
19.With freezing temperatures on the way,now it is the time to take steps to protect your four-legged family members from the cold,wet weather San Antonio winters often bring.With a few simple measures,you can ensure your pets stay happy and healthy throughout winter.
What is the best way to protect your pets during freezing cold weather?Bring them inside.Pets (especially cats) are safer indoors.Can't have your pets inside the house?Purchase a dog house or give your pet a safe,warm place to rest.
Certain pets are more vulnerable (易受伤害的) to cold temperatures than others.Short-haired dogs,very young or old dogs and all cats should not be left outside during winter months.Short-haired dogs may benefit from a sweater while outside.
Pets that spend much of their day outdoors will need some extra food throughout the winter months.That's because they use up more energy trying to stay warm.A few extra kibbles probably won't hurt but make sure your pets are getting daily exercise if they.re easy to gain weight.Always provide fresh,clean water regardless of the season.Cheek water daily and clean bowls regularly.
Be mindful of your pets while winterizing your car.Antifreeze (防冻剂) is deadly to pets that are attracted to its sweet taste.Store all chemicals out of reach,especially if are going to bring your pets into the garage on cold nights.It is necessary to warm up the car before you head out with your pet.A warm engine can be a welcome spot for a cold cat and the noise should scare them away before your start the engine.
San Antonio's Animal Care Services wants to remind people that the City of Sun Antonio has laws that protect pets from neglect,including exposure to freezing weather conditions.Animal Care Service warns that if you find any pet around being left in the freezing cold weather,you can call the City's 311Customer Service line.

29.If you have a short-haired dog,you'd betterA in winter.
A.keep it inside all the time
B.keep it company
C.dress it in a sweater
D.pay more attention to it
30.What does the underlined word"kibbles"Paragraph thatD.
A.WorkoutsB.SignsC.Pet foodD.Dog tips
31.We can learn from the fifth paragraph thatC.
A.Pets need more water in winter
B.Pets are always being curious
C.Chemicals send an attractive smell
D.It's better not to take pets in the car
32.It can be concluded from the passage thatA.
A.Animal Care Service offers tips to protect pets in winter
B.Whoever abuses pets will be sentenced to prison
C.Many pets can't survive the freezing winter
D.San Antonio sees numbers of homeless pets.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了如何在寒冷潮湿的天气下保护自己的宠物.

解答 29.A.细节理解题.根据第三段Short-haired dogs,very young or old dogs and all cats should not be left outside during winter months.Short-haired dogs may benefit from a sweater while outside可知如果你有一条短毛狗,你最好一直让它待在室内;故选A.
30.D.词义猜测题.根据文章A few extra kibbles probably won't hurt but make sure your pets are getting daily exercise if they.re easy to gain weight可知一些额外的技巧可能不会伤害但确保你的宠物是如果他们容易增加体重每天锻炼,意为养狗的技巧;故选D.
31.C.细节理解题.根据第五段Antifreeze (防冻剂) is deadly to pets that are attracted to its sweet taste.Store all chemicals out of reach,especially if are going to bring your pets into the garage on cold nights可知Antifreeze (防冻剂) is deadly to pets that are attracted to its sweet taste.Store all chemicals out of reach,especially if are going to bring your pets into the garage on cold nights;故选C.
32.A.细节理解题.根据最后一段San Antonio's Animal Care Services wants to remind people that the City of Sun Antonio has laws that protect pets from neglect,including exposure to freezing weather conditions可知动物护理服务提供保护宠物的小贴士;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

9.Something I enjoy doing most in my leisure time is going to the cinema to watch a great film.It's two hours of relaxation and escapism from real life.But when I kick back in my seat to enjoy the film and tuck into my box of popcorn,I'm often  irritated by seeing someone next to me texting on their mobile phone or worse still,talking to someone.
It's no surprise that a proposal by a US cinema chain to let people use their phones during some film screenings was met with such anger,that the company had to withdraw the idea.People said it was'the worst idea ever'!Surely,going to watch the latest film is just that-watching not multi-screening.And if you're out with a friend it seems very antisocial or just rude.I certainly get distracted by the click-click on someone's mobile keyboard as they text and the glow of the bright small phone screen-why aren't they concentrating on the big screen?!
But with the availability of streaming films at home and cheap DVDs,cinemas are struggling to keep their customers.Some places now offer comfortable seats with complimentary snacks and drinks so maybe trying to attract a younger audience by allowing the use of mobile phones is the way forward?A survey in 2012found that a majority of 18-to-34-year-olds believed using social media while watching a movie would add to their experience.
However,not every young person wants to multi-task at the movies.Many of us still get annoyed by the theatre staff who appear not to do anything about it.Of course,we could ask the offenders to turn their phones off but as Adam Aron,head of AMC Entertainment,said in Variety magazine,"when you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone,don't ruin the movie,they hear‘please cut off your left arm above the elbow'."Clearly this is not what I would like to see but if you want to use your mobile phone in the cinema that I'm at,please don't sit next to me!What do you think is the right thing to do?
28.The underline word"irritated"in Paragraph 1meansC.
29.Which of the following is True of the US cinema chain's original advice?B
A.The advice was carried out smoothly.
B.They permitted people to use the phone.
C.The advice was very popular with people.
D.They prohibited people to use the phone.
30.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A
A.Young people use their social media frequently.
B.The cinema needn't worry about their customers.
C.People prefer to watch films and DVD at home.
D.Sending messages is the best experience for young people.
31.What is the author's attitude towards multi-task at the movies?D
10.‘Kangaroo mothering'helps boost a child's health and intelligence
"Kangaroo mothering",the practice of continuous skin-to-skin contact with a newborn baby,results in healthier,more intelligent and successful children,a new study finds.
A 20-year follow-up research found that those brought up in the kangaroo method scored higher in IQ tests and earned 53% more.They were also found to be less likely to have behavior problems than babies in a control group.
Followers of the method nest their kids in a"kangaroo"position on their chest as soon as possible after birth.Both mother and baby are supposed to go home as quickly as possible.
The technique is often used in cases of premature birth (早产).In such cases,the trained mother acts as the child's main source of stimulation (刺激) and food,in the form of breast feeding.Between 1993and 1996,a group of more than 700prematurely born babies in Columbia were,on the basis of random selection,placed either away from mother or were raised using the kangaroo method.Two decades later,a follow-up survey funded by the Canadian Government has shown that those who went through the latter method benefited by comparison.
Published in the journal Paediatrics,the research shows that kangaroo mothering offered significant protection against early death,with a 3.5% death rate compared to a 7.7% rate in the control group.IQ test also showed a small but significant advantage of 3.5% compared to other infants.
Lead researcher Dr Nathalie Charpak,of the Kangaroo Foundation in Bogota,said the method has"significant,long-lasting social and behavioral protective effects"."We firmly believe that this is a powerful,efficient,scientifically based healthcare intervention that can be used in all settings,from those with very restricted to unrestricted access to healthcare."
The study also found that,compared with babies in the control group,those raised in the kangaroo method went on to develop bigger brains,with significantly larger volumes of gray matter.

63.According to the passage,what is"kangaroo mothering"?C
A.Mothers trying their best to improve their babies'IQs.
B.Mothers raising their babies in bags like kangaroos.
C.Mothers staying in touch with their babies early and constantly.
D.Mothers breastfeeding their babies instead of using milk powder.
64.The underlined word"infants"in Paragraph 5 probably meansA.
A.children B.kangaroos      C.parents  D.researchers
65.What is Dr Nathalie Charpak's attitude toward Kangaroo mothering?D
66.This passage shows that Kangaroo mothering canB.
A.give children bigger heads
B.benefit children's brain growth
C.reduce the number of premature births
D.solve school children's behavioral problems.
14.Most of us mistakenly think that creativity is a quality belonging only to inventors rather to ourselves.(36)B  The following tips are a great beginning for developing our creativity.
(1)Get out of your comfort zone
Break out of your usual patterns and welcome creativity into your life.The human brain was designed to recognize patterns.We continue to create patterns and routines for almost everything we do.(37)F As we become more efficient at using patterns,we rely less on creativity to find new paths.We should force ourselves out of our comfort zones and open up new possibilities.
If you always do what you've always done,you'll always get what you've always got.We are creatures of habits and routines,but creativity hates routines.Interrupt your routine and try something new.Undoubtedly,new things are often creative.
(3)Take action
(39)A  You must work to make it a reality.Have you ever seen a new product and realized that you thought of the same thing long ago?Yet someone else is making money with"your"idea.(40)G The difference between a dreamer and a doer is action.If you can put your ideas into practice,you are well on your way to improving your creativity.You can become a true inventor in your own life somehow!

A.Having a great idea is not enough.
B.Seek several options.
C We may attempt to think from the other person's point.
D.Try different things.
E.However,the truth is that we are all born with the potential to be creative.
F.In fact,our comfort zone is only a collection of patterns.
G.We all have great ideas sometimes,but only a few people turn their ideas into reality.
4.Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted (预测) in reaction to climate change,which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.
Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world,changing some living patterns,scientists say.
Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air from burning coal and oil can have an effect on how plants produce oxygen,while higher temperatures and changeable rainfall patterns can change their patterns of growth.
"Predicting species,reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology,"said the researchers of several U.S.universities.They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.
The study,published on the Nature website,uses the findings from plant life cycle studies and experiments across four continents and 1,634 species.It found that some experiments had underestimated (低估) the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.
"Across all species,the experiments under-predicted the speed of the advance-for both leafing and flowering-that results from temperature increase,"the study said.
The design of future experiments may need to be improved to better predict how plants will react to climate change,it said.
Plants are necessary for life on the Earth.They are the base of the food chain,using photosynthesis (光合作用) to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water.They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.
Scientists believe the world's average temperature has risen by about 0.8℃since 1900,and nearly 0.2℃every ten years since 1979.
So far,efforts to cut emissions (排放) of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃this century-a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common,leading to drought,floods,crop failures and rising sea levels.

29.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?B
A.Plants'reaction to weather could have damaging effects on ecosystems.
B.The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists'expectation.
C.Climate change leads to the change of food production patterns.
D.Food chains have been seriously damaged because of weather.
30.We can learn from the study published on the Nature website thatC.
A.plants'flowering is 8.5 times faster than leafing
B.there are 1,634 plant species on the four continents
C.scientists should improve the design of the experiments
D.the experiments failed to predict how plants react to climate change
31.Scientists pay special attention to the study of plants becauseB.
A.they can prove the climate change clearly
B.they are very important in the food chains
C.they play a leading role in reducing global warming
D.they are growing and flowering much faster than before
32.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world's temperature?A
A.It needs to be controlled within 2℃in this century.
B.Its change will lead to weather extremes.
C.It is 0.8℃higher in 1979 than that of 1900.
D.It has risen nearly 0.2℃since 1979.
11.A new study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family claims that all that time you spend parenting just doesn't matter.But it's a claim that,despite the enthusiastic and widespread coverage by the media,does not hold water.
The research suggests that child outcomes (including behavior problems,emotional problems,and academic performance) are barely connected with the time that parents spend with their children.The researchers examined the time diaries of 1,600 children,looking at parenting time and outcomes when the kids were aged 3 to 11 in 1997,and again in 2002,when they were between 8 and 16.
This research largely reflects the failure of the authors to correctly measure parental input (投入).It just looked at time diaries from two particular days-one a weekday and the other a weekend day.
Trying to get a sense of the time you spend parenting from a single day's diary is a bit like trying to measure your income from a single day.If yesterday was payday,you looked rich,but if it's not,you would be reported as poor.You get a clearer picture only by looking at your income-or your parenting time-over a more meaningful period.
What you did yesterday should not be taken as representative of what you did last year.This is why most high-quality studies of parenting time focus instead on how often parents read to their children,play with them or help them with homework over a period of a month or longer-long enough to represent their different approaches to parenting.
As an exhausted parent who doesn't get enough time to work out,and who hasn't seen a movie for months,I understand why so many of us might seize on studies suggesting that we should take more time for ourselves.Perhaps we should.But I agree with Ariel Kalil,a developmental psychologist,on the suggestion"that when parents spend high-quality time with their children,their children are more likely to succeed."

32.What do the underlined words"hold water"in the first paragraph probably mean?A
A.To be valid.
B.To be surprising.
C.To be confusing.
D.To be usual.
33.What's the purpose of conducting the study?A
A.To explore the link between parenting time and child outcomes
B.To explore the link between time diaries and child development.
C.To explore the link between children's habits and parents'influence.
D.To explore the link between daily activities and children's problems,
34.How is Paragraph 4 mainly developed?C
A.By giving descriptions.
B.By analyzing the cause.
C.By making a comparison,
D.By offering research findings.
35.The author may agree that high-quality-studies of parenting time shouldD.
A.be completed in one month                       
B.adopt some different approaches
C.concentrate mainly on learning time          
D.be based on data of a longer time period.
8.As a young ice-skater,I had flown pretty high,pretty quickly.My partner and I won the Canadian junior pairs championship when I was 14.Later I was thrilled to be picked to skate in the 2008Olympics in Beijing,China.But then everything came down.
We finished the 12th at the Games.I soon quit double skating and tried to continue in singles.But I wasn't good enough; I didn't even compete in the next two national championships.I felt like I was a somebody who had become a nobody.
I was 18and had just graduated from high school when my mom told me,"You can't just depend on skating to make a living.You'd better find a job."I knew she was right.So I found a job at a restaurant where I waited at table and did anything else that needed to be done.In fact,I worked so hard that I had never got the chance to have a break.No one cared about that I had been an Olympic skater; I was judged only by how hard I worked.
That job taught me so many things.I learned,for example,how to deal with people.As an athlete,this was new to me.One day a man loudly called me over to his table and complained,"This milk is sour.I am not drinking this junk!I want my money back!"It was near the end of my shift (轮班) and I wanted to tell him how rude I thought he was.But I had learned that"the customer is always right"and a smile can go a long way."I'm really sorry,sir.I'll get you a free cup."I said with a smile.When I brought him his coffee,his attitude changed.And he left me a tip!
My first job taught me that it is important to do your best at anything you try.I knew nothing about being a waitress when I started my job but by the time I left---when I decided to return to skating---I had earned a raise and my boss's praise.They meant so much to me.
41.How did the writer feel after she picked up single skating?C
42.What does the underlined word"this"mean?A
A.The job at the restaurant.
B.The job in the ice-skating.
C.The people around the writer.
D.The complaining man.
43.What did the writer do about the man's complaint?D
A.She told him how rude he was.
B.She gave his money back.
C.She asked her boss for help.
D.She apologized with a smile.
44.From the text we can knowB.
A.the author did very well at the 2008Olympics
B.the author was successful as a young ice-skater
C.the author didn't follow her mother's advice
D.the author gave up her skating career
45.The text is mainly aboutC.
A.the author's skating life             
B.a lesson from skating
C.the author's first job               
D.how to be a good waitress.

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