   Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and a writer who wrote about 480 books£¬among those his best known work was his science fiction stories£®He was born in Russia in January 2£¬1920£®When he was three year old£¬he moved to New York City with his parents£®In 1941£¬he gained his Master's degree in chemistry£®From 1942 to 1945£¬he works as a junior chemist at the Philadelphia Navy Yard£®It was Asimov's extraordinary imagination and amazing mind made him a great writer£®Throughout his life£¬Asimov received much awards£¬both for his science fiction books and his science books£¬and unfortunately on April 6£¬1992£¬Asimov dead as a result of an HIV infection that he had got from a blood transfusion nine years early£®

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½â´ð Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and a writer who wrote about 480 books£¬among those his best known work was his science fiction stories£®He was born in Russia in January 2£¬1920£®When he was three year old£¬he moved to New York City with his parents£®In 1941£¬he gained his Master's degree in chemistry£®From 1942 to 1945£¬he works as a junior chemist at the Philadelphia Navy Yard£®It was Asimov's extraordinary imagination and amazing mind¡Ämade him a great writer£®Throughout his life£¬Asimov received much awards£¬both for his science fiction books and his science books£¬and unfortunately on April 6£¬1992£¬Asimov dead as a result of an HIV infection that he had got from a blood transfusion nine years early£®
1£®È¥µôa£»¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£¬an American scientist and a writer ÒâΪ"һλ¿Æѧ¼ÒºÍһλ×÷¼Ò"Ö¸Á½¸öÈË£»an American scientist and writerÒâΪ"һλ¿Æѧ¼Ò¼æ×÷¼Ò"ָͬһ¸öÈË£¬½áºÏ¾äÒâ´Ë´¦Òª°Ñ²»¶¨¹Ú´ÊaÈ¥µô£® 
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17£®Life is difficult£®
    It is great truth because once we truly understand and accept it£¬then life is no longer difficult£®
 Most do not fully see this truth£®Instead£¬they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy£®It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or upon their familie s£¬their class£¬or even their nation£®
 What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one£®Problems£¬depending on their nature£¬cause us sadness£¬loneliness or regret or anger and fear£®These are uncomfortable feelings£¬often as painful as any kind of physical pain£®And since life causes an endless series of problems£¬life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy£®
Yet£¬it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning£®Problems are the serious tests that tell us success from failure£® When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit£¬we encourage the human ability to solve problems£¬just as in school we set problems for our children to solve£®It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn£®As Benjamin Franklin said£¬"Those things that hurt instruct£®"It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems£®
25£®From the passage£¬it can be inferred thatB£®
A£®everybody has problems
B£®we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life
C£®life is difficult because our problems bring us pain
D£®people like to complain about their problems
26£® The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph toD£®
A£®save space              
B£®persuade readers
C£®makes readers laugh     
D£®get readers'attention
27£® The main idea of Paragraph 3 is thatD£®                               
A£®most people feel life is easy    
B£®the writer feels life is easy
C£®the writer likes to complain about his problems
D£®most people complain about how hard their lives are
28£® According to the passage£¬we give schoolchildren difficult problems to solve in order toA£®
A£®encourage them to learn
B£®teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem
C£®helps them learn to deal with pain
D£®teach them how to solve problems£®
18£®You may have heard about some outstanding American astronauts who once walked on the moon£®
Here is a list of them£®
Neil Armstrong £¨Apollo 11£»21h 31m 20s£©
Armstrong's biggest moment came in 1969£¬when he was chosen for NASA's first manned lunar mission£¬along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins£®On July 21£¬1969£¬he set foot on the surface of the moon£¬which made him the first human to do so£®After returning£¬Armstrong became an international icon£¨Å¼Ïñ£©and was honored worldwide£®
Pete Conrad £¨Apollo 12£» 31h 31m 12s£©
During his childhood£¬Pete suffered from dyslexia£¨ËжÁÀ§ÄÑ£©and always failed in his studies£¬resulting in his leaving school£®Then he joined Darrow School£¬where he performed so well that he won a scholarship£®He was invited to be part of NASA£¬but he was so upset with some tests that he decided to walk out of the program£®However£¬Alan Shepard persuaded Pete to apply again for NASA£®He was chosen as the commander£¨Ö¸»Ó¹Ù£©of Apollo 12£¬and landed on the moon on November 19£¬1969£®
Alan Shepard £¨Apollo 14£¬Id 9h 30m 29s£©
Shepard£¬along with 110other volunteers£¬was invited to take part in America's first manned space mission£®He became the second person £¨after Russia's Yuri Gagarin£© to travel into space£®Shepard was diagnosed with Meniere's disease£¬which interrupted his further space travel£®However£¬he had corrective surgery and was chosen as the commander of Apollo 14£ºHe landed on the moon on February 5£¬1971£®
John Young £¨Apollo 16£¬2d 23h 2m 13s£©
Young was made the commander of Apollo 16£¬which landed on the moon on April 16£¬1972£®He is the ninth person to set foot on the moon£®Young was chosen as the commander of the first space shuttle flight in 1981£®Young retired from NASA after serving for around 42years£¬making his career at¡¹NASA the longest£®

21£®What do we know about Pete Conrad£¿D
A£®He showed no interest in his studies£®
B£®His application for NASA was rejected£®
C£®His performance in Darrow School was poor£®
D£®He became an astronaut due to Alan Shepard£®
22£®Who was £¨is£© the first American to travel into space£¿B
A£®Neil Armstrong£®
B£®Alan Shepard£®
C£®Pete Conrad£®
D£®John Young£®
23£®What do the four astronauts have in common£¿C
A£®They walked on the moon for over a day£®
B£®They made their moonwalks in the same year£®
C£®They were members of NASA's Apollo programs£º
D£®They retired shortly after they returned to the earth£®
×¢Ò⣺´ÊÊý100×óÓÒ£®¿ÉÊʵ±Ôö¼ÓÄÚÈÝ£¬Ê¹ÎÄÕÂÓïƪÁ¬¹á£®·¢ÑÔ¸åµÄ¿ªÍ·ºÍ½áβÒÑ ¾­¸ø³ö£¬µ«²»¼ÆÈË×Ü´ÊÊý£®
Dear classmates£¬
I'm glad to share my experience in learning English with you£®£¨µãÃ÷Ö÷Ì⣩As we konw£¬English is the mostwidely used language in the world£®If we have a good command of English£¬we can easily comunicate with others£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£¨Ó¢ÓïµÄÖØÒªÐÔ£©Like other subjects£¬a good learning habit can benefit you a lot£®So previewing before classes£¬listening in classes and reviewing after classes are useful£®In addition£¬I believe£¬if we want to learn English well£¬imitating what we listen and read is important£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿It means that we can practice our spoken and written English actively£®What's more£¬we should pay attention to grammer learning£¬which can help you to understand the structure of the sentenses£®Above all£¬the more you use English in your lives£¬the better you learn English£®I hope you will find my advice useful£®£¨½éÉÜÓ¢ÓïѧϰµÄ¾­Ñ飩
That's all£®Thank you!
14£®Since I started working part-time at a grocery store£¬I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys something£®To me£¬a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart£¨¹ºÎïÊÖÍƳµ£©£®One of the first things customers forget is how to count£®There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line£¬which is clearly marked 15 items or less£¬with 20£¬25 or even a cart load of items£®
    Customers also forget why they came to the store in the first place£®Just as I finish ringing up an order£¬a customer will say£¬"Oops£¬I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread£®I hope you don't mind waiting while I go to get it£®"Five minutes later£¬he's back with the bread£¬a bottle of milk£¬and three rolls of paper towels£®What is stranger is that customers also seem to forget that they have pay for their groceries£®Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries£¬a customer will wait until I announce the total£®Then£¬in surprise£¬she says£¬"Oh no£¬what did I do with my check book£¿"After 5 minutes of digging through her purse£¬she borrows my pen because she's forgotten hers£®But I have to tolerate customers because they pay my salary£¬and that's something I can't afford to forget£®
28£®What does the author say about his customers£¿D
A£®They cannot count numbers£®
B£®They sometimes jump the queue£®
C£®They don't know how to express themselves£®
D£®They behave as if their memories have totally failed£®
29£®According to the text£¬who are supposed to be in the express line£¿B
A£®Customers with nothing bought£®
B£®Customers with not more than 15 items£®
C£®Customers with items between 15 and 25£®
D£®Customers with 25 or even a cart load of items£®
30£®When customers arrive at the check-out counter£¬theyB£®
A£®find their pens lost                 
B£®go back and get more items
C£®cannot wait to pay for their groceries       
D£®prefer paying by check to paying by a credit card
31£®We can infer from the text thatC£®
A£®business in the grocery store runs well      
B£®the author finds his present job full of fun
C£®the author's part-time job calls for patience       
D£®customers go to grocery stores without planning£®
1£®Gabby Logan was a gymnast when she was young£®She is now the 39-year-old mother of seven-year-old twins£¬Reuben and Lois£®The other day on TV she was dressed in a new swimsuit£¬which was designed to show off her nice figure£¬which was admired by a great number of television viewers£®
Gabby£¬who won high praise for her television show of the Olympics£¬has asked the woman of the whole nation to go to the swimming pool£¬saying the secret of her figure is regular swimming£®She is also making advertisements for the new Sculpture Swimwear of Speedo£¬an international swimsuit company£¬to help women find the perfect swimsuit£®
Gabby said£¬"We all felt uneasy about getting into our swimwear at first£®But we should be excited by the sporting achievements we have seen at the Olympics this summer£®To get ourselves a little healthier£¬have a try and go to the swimming pool£®"Then she said£¬"Swimming is the perfect exercise if you want to feel healthy or simply relax£®I find that going for a swim always clears my mind and also gives me some valuable 6 my time'£®I like the calm of swimming which I can't experience when I am not in the pool£®"
A study by Speedo£¬an International company£¬which sells swimsuits£¬reported the biggest reason why women were put off going to the pool was the way they looked in swimwear£®More than half of the l£¬000 women surveyed have been reduced to tears when trying on swimwear£®And 48 percent said they felt too self-conscious to go swimming with their children£®Sally Polak£¬from Speedo£¬said£¬"We're hoping to give women the courage and confidence to get back into the water£®"
21£® What can we learn about Gabby Logan£¿A
A£®She has two children of the same age£®
B£®She appeared on TV to show off her nice figure£®
C£®She was a swimmer when she was young£®
D£®She took part in the Olympic Games when she was young£®
22£®What is the main reason why Gabby has a nice figure£¿B
A£®She is a gymnast£®
B£®She often swims£®
C£®She has a peaceful mind     
D£®She wears Sculpture Swimwear£®
23£® The biggest reason why most women were stopped from swimming isA£®
A£®their shy mind of wearing the swimsuit
B£®their being too busy with their housework
C£®their not being comfortable in the swimsuit
D£®their being afraid of their child seeing them wear less
24£®What is the author's purpose of writing the text£¿D
A£®To introduce a famous woman£®
B£®To discuss a TV show of the Olympics£®
C£®To report a way of keeping a good figure£®
D£®To encourage women to go swimming£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
