

Flash Mob: The Pop Culture

If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you don’t need to feel surprised. They are a flash mob. Who are they? Are they mobs (暴民)? 【1】Actually, a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly separate.

A flash mob is usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communications networks.【2】 At a predetermined time, they gather and perform some tasks such as exchanging books, coming together to look at the sky, waving their hands and yelling something at the top of their lungs for 30 seconds. Then, they quickly disappear before the police can arrive.

Bill Wasik, senior editor of Harper’s Magazine, organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful flash mob gathered on June 3, 2003 at Macy’s department store. More than one hundred people stepped onto the ninth floor carpet department of Macy’s department store, gathering around an expensive carpet. Following this flash mob, about 200 people flooded the lounge of the Hyatt hotel and applauded for about fifteen seconds.【3】

Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people. Such an activity might seem amusing, but it might also frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place. 【4】They also have enormous economic potential, such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.

【5】People use it to do many things. For example, in 2009, Michael Jackson’s fans took part in a flash mob to remember him. Hundreds of his fans gathered outside the railway station in Liverpool. They were singing and dancing Michael’s famous song “Beat It” together. And in another example, some people took part in a flash mob to tell more people not to use negative words.

Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.

A. Don’t be confused by their name.

B. People are attracted by the silly and harmless activities.

C. The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular.

D. Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change their gathering place.

E. A later mob saw hundreds of people in Central Park making bird noises.

F. The messages may be forwarded to friends, who forward to more people.

G. Undoubtedly, flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction.










【3】承接前文,有明显的时间顺序,前面提到first,following this flash mob,所以这里是A later mob,故选E。






Boys are not so good at English when there are girls in their class, a research student saidThis finding disagrees with the widely held belief that girls always have a good influence on boys in school.

Boys do best with as few girls as possible in English lessons at primary and secondary schools, Steven Proud, a research student at Bristol University, told the Royal Economic Society’s conference.

But when it comes to math and science, both boys and girls at primary schools achieve up to a tenth of a grade higher when there is a greater percentage of girls in the class, Proud found.

Proud kept a record of boys’ and girls’ test results at the ages of 7, 11, and 16 in 16,000 schools in EnglandHe studied the test scores to see whether the percentage of girls made a difference to the results of both boys and girls in math, science and English.

Boys always perform worse when the number of girls they study English with increases, which is especially the case at primary schoolsProud also found that girls are unaffected by the number of boys in their English class.

Proud said boys may do worse in English when there is high proportion(比例) of girls in their class because they think that the girls are better than themIt could also be that teachers use teaching styles more appropriate(适合) to girls when there are more girls than boys in the class.

Proud argues that his results show boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.

However, Professor Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham, said, “Boys may be discouraged by how well girls are doing in English, but you can’t say that it means boys and girls should be separatedIt has very little practical importance to schools.”


Boys may do __1___ in English in a class with a higher percentage of girls.

Widely held


Girls always have a good influence on boys in school.

Proud’s ___3___

When there are more girls

both boys and girls at primary schools perform better in math and ____4_____.

When the number of girls ___5___.

boys perform worse in English

When the number of boys changes

girls aren’t __6___ in an English class.

Possible ____7___.

Boys think that the girls are better than them.

Teachers use ____8___ styles more appropriate to girls.

Proud’s suggestion

Boys and girls should be taught English in __9____ classes.

Alan’s opinion

Don’t ___10____ the boys and girls.


Weighing the Options

Making decisions when shopping is often a tough call.Even if you’re satisfied with the first dress you try on, would you go on looking for alternatives, comparing styles and prices, until you literally dropped dead?

Psychology researchers have studied how people make decisions and concluded there are two basic styles.“Maximizers” like to take their time and weigh a wide range of options—sometimes every possible one—before choosing.“Satisficers” would rather be fast than thorough.

1 So even if they see what would seem to meet their requirements, they can’t make a decision until after they’ve examined every option to make sure that they’re making the best possible choice.Researchers followed 548 job-seeking college seniors at 11 schools from October through their graduation in June.They found that the maximizers landed better jobs.2

“The maximizer is kicking himself because he can’t examine every option and at some point had to just pick something,” they say.“Maximizers make best decisions and end up feeling bad about them.3

Satisficers also have high standards, but they are happier than maximizers.Maximizers tend to be more depressed and to report a lower satisfaction with life, his research found.

Faced with so many choices in our lives, we need to learn how not to waste time and energy on our decision-making.

4 For instance, if you’re picking a restaurant for a lunch meeting, first deciding on a certain part of town or type of cuisine can narrow your options.

Once you’ve arrived at a decision, stick with it.5 To limit the number of options you can consider, you can set a time limit for decision-making.Say you are buying a new bag, you could spend an amount of time studying features, price and value—but if you give yourself only five minutes to make a decision, and there are only these bags you can consider, you’ll save time.You’ll be happier with your decision, too.

A.Maximizers are people who want the best.

B.First of all, decrease your range of options.

C.Comparing is often a must when you make a decision.

D.Just accept that no decision is ever completely perfect.

E.Satisficers make good decisions and end up feeling good.

F.The other is to make decisions more accurately at the beginning.

G.Their starting salaries were 20 percent higher but they felt worse about their jobs.

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