weeks of the mice returning to a normal light-dark cycle, the researchers report. The scientists could also quash the behavioral symptoms by injecting the brains of animals with a drug that prohibits the activity of certain molecules linked with human depression. This finding further suggests that light at night may cause something related to depression.

Human studies linking night-time light and mood disorders are important but can not easily detect molecular underpinnings(分子基础) as animal studies can, says George Brainard of Thomas Jefferson University. The new work, he says, suggests that the change of the biological clock by light at night can be “an extremely powerful force in regulating biology and behavior”.

【1After being exposed to continuous night-time light, the mice __________.

A. changed their preferences

B. escaped from the water more eagerly

C. remained active as before

D. showed less interest in their favorites

【2What does the underlined word “quash” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. study B. predict

C. ease D. cause

【3We can learn from the last paragraph that _______________.

A. light at night may have practical value

B. the biological clock is beneficial to humans

C. human mood disorders cannot be healed easily

D. human studies are more important than animal studies

【4What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Night-time light may cause depression.

B. A drug has been found to cure mood disorders.

C. The study on animals can be applied to humans.

D. Human biological clock can be controlled by light.

【题目】Mr. Brozina is a single father and an elementary school librarian who reads aloud for a living. When his daughter, Kristen, hit fourth grade, he proposed The Streak to see if they could read together for 100 straight bedtimes without missing once.

When The Streak reached 100, they celebrated with a pancake breakfast, and Kristen whispered "I think we should try for 1,000 nights."

Mr. Brozina was delighted, but what he was thinking was, a thousand nights? "I thought, we'll never do it" he recalled. "And then we got to 1,000, and we said, ‘How can we stop? ’"

For 3, 218 nights (and some mornings, if Mr. Brozina was coming home too late to read) The Streak went on. It progressed from picture books to middle-school classics to Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Dickens and Shakespearecontinuing on, until Kristen's first day of college.

In those nine-plus years, they survived many close calls. When Kristen was still in elementary schoolher father went to Washington. "The phone rang at 10:45 at the hotel and it was Kristen," Mr. Brozina recalled. "She said, Dad, we forgot The Streak Fortunately, I always traveled with several books and we read right then and there."

This spring, Kristen graduated from Rowan University. She has performed as you'd expect for a product of The Streakan English major with a 3. 94 average. She also won two national writing contests was an editor of the humor arid literary publications and won the annual English department award.

1According to the passage, Mr. Brozina and his daughter read together for ______ .

A. 100 bedtimes

B. 1000 nights

C. over nine years

D. nearly 3,000 nights and some mornings

2 In the passage, the underlined phrase "The Streak" in Paragraph 1 probably means ______ .

A. the period of time for reading together

B. the children's book

C. the special night

D. the school work

3 How has Kristen benefited from reading with her father?

A. She has grown closer to her father.

B. She has become a school librarian herself.

C. She has performed well at university.

D. She has won many reading awards.

4 This passage is about a father who ______ .

A. is very strict in his work

B. enjoys reading when travelling

C. makes his daughter love reading

D. has a hard time bringing up his daughter

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