
9.Thanks for your help,but can you do me one favor,please?
 ___________,sir.What's it then?(  )
A.Just a minuteB.My pleasure
C.That's all rightD.At your service

分析 --谢谢你的帮忙,但是能请你再帮一个忙吗?

解答 答案:D.
A.Just a minute 请等会.B.My pleasure不用谢,C.That's all right没关系,不客气,D.At your service随时为你服务.根据后面的What's it then?一句,可知,是愿意为对方再服务的;故选D.

点评 对于交际用语的考查要放在上下文中进行辨析,要特别注意一些常考的交际用语的辨析和识记.

20.What I remember most about visiting my boyfriend's parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dinner room as we silently ate our meal.With so little conversation I was quick to regard his family as cold.When we got into the car to go home,his father suddenly appeared.Carefully,he began to wash the car's windscreen.I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.
I learned another lesson about the ways of showing love.My father often telephoned me early in the morning."Buy Printer.It's a good sharp price,"he might say when I answered the phone.No pleasant greeting or inquiry about my life,just financial instructions.We often quarreled about it.But one day,I thought about my father's success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his short morning calls.The next time he called and told me to buy a stock,I thanked him.
When my social style conflicted with that of my friends,I often felt disappointed.For example,I always returned phone calls without delay and regularly contacted with my friends.I expected the same from them.I had one friend called Ailsa who rarely called,answering my messages with short e-mails.I rushed to that judgment:She wasn't a good friend!My anger grew as the holidays approached.But then she came to a gathering I hosted and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month.I was shocked at her thoughtfulness.Clearly I needed to change my expectation of friends.

81.What did the author hear when eating meal with her boyfriend's parents?(No more than 11words)The loud tick of the clock in the dinner room.
82.Why did the author's father often give her morning calls?(No more than 9words)To concern her financial security./To show his concern for her financial security.
/To give her financial instructions./Because he concerned her financial security.
83.How did Ailsa change the author's judgment about herself?(No more than 8words)By handing/buying/giving/bringing her a beautiful dress surprisingly.  
84.What's the passage mainly about?(No more than 9words)The ways of showing love./Different people have different ways of showing love..
14.I have been overweight my entire life.I was born with a bone deformity (崎形) in my legs.From an early age I was limited on the type of activity I could do because I was in so much pain.I was freed from gym in school growing up.I became lazy and accepted the fact th at I would always be overweight.I didn't believe in myself.I overate all the time.I would eat lots of sweets,processed foods,chips and fast foods.I reached my heaviest of 287 pounds and a size 24 jeans and XXXL shirts.
In December 2013,my family and I went on a trip to Disneyland.We walked 10 miles each day we were there.To my surprise,I did not have any pain.I suddenly realized something.I knew from that point I needed to get moving to ease my pain and lose the weight.I had walked before but never to that extent.I knew I had to push past the pain and the weight would come off.
I was invited to train with a friend,and at first I couldn't make up my mind to go.I was tired of being in pain.After two weeks,I knew that I had to start somewhere.I took my friend up on her invitation and began working out to lots of physical programs.I began eating non-processed foods.I ate lots of fruits and vegetables.I lost 92 pounds in a year.Now I rarely eat out.I would rather cook my meals from the very beginning so I know what is in them.I do allow myself a good meal once a week.By allowing myself the good meal,I keep away from overeating.
I believe in myself now.I am a better mother to my three boys.I feel stronger.I am a happier person all around.I have even registered for my very first 5K walk/run.I have a newfound love for life and want to inspire others to believe in themselves,so last October I became a BeachBody coach to help others in their fitness journeys.I have always enjoyed helping others,and now I want to be able to help people change their lives.
26.What can we infer about processed foods?D
A.They affected the writer's appetite
B.They made the writer a lazy girl
C.They brought pain to the writer's legs
D.They did harm to the writer's health.
27.During her trip to Disneyland,the writer realized thatC
A.it was best to stay with her family       
B.she was actually good at sports
C.she needed some changes in life        
D.it was easy for her to lose weight
28.Why did the writer hesitate about training at first?A
A.Because it would cause pain
B.Because she needed to start somewhere else.
C.Because there were too many physical programs.
D.Because she got invitation from others.
29.The writer rarely eats out becauseC
A.there's no good food outside
B.she wishes to become a good cook.
C.she wants to keep a healthier diet
D.she wants to treat herself with good meals.
30.By becoming a BeachBody coach,the writer wishes toD.
A.learn to be a better mother                 
B.feel stronger and happier
C.find somebody to love her                 
D.help others to be confident.

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