
   When studying abroad, do you worry about not understanding the local language?

   In Australia, this is not a problem. Almost all the colleges and universities General English programmes for you to grasp Australian Eng?lish. I am a General English at Greenwich College. Now let me tell you what you can learn from these classes.

I teach English at all levels from  3  to advanced. My usually start with a fun activity to get everyone thinking.

We play vocabulary and  games, and sometimes we listen to a famous Australian  6  and decide whether we like the lyrics or not.

we have all warmed up, we move onto the grammar or vocabulary of the day. Listening to the teacher,and then all talk together to try and  the new Eng?lish we have learned. We    9     it through writing or speaking.We focus on our other 10(reading, writing or listening) in the afternoon, and use these skills to better understand the grammar or vocabulary.

11,at the end of the day, we talk about how to live and work in  12  . We discuss the problems  13   how to understand different accents,new words and how to find jobs and make new friends. If there are any issues, we  14  each other,offering advice and support.

General English also offers specialized  15  classes to improve your accent. We also offer special grammar and conversation classes,  16  a movie club ! Do you enjoy watching American movies? You can also come on excursions(短途方接行) with us―to the Opera House, the beach, the zoo or even to a museum.  17  do you want to go in Sydney?

If you feel  18  about using your spoken English―don't worry ! Everyone feels the same. So,in General English we have activities  19  get you talking to classmates,excursions that build your confidence,and student parties that help you talk to others.

It's a great way to improve all your English skills as well as have a fantastic  20  .Maybe I'll see you in my class soon.

1.  A.   supply       B.  offer       C.  give       D. find

2.  A.   student      B.  worker      C.  teacher       D. guide

3.  A.   beginners   B.   learners    C.   courses       D. subjects

4.  A.   teachers     B.   books      C.  demands      D. classes

5.  A.   hearing      B.  writing     C.  grammar      D. speaking

6.  A.  pop song       B.  dialogue      C.  news         D. report

7.  A.  Before       B.  If         C.  When        D. After

8.  A.  understand                 B. realize
C.  get                         D. differ

9.  A.  grasp      B. practise     C.  appreciate       D. enjoy

 10.  A.   ways       B. training    C.  skills      D. practice

11.  A.  Firstly     B. Secondly    C.  Thirdly       D. Finally

12.  A.   America   B.   Australia    C.   Austria      D. Canada

13.  A.   such as    B.  for example     C.  and         D. but

14.  A.   learn from                B. know

C.  help                      D.  get along with

15.  A.  listening                 B. pronunciation
C.  accent                     D. reading

16.  A.   except      B. beside     C. like        D.  as well as

17.  A.  When      B.  How          C.  Where        D. Why

18.  A.   nervous                 B. comfortable
  C. excited                   D. proud

19.  A. what        B. that       C.  it         D. this

20.  A.  feeling                   B. thought

C.  adventure                  D. experience


    A [2015 •全国卷H]

   My colour television has given me noth?ing but a headache. I was able to buy it a lit?tle over a year ago because I had my rela?tives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn't fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later,when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately , I didn't get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.

    Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static (静电)noise. For some reason, when cer?tain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it,I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work,and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles (肌肉)shaking my set.

    When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist,and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $ 62, and the set is working well now,but I keep expecting more trouble.

16.  Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?

   A.  He got an older model than he had expected.

B.  He couldn't return it when it was broken.

C.  He could have bought it at a lower price.

D.  He failed to find any movie shows on it.

17.  Which of the following can best replace the phrase "signed off" in Paragraph 1?

   A.  ended all their programmes

B.  provided fewer channels

C.  changed to commercials

D.  showed all-night movies

18.  How did the author finally get his TV set working again?

   A.  By shaking and hitting it.

B.  By turning it on and off.

C.  By switching channels.

D.  By having it repaired.

19.  How does the author sound when telling the story?
A, Curious.            B. Anxious.

C. Cautious.          D. Humorous.






Lots of people usually discard the skin when they eat fruit and vegeta?bles. However, the skin of some fruit can provide more nutrients (营养物) and health benefits.

Bananas―When you eat bananas, don't just throw away the peel. If you are feeling down and blue? it will help you to get into a lighter mood. Taiwanese researchers found out banana peel contains serotonin(血清素),a chemical that balances the mood. 丁o use it, simply boil banana skin in wa?ter for about 10 minutes. You can drink it when it's cool.

 Citrus (W橘属类)fruit—I know lots of people love oranges and lem?ons. But they usually throw away the peel and just eat what's inside. The juice also contains antioxidants (抗氧化剂),but the peel has higher concen?tration (浓度)of them. In fact, the peel has 20 times more antioxidants than the content! Antioxidants help fight off the bad LDL cholesterol(低密度脂蛋白胆固醇).So if you want your body to be free of bad cholesterol, don't throw away all the orange peel !

Apples―I know a lot of people eat apples with their peel on. So, just a reminder: apple peel contains about 87 per cent more nutrients that help to fight cancer, according to a study by Comer University.

Potatoes—Potato skin is rich in nutrients like fibre, iron and vitamin C. Just wash the whole potato thoroughly and cook with the skin on, whether you are going to mash (捣碎)or bake the potato. In addition, potatoes help in preventing cancer and heart disease* since they also have antioxidants in them.

1.  The underlined word "discard" in the first paragraph probably means

  A. take in                        B.  look for

 C.cut up                        D,  throw away

2.  Which of the following is TRUE, according to the third paragraph?

  A.  People like oranges because of the nutrients in their peel.

B.  The peel of citrus fruit contains more antioxidants than its juice.

C.  Antioxidants help to increase the level of LDL cholesterol.

D.  If you have bad LDL cholesterol, don't eat orange peel.

3.  Apple peel contains nutrients that can help fight .
A. cancer                         B.  high cholesterol
C. heart disease                  D. sadness

4.  According to the text, potato skin_____ .

A. is not good for people with heart disease

  B.  that has been baked cannot be eaten

C.  has the same benefits as banana peel

D.  contains a lot of nutrients



Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to do something good for two complete strangers. This  21  us feel so good that I felt I had to share our experience.

We were travelling to Mexico for  22  week with our family.  23  I travelled a lot for work, we had enough frequent flier miles(累计飞行里程)and could upgrade(升级)our tickets to  24  class seats. We were sit?ting in the very first two seats in the first row of first class,  25  the plane to depart(离开).I overheard one of the flight attendants(空乘)tell?ing the others that there was a couple sitting in the  26  of the plane who had just got married the previous day and were heading off on their  27 . They had booked their flight eight months in advance  28  , due to some schedule changes, had not been able to get  29  together. No one else on the plane was willing to move and the bride was in tears.

I turned to my husband and told him what I  30  . We immediately  31   and I called the flight attendant over to tell her that we would be happy to  32  our seats for this couple.  The flight attendant seemed shocked and  33  and said* "Really? Are you sure?" We said, "Absolutely!"

So we moved to the back of the  34  . I sat in a middle seat part-way back and my  35  sat in the window seat in the last row of the plane.

The flight attendants were extremely thankful and  36 good care of us even though we were no longer sitting in first class. We both  37  friends with the people sitting around us and had a great flight. I had to go back to the front of the plane to retrieve(取回)a forgotten item at one point during the  38  I saw that the newly-weds(新婚者)were sitting very-close together,  39  enjoying champagne(香模酒).

It didn't just make my day―it made my whole Thanksgiving  40  !

21.  A. forced         B. made       C. got        D. persuaded

22.  A. Christmas                  B. New Year
C. Thanksgiving                   D. Halloween

23.  A. Since         B. When        C. While        D. If

24.  A. second        B. last        C. middle       D. first

25.  A. watching       B. waiting for    C. listening to    D. recognizing

26.  A. front         B. beside       C. back        D. left

27.  A. honeymoon       B. holiday      C. vacation       D. dream

28.  A. and            B. or           C. but         D, therefore

29.  A. bags          B. seats        C. luggage      D. wishes

30.  A. saw           B. noticed      C. found        D. heard

31.  A. agreed         B. answered      C. replied     D. moved

32.  A. give out       B. give up          C. give off     D. give away

33.  A. glad             B. interested      C. tired      D. amazed

34.  A. house          B. car          C. plane       D. train

35.  A. friend         B. husband        C. son         D. daughter

36.  A. cared          B. thought      C. took         D. looked

37.  A. made           B. helped       C. needed       D. asked

38.  A. time           B. flight       C. space        D. schedule

39.  A. satisfactorily      B. shamefully     C. terribly      D. happily

40. A. day            B. year        C. week        D. month

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