
注意:词数100左右.可适当增加内容,使文章语篇连贯.发言稿的开头和结尾已 经给出,但不计人总词数.
Dear classmates,
I'm glad to share my experience in learning English with you.(点明主题)As we konw,English is the mostwidely used language in the world.If we have a good command of English,we can easily comunicate with others.【高分句型一】(英语的重要性)Like other subjects,a good learning habit can benefit you a lot.So previewing before classes,listening in classes and reviewing after classes are useful.In addition,I believe,if we want to learn English well,imitating what we listen and read is important.【高分句型二】It means that we can practice our spoken and written English actively.What's more,we should pay attention to grammer learning,which can help you to understand the structure of the sentenses.Above all,the more you use English in your lives,the better you learn English.I hope you will find my advice useful.(介绍英语学习的经验)
That's all.Thank you!

分析 这是一篇关于英语学习的经验的作文.根据要求可知用第一人称和一般现在时态.内容包括:一点明主题;二英语的重要性;三介绍英语学习的经验.
1.If we have a good command of English,we can easily comunicate with others.句子里have a good command of 表示"熟知,掌握";comunicate with 表示"和…交流".
2.In addition,I  believe,if we want to learn English well,imitating what we  listen and read is important.句子里In addition表示"此外";imitating是动名词做主语,what we  listen 是动名词的宾语从句.

解答 Dear classmates,
       I'm glad to share my experience in learning English with you.(点明主题)As we konw,English is the mostwidely used language in the world.If we have a good command of English,we can easily comunicate with others.【高分句型一】(英语的重要性)Like other subjects,a good learning habit can benefit you a lot.So previewing before classes,listening in classes and reviewing after classes are useful.In addition,I  believe,if we want to learn English well,imitating what we  listen and read is important.【高分句型二】It means that we can practice our spoken  and written English actively.What's more,we should pay attention to grammer learning,which can help you to understand the structure of the sentenses.Above all,the more you use English in your lives,the better you learn English.I hope you will find my advice useful.That's all.Thank you!(介绍英语学习的经验)

点评 本文属于提纲类作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果.

注    意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数);
Dear Li Hua
I'm writing to ask for your help.
The next examination is coming,but I feel more and more nervous and these days I can't fall asleep as usual.What should I do?
Dear Jack
I'm sorry to hear that you have difficulty in falling asleep for a long time.
6.How Safe Is Your Bed?
Do you consider your bed a safe place of rest and calm?Do you sink into a mattress (床垫) after a hard day's work and feel tension and stress drain away as you rest your weary head on a soft pillow?Well,you might not feel so relaxed if you knew that tiny pests were hiding there!It seems that beds may not be such a good place for our health and happiness----they could actually be making us ill!
Recent studies have shown that bacteria,fungi and dust mites (螨虫),some smaller than the diameter of a hair,live in our bedding.When we move around in our sleep,we disturb them and they are bounced up into the air--which we then breathe in as we sleep.According to the American Lung Association,four out of five households in the United States now have high levels of dust mites,although it's not the mites themselves that cause the problems,but their droppings.These are"highly allergenic (致敏的)"according to Dr William Berger,a fellow with the American Academy of Allergy,Asthma and Immunology."Even if you aren't allergic…they can still irritate you,the way pepper would if it blew into your nose and eyes."
Brendan Boor,Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering,who carries out bed research,also found that bed dust in the air leads to allergies--causing watery eyes,sneezing,coughs and asthma.He has recommended ways to limit our exposure to these boring allergens:
Firstly,he suggests vacuuming your mattress regularly-weekly,or even daily.He also recommends doing away with carpets and washing floors.Using allergen-proof bed covers,he says,can reduce the risk of getting allergies.In addition,washing bedding and pillows frequently can help,as can a portable air cleaner placed near the bed.
If you do as Brendan Boor suggests,you will breathe in cleaner air as you sleep …or will you?Is it really safe for you to go back in your bed?
Studies show that beds aren't a good place for your well-being and they can even make you sick.Mites,bacteria and other tiny living things in your beds can cause illness or irritate you.Therefore,experts suggest that cleaning carpets,washing floors,using allergen-proof bed covers,and washing bedding and pillows frequently can make your bed safe..
3.Do you know what is scarier than bees?Pirate bees!Scientists have discovered a new species of bee that survives by capturing hives(蜂房) made by other species.The behavior is usually seen in cuckoos(杜鹃),so the new species has been named the"cuckoo bee".
Discovered by Dr.Jakub Straka of Charles University in Prague,and Dr.Michael S.Engel of the University of Kansas,the cuckoo bee was found during a journey to the Republic of Cape Verde is an island chain off the western coast of Africa.Cape Verde is an island that has not been visited before by scientists.Scientists believe the area may be home to a lot of undiscovered species.
According to Straka and Engel's report,the cuckoo bee enters a hive secretly.While the host is out collecting pollen(花粉),the female cuckoo bee enters the hive and lays her eggs on top of the host's.The cuckoo bee eggs hatch more quickly than the other eggs.Then,when they come out of their eggs,the newborn cuckoo bees immediately kill all of the host's eggs and young,and then eat all the stored food.Eventually,they gain control of the hive and live off its resources.
Physically,the cuckoo bees look like zebra,featuring mostly black-and-white patterns.Also,they are mostly quite large.But one species was only 5mm long,which is actually quite small for a bee.Engel and Straka believe the large size of most of the cuckoo bee species is the result of"island gigantism(岛屿巨型化)",a phenomenon where a species can grow at an extreme rate when separated from the rest of its kind.
The researchers are now trying to explore the diversity(多样化) of the cuckoo bees'hosts and also to understand their evolution across the islands.

32.Why is the bee called the"cuckoo bee"?A
A.It survives in a similar way to the cuckoo bird.
B.It looks like the cuckoo bird.
C.Its sound is similar to that of the cuckoo bird.
D.It is from the same island as the cuckoo bird.
33.What does the underlined word"capturing"in the first paragraph probably mean?C
34.The cuckoo beeA.
A.has zebra-like patterns    
 B.collects pollen before entering a hive
C.kills the host bee after entering a hive    
D.enters a hive in a group
35.What is the real reason for most cuckoo bees being larger?D
A.They can get plenty of food from other bees'hives.
B.Their habitat,Cape Verde,has not been polluted.
C.Their hosts are diverse.
D.They are separated from the rest of their kind.
10.I believe in my mother.My  (41)Abegan when I was just a kid.I dreamed of becoming a doctor.
My mother was a domestic(佣人).Through her work,she observed that  (42)A people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching television.She  (43)C that my brother and I could only watch two TV programs during the week.We had to read two books every week and (44)B our written book reports to her.She would mark them up with check marks.Years later we(45)C her marks were a trick.My mother was illiterate(文盲).
When I entered high school I was an A-student.But I wanted the fancy(46)A.I wanted to hang(47)B with the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student.One night my mother came home from work and I  (48)B about not having an Italian shirt.She said,"I'll give you all the money I (49)D this week,and you can buy the family food and(50)C the bills.With the money left,you can have all you want."
I was very (51)B with that arrangement but once I allocated(分配) money,there was(52)B left.I realized my mother was a financial  (53)D to be able to keep a roof over our heads.I also realized that immediate  (54)C wasn't going to get me anywhere.
I went back to my  (55)C and became an A-student again,and eventually I(56)D my dream and I became a  (57)D.
My mother is a woman with(58)A education who used her position as a parent to(59)Cthe lives of us.There is no job more(60)D than parenting.This is what I believe.
2.Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk,I went to a friend.He looked at me for a moment,and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I've ever had:Be bold and brave-and mighty(强大的)forces will come to your aid.
Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past,it was seldom because I had tried and failed.It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all.On the other hand,whenever I had plunged into deep water,forced by courage or circumstance,I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.
Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you are sure you can eat.And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces.They are potential powers we possess:energy,skill,sound judgment,creative ideas-even physical strength greater than most of us realize.
Admittedly,those mighty forces are spiritual ones.But they are more important than physical ones.A college classmate of mine,Tim,was an excellent football player,even though he weighed much less than the average player."In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player,who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,"said Tim."I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet(子弹)-and stopped him cold."
Boldness-a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme-is not one that can be acquired overnight.But it can be taught to children and developed in adults.Confidence builds up.Surely,there will be setbacks(挫折)and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee of success.But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.
So,always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities-and you'll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.
28.Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?B
A.He faced huge risks.
B.He lacked mighty forces.
C.Fear prevented him from trying.
D.Failure blocked his way to success.
29.What is the implied meaning of the underlined part?C
A.Swallow more than you can digest.
B.Develop more mysterious powers.
C.Act slightly above your abilities.
D.Learn to make creative decisions.
30.What can be learned from Paragraph 5?B
A.Confidence grows more rapidly in adults.
B.Boldness can be gained little by little.
C.Repeated failure creates a better life.
D.Trying without success is meaningless.
31.What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?A
A.To encourage people to be courageous.
B.To advise people to build up physical power.
C.To tell people the ways to guarantee success.
D.To recommend people to develop more abilities.

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