When other nine-year-old kids were playing games, she was working at a petrol station. When other teens were studying or going out, she struggled to find a place to sleep on the street. But she overcame these terrible setbacks to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry to Harvard University. And her amazing story has inspired a movie, “Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story” shown in late April.

Liz Murray, a 22-year-old American girl, has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination. Liz grew up in the shadow of two drug-addicted parents. There was never enough food or warm clothes in the house. Liz was the only member of the family who had a job. Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just 15 years old. The effect of that LOSS became a turning point in her life. Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died, she decided to do something about it.

Liz went back to school. She threw herself into her studies, never telling her teachers that she was homeless. At night, she lived on the streets. “What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding, by understanding that there was a whole other way of being. I had only experienced a small part of the society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.

She admitted that she used envy to drive herself on. She used the benefits that come easily to others, such as a safe living environment, to encourage herself that “next to nothing could hold me down”. She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University, but Liz decided to leave her top university a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father, who has also developed AIDS. “I love my parents so much. They are drug addicts. But I never forget that they love me all the time.”

Liz wants moviegoers to come away with the idea that changing your life is “as simple as making a decision”.

1.The main idea of the passage is __________.

A. what a hard time Liz had in her childhood

B. how Liz managed to enter Harvard University

C. how Liz struggled to change her life

D. why Liz loved her parents so much

2.What actually made her go towards her goal?

A. Willpower and determination.B. Envy and encouragement.

C. Decisions and understanding.D. Love and respect for her parents.

3.When she wrote “What drove me to live on... I had only experienced a small part of the society”, she meant that ________.

A. she needed to travel more around the world

B. she would do something for her own life

C. she could hardly understand the society

D. she had little experience of social life

Evaluating Sources (来源) of health Information

Making good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation. A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of healthy information. Reasonable evaluation includes knowing where and how to find relevant information, how to separate fact from opinions, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources. 1.

Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported, and determine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study. 2.

Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior “contributes to” or is “associated with” an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result. 3. Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it.

Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements. 4. Evaluate “scientific” statements carefully, and be aware of quackery(江湖骗术).

5. Friends and family members can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us.

Developing the ability to evaluate reasonably and independently about the health problems will serve you well throughout your life.

A. Make choices that are right for you.

B. The goal of an ad is to sell you something.

C. Be sure to work through the critical questions.

D. And examine the findings of the original research.

E. Distinguish between research reports and public health advice.

F. Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an author’s point of view.

G. The following suggestions can help you sort through the health information you receive from common sources.

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