
【题目】Every school has a library. A library is a very important part of a school as it helps students to gain and acquire knowledge.

Our school has ___【1】___ very large library, which has a large __2_(collect) of books, including small storybooks, large reference books, journals, magazines and so on.They____3__(arrange) in different sections, so that it is easy for us to search__4__a particular book. We usually go to the library to borrow reference books for our studies, but we have seen students from__5_ (low) grades visit the library to borrow small storybooks.

We have a librarian who keeps a track of all the books that go in and out of the library. Generally, the books can be kept by us for one week. _6____the books aren’t returned to the library on time, we will be fined.

There is a separate reading room in the library__7__ students can go and read whatever _8__like. I love spending time ___9__(read) books there. It is so quiet that we can really enjoy reading___【10___(peaceful) and learn a lot of great things in the world.


【1】 a


【3】are arranged










【1】 a 句意:我们学校有一个大图书馆。故填a。

【2】collection a collection of对---的收藏,用名词形式,故填collection。

【3】are arranged 句意:他们被安排在不同的区域。根据句意可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,故填are arranged。

【4】for 固定词组:search for寻找,故填for。

【5】lower 句意:我们看到更低年级的学生借故事书。此处用比较级,故填lower。

【6】If 句意:如果书不被按时归还,我们将被罚款。此处用条件状语从句,故填If。

【7】where 此处library做先行词,在后面的定语从句中做地点状语,故填where。

【8】they 句意:学生们可以去读凡是他们所喜欢的。故填they。

【9】reading 固定搭配:spend---in doing sth.可知此处填reading。

【10】peacefully 副词修饰动词,故填peacefully。


1.介词后面用动名词做宾语He left home without telling his parents.他没告诉他的父母就离开了家。

温馨提示:be busy with sth.忙于某事/be busy doing sth.忙于做某事;spend---on sth. 在某事上花费---/spend---(in) doing sth.在做某事上花费---;have difficulty(trouble/problems) with sth.在某事上有困难/ have difficulty(trouble/problems) (in) doing sth.在做某事上有困难。

2. 不定冠词a 和an的用法。a用在以元音开头的词前,表示“一”; an用在以辅音开头的词前,表示“一”。比如小题1,university 这个词以辅音开头,所以前面加a,表示一所大学。an important meeting 一个重要的会议;an interesting story 一个有趣的故事;an old man 一位老人;an hour 一小时;an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩;an American lawyer一个美国的律师; a useful tool 一个有用的工具;a European friend一位欧洲的朋友。




Last year,researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy,the ability to understand other people,among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time,the researchers said. 【1】 .

Jennifer Freed,a codirector of a teen program,has another explanation.Turn on the TV,and you're showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting,competing,and generally treating one another with no respect. 2 .

There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples.Humans are socially related by nature. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human and having empathy is decisive to those relationships. Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high selfrespect. 3 .Empathy is also an indication of a good leader.In fact,Freed says,many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. 4 “Academics are important.But if you don't have emotional (情感的) intelligence,you won't be as successful in work or in your love life,” she says.

What's the best way to up your EQ (情商)? For starters,let down your guard and really listen to others. 5 .

To really develop empathy,you'd better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital,join a club or a team that has a diverse membership,have a “sharing circle” with your family,or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

A. Today,people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.

B. “One doesn't develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,” Freed says.

C. Humans learn by example and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.

D. Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone else both what they think and how they feel.

E. Good social skills, including empathy, are a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.

F. Besides,empathy can be a cure for loneliness,sadness,anxiety,and fear.

G. Everyone is different,and levels of empathy differ from person to person.



What’s more fun than standing still? Jumping up and down on a springy piece of fabric (织物)! This activity is known as trampolining and it’s sweeping the nation.

The idea of trampolining is ancient. Eskimos have been throwing each other in the air for thousands of years. Firemen began using a life net to catch people jumping from buildings in 1887. 1

A gymnast named George Nissan and his coach Larry Griswold made the first modern trampoline in 1936. They got the idea by watching swimming artists bouncing off of a tight net at the circus. They named their equipment after the Spanish word trampolín, which means diving board.

2 In 1942 they began making trampolines to sell to the public.

3 Experts find that more than 100,000 people hurt themselves while using one each year. Clubs and gyms use large safety nets or other equipment to make it safer. Most trampoline injuries happen at home. Since trampolines are more affordable than ever, injuries are even more common.

These injuries happen for many reasons. People may bounce too high and land off of the trampoline or onto the springs. 4 Perhaps the worst injuries happen when untrained people try to do flips(快速翻转). Landing on your neck or head can cause injuries or even kill you.

But don’t let all that bad news keep you down. There are many things that you can do to practice safe trampolining. Trampolines have been around for a while now. They have brought a lot of joy to many people. They can be a good source of exercise and activity. 5 But they can also be deadly. It is important to follow some professional guidance. Be sure that you are practicing safety while having a good time. Happy bouncing!

A.They can help people improve their balance and moves.

B.Trampolines may be fun, but they can also be dangerous.

C.The men wanted to share their idea with the whole world.

D.Injuries also happen when many people are jumping at the same time.

E.You can surround your trampoline with a net so that people don’t fall off of it.

F.They found a winner when they performed a piece of spring across a steel frame.

G.And in the early 1900s, circus performers began bouncing off of netting to amuse audiences.

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