
20.When you think about (66)who affects your kids most,you might think about their friends,rock stars,sports stars or other famous people.But that's not (67)completely(complete) true.Whether they'll admit it (68)or not,most kids-even teenagers-look up to (69)their (they) parents.What you do,how you act and what you say have a huge effect (70)on/upon your children.
To your kids,you're a hero.That's an awesome (令人敬畏的) (71)responsibility(responsible).It means your kids are (72)watching (watch) you all the time and learning how to respond to the world.If you act as if the school (73)matters (matter),then your kids will think their education is important.If you read at home and stress the importance of that skill,your kids will pay attention to that,too.
And that's not just an opinion.There are (74)facts(fact) to support it.A report released by the National Education Association tells us that when parents are involved,kids stay(75)longer (long) in school,do better in school and even like school more.

分析 短文主要讲了对于孩子来说,父母才是对他们造成最大的影响.

解答 66.who,考查宾语从句,从句缺少主语,根据后文提到的their friends,rock stars,sports stars or other famous people可知此处应使用who"谁"来引导宾语从句.
68.or,考查固定搭配,whether…or not"是否…". 
70.on/upon,考查介词,have an effect on/upon…"对…有影响". 
71.responsibility,考查名词,位于形容词后,应使用responsible 的名词形式. 
72.watching,考查时态,由all the time可知此处使用现在进行时be doing的形式. 
73.matters,考查谓语动词,as if引导的从句使用一般现在时,主句使用一般将来时,the school作为主语,应使用第三人称单数形式matters. 
75.longer,考查比较级形式,由后面的do better可知此处应使用比较级形式longer.

点评 对于语法填空这类题,一是懂得分析句子结构,二是知道充当各个句子成分的词类或词性,从语法上确定答案,当然,对于某些固定搭配也要牢记,在平时的学习中要多积累这些词汇或短语,对于句子使用的时态语态也要通过语境进行确定.

12.In a time when ivory poaching (偷猎) has gotten so bad that it threatens to wipe out several animal species,a young Dutch designer is creating"egalitarian (平等主义) jewelry^made of our very own ivory-teeth.
Lucie Majerus got the idea for her"human ivory"collection after having her wisdom teeth removed.She kept them and soon realized they would make great material for a jewelry collection."Why wouldn't we value our own material instead of the precious material from other species?And what if we mine our own ivory and turn it into pearls?"she asks.
Her own teeth became a ring,but in order to create a whole collection,she needed more material,and since having more of her teeth removed wasn't a very pleasant choice,she asked her dentist to save his patient's unwanted teeth.Most people choose not to keep their pulled teeth,so they are usually donated to dentistry schools.Majerus also received the lost teeth of two of her teachers at Design Academy Eindhoven,so she had a nice supply of human ivory to experiment with.
To turn human teeth into attractive pieces of jewelry,Lucie Majerus first bleaches (漂白) them,and then uses a stone polishing machine to shape the teeth into various shapes.
Majerus displayed her human ivory jewelry collection at this year's Dutch Design Week,and claims that people's reaction was mostly positive."Surprisingly,most people aren't frightened at the sight of the jewelry,but really like the idea,"Majerus told Fast Co Design."Some regret that they didn't keep their tooth at the dentist and some,who will have teeth taken out soon,are now looking forward to it."
25.When did Majerus get the idea of collecting human ivory?B
A.After she bought a ring.
B.After her wisdom teeth were pulled out.
C.Before she was lacking in pearls.
D.Before her wisdom teeth appeared.
26.Seeing Majerus's human ivory jewelry collection,most people feltD.
A.frightened     B.curious   C.sad      D.interested
27.It can be inferred form the next thatC.
A.Majerus is the first woman to create jewelry using human teeth
B.other species teeth are more precious than human teeth
C.most people don't like keeping their pulled teeth at home
D.Majerus's teachers objected to her experiments with teeth
28.What may be the best title for the text?B
A.Elephants and Ivory
B.Human Ivory Jewelry
C.A Designer Removed Her Teeth
D.The Drawbacks of Human Teeth.
9.When I was in Grade Three,I got into a major argument with a boy in my class one day.I have forgotten what the argument was about,but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.
I believed that I was right and he was wrong-and he was sure that I was wrong and he was right.The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson.
She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.In the middle of her desk was a large,round object.I could clearly see that it was black.She asked the boy what color the object was."White,"he answered.
I couldn't believe he said the object was white,when it was obviously black!Another argument started between my classmate and me.Seeing this,the teacher told us to change places,and this time I found the object was white.
It was an object with two differently colored sides,and from his side it was white.Only from my side it was black.
Sometimes we need to look at a problem from the other person's view in order to truly understand that person's viewpoint.

21.In Grade Three,the writer ran into a major argument with one of herB.
22.The teacher asked the writer and her classmate to tell theC of the large,round object.
23.Why did the teacher bring the writer and her classmate to the teacher's desk?D
A.To punish them.
B.To act out a dialogue.
C.To answer a question.
D.To teach them a lesson.
24.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Black or white
B.Teacher or student
C.Experiment or game
D.Argument or quarrel.

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