

I am travelling back with my parents from seeing my grandparents then it started to snow. At first, I thought it was fun and everything looked beautifully. I was looking forward to make a snowman in the playground at school the next day, and suddenly the car drove off road and into a channel. My father called the rescue team, but they said that would be a long time before they could reach us. However, we sang songs and told stories to pass the time. Several hour later, the rescue team pulled their car out of the channel. At last, we managed to drive very slowly to home. I would never forget this experience.














【1】am改为was 考查时态。根据后半句中谓语动词started to snow使用了一般过去时,可知全文叙述的是过去发生的事情,所以本句使用was。句意:我正和父母亲看望爷爷奶奶回来的路上。在这时开始下雪了。

【2】then改为when 考查连词。本句是一个固定句式:be doing sth when......正在做某事在这时.....;其中when意为“在那时”后句表示意料之外的事情,引导并列句。句意:我正和父母亲看望爷爷奶奶回来的路上。在这时开始下雪了。

【3】beautifully改为beautiful 考查形容词。本句中形容词beautiful和系动词look连用构成系表结构。句意:起初我认为下雪很有趣,一切看起来会很漂亮。

【4】make改为making 考查动名词。动词短语look forward to sth/doing sth期待sth/做某事;其中的to是介词,后面要接名词或动名词做宾语。所以本句中使用了动名词making在句中做宾语。

【5】off后加the 考查定冠词。在英语中定冠词the表示特指,所以本句中the road特指我们开车正走着的路。

【6】that改为it 考查代词。本句是一个固定句式:It be+一段时间+before从句,意为“一段呢时间以后某事才发生”。其中的代词it指代时间。

【7】However改为Therefore 考查副词。句意:救援人员说要很久以后他们才能找到我们,因此我们唱歌并讲故事来消磨时间。上下文之间是因果关系,而不是转折关系,所以使用副词therefore表示“因果关系”。

【8】hour改为hours 考查名词单复数。名词“hour小时”是一个可数名词,前面有several修饰,说明应该使用复数形式。

【9】their改为our 考查代词。本句中our指代“父母亲和我”,指救援人员把我们的汽车开除了隧道。

【10】删除to 考查副词。本句中“home”是一个副词,要单独使用,前面不能加介词。类似的结构有:on the way home在回家的路上。



Most people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They【1】(leave) in the hands of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their grown children visit them【2】(occasion), but more often, they do not have any regular visitors. The truth is that the idea is an unfortunate myth an 【3】(imagine) story. In fact, family members provide the most care【4】 elderly people need. Samuel Prestoon, a sociologist, has studied 【5】 the American family is changing. He has reported that by the time the average American couple reach 40 years of age, they have more parents than children. Moreover, because people today live longer after an illness than before, family members must provide long-term care. More【6】 (psychology) have found that all caregivers believe that they are the best people for the job. Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took 【7】 the responsibility of caring for 【8】 elderly relative. Many caregivers thought they had obligation 【9】 (help) their relatives, stating that helping others make them feel more useful. Most hoped that by helping someone, they would deserve care when they became old and dependent. Caring for the elderly and【10】 (take) care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone who might be involved.


Here, sleep experts clear up some of the biggest misunderstandings about sleep they see with their patients, which could weaken your ability to have a night of good sleep.

Myth: 【1】

The latest research shows that the right amount of sleep may vary from person to person and should leave you feeling energized the next day. I’m a sleep doctor. Take myself for example. 2 .

Myth: Don’t fall asleep with the TV on.

I’ve cured more people suffering from sleep problems than you can imagine by telling people it’s OK to fall asleep with the TV on. 3 Control the watching time so it doesn’t affect your sleep later in the night.

Myth: You can catch up on lost sleep on the weekend.

4 A Harvard study found that even if you sleep for an extra 10 hours on the weekend to make up for only sleeping six hours a night for two weeks, those extra hours won’t improve your reaction times or ability to focus. Plus, sleeping late throws off your biological clock, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Myth: Alcohol can help you rest easy.

5 Alcohol may relax you so you nod off quicker, but studies show you’ll wake up more and get less of deep sleep you need to feel rested.

A. You need 8 hours’ sleep a night.

B. A lack of sleep can cause anxiety.

C. We take unscheduled naps during the weekend.

D. I’ve been a 6.5-hour sleeper my entire adult life.

E. Many people can’t turn off their brains, but watching TV helps.

F. People commonly use alcohol to fall asleep, but it doesn’t work.

G. You can’t make up for too little sleep by sleeping more at weekends.[来


You can help your firm innovate(创新) by creating a culture in which all employees are actively encouraged to put forward ideas. But how do you get the best from people and encourage them to be at their most creative.

Stress the importance of creativity. 【1】 If they don’t understand innovation can keep your firm competitive, your efforts at encouraging creative thinking risk falling flat.

Make time for brainstorming. Find some time for new ideas to come out. For example, set aside time for brainstorming, hold regular group works hops(研讨会) and arrange team days out. A team involved in a brainstorming session is likely to be more effective. 【2】You should also give individuals the space to reflect privately on their work if you think they need it.

Challenge the way staff work. 【3】 Ask people whether they have considered alternative ways of working and what might be achieved by doing things differently.

【4】Motivate individuals or teams who come up with winning ideas by actively recognizing creativity, for example through an award scheme. You can reward those who just have a rich flow of suggestions, regardless of whether they are put into action at work.

Act on ideas. Creative thinking is only worthwhile if it results in action. Provide the time and resources to develop and carry out those ideas worth acting on. 【5】In addition, the flow of ideas may well dry up if staff feel the process is pointless.

A. Reward creativity.

B. The problem is that our minds are lazy.

C. Be willing to make mistakes.

D. Make sure all your employees know that you want to hear their ideas.

E. Individuals within the team can test and improve the ideas together.

F. Encourage employees to keep looking at the way they approach their work.

G. Failure to do so means that your firm may fail to benefit from innovation.

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