
Many people have never heard of Mesothelioma and are unaware of its symptoms. Although considered a rare form of cancer, each year the number of cases grows. With the prevalence(流行)of this disease on the rise, it is critical to understand why and how Mesothelioma develops and what courses of action can be taken in the event of diagnosis. The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will provide you with some information on Mesothelioma, and the legal issues surrounding it.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor found in the mesothelial cells of an organ. The organs where this form of cancer is most commonly found are the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. Pleural Mesothelioma is cancer of the lung lining(组织,膜)and is the most common form of Mesothelioma.
What causes Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos(石棉). Asbestos is often found in building materials used before the mid 1970's. In addition, materials such as pipes, boiler insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles may contain asbestos.
How much asbestos exposure will cause Mesothelioma?
Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is in accordance with the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. Also, your health is at risk if your exposure to asbestos is intense. It should be noted that Mesothelioma has a latency(潜伏)period of 20 to 50 years. This means that you may develop the disease long after your exposure to asbestos. On average, people tend to develop Mesothelioma somewhere between 35 and 40 years after exposure.
How quickly does Mesothelioma progress?
The onset of Mesothelioma is quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. These symptoms may also be accompanied by weight loss, fever and difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, once Mesothelioma develops, it quickly becomes aggressive and treatment must be sought immediately.
Can Mesothelioma be treated?
Doctors are able to use several traditional methods of cancer treatment for Mesothelioma, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Like all forms of cancer, detecting the disease at the earliest stage possible greatly increases the patient's chances for survival. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately.
What legal courses of action can be taken?
Anyone suffering from Mesothelioma is entitled to compensation from asbestos manufacturers. Additionally, if you are the spouse or child of someone who has died from Mesothelioma, you are entitled to file a claim and seek compensation.
小题1:The authors intends to _______.
A.tell the readers how important it is to know more about Mesothelioma.
B.provide more information about Mesothelioma
C.give advice on how tto avoid developing Mesothelioma
D.tell the readers how terrible Mesothelioma is
小题2:We can learn from the text that _______.
A.Asbestos is to blame for Mesothelioma.
B.Even if a person is exposed to asbestos for a while, he will die soon.
C.All the employees can ask for compensation from asbestos manufacturers.
D.Mesothelioma is a cancer familiar to many people.
小题3:The following are the symptoms of Mesothelioma EXCEPT ______.
A.frequent headacheB.lower back pain
C.chest painD.difficult breathing
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Terrible Mesothelioma
B.Mesothelioma is around us
C.Frequently Asked Questions About Mesothelioma
D.Mesothelioma in on the rise
小题5:If you work in an industry exposed to asbestos, you should ________.
A.give up the job immediately
B.ask for a rise from your boss
C.file a claim and seek compensation
D.go to hospital and have your body examined

小题2:事实细节题,根据第三段的Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos可知
小题3:事实细节题,根据第五段的The onset of Mesothelioma is quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. These symptoms may also be accompanied by weight loss, fever and difficulty breathing可知,A项没有讲到
小题4:推理判断题,根据第一段的The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will provide you with some information on Mesothelioma, and the legal issues surrounding it可知。
小题5:事实细节题,根据倒数第三段的If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately可知。
Recently, researchers in the US have carried out a study on laughing, one of the most natural characteristics of human behavior.
Jo-Anne Bachorowsky, a psychology professor at Vandebilt University, 36  a team of researchers who   37   a total of 11 short videos to 97 young adult volunteers in the US. They found that the participants produced a   38  of sounds when they laughed, 39  grunts(呼噜声) and snorts(哼声).
The researchers found that some of the   40   were dependent   41  gender(性别). Men laughed with grunts and snorts more often than women,   42  women’s   43   was more song-like.
They also found that people’s laughter could change,   44  who they were with at the time. Whether they were with a man or a woman and   45  person was a friend or a   46   both played a part in laughter.
The researchers found that women’s laughter was very high with a   47   pitch(音高) when they were with male strangers. And women taking   48   in the study laughed more often when they were with a male friend than when they were with a(n) 49   friend or a male stranger. But men laughed more freely with friends of either sex than with strangers of either sex.
Scientists believe that the   50   consumed in laughing 100 times is   51  to 15 minutes on an exercise bike. Another 52   of laughter is 53   it improves our mental health. Laughter reduces our levels of stress. It also helps us   54   serious illness.
  55  ,we think laughter can make us feel good.
A.depending onB.to depend onC.depend onD.depended on
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others
A.All alongB.All the sameC.In summaryD.After all
Can feeling of nostalgia (怀旧) be good for you? or is it unhealthy to have a strong love for the past?
For years, medical experts have studied nostalgia and the reasons for it. Many experts warn that too much nostalgia is harmful. They say linger (徘徊) in the past shows that a person is unhappy with his present life. These feelings keep the person from living his life to its fullest.
Dr. Louise Kaplan has written several books about nostalgia. She says these feelings often begin when a young person is between 13 and 19 years old.
"This is the time when you must face the loss of your childhood, " Kaplan says. "You see your new life is easily destroyed. But you think romantically about a golden
past. You remember your childhood as a time when life was perfect."
These feelings continue as a person gets older, Kaplan adds. She says many grown persons have a hard time keeping up with changes in the modem world, so they think back to their younger years. At that time the world seemed simple and more harmless.
Kaplan says these feelings are not always actually existing. The good old days weren't always good. However, she says nostalgia can be helpful, if used properly.
"Feelings of nostalgia can cause you to remember a time when you had high hopes and dreams, " Kaplan says. "It might give you the strong wish to catch those dreams today, in your present life." She adds that nostalgia can prevent you from "cutting yourself off from your aim."
"At its best, " Kaplan says, "nostalgia has the ideas for the future."
小题1:According to the passage, feelings of nostalgia _____.
A.can cause you to think of your past which was full of hopes and dreams
B.can make you succeed in life
C.fill one with hopes for the future
D.bring about a love for the past and a hope for the future
小题2:The reason for grown persons to think back to their past is that _____.
A.they can hardly keep up with changes in today's world
B.times are hard, so they can not keep up with changes
C.many grown persons have little time keeping up with changes in the modem world
D.they lived in the past, of which they are always proud
小题3:Which of the following is not talked about in the passage?
A.Too much nostalgia is harmful.
B.Nostalgia shows that a person is not satisfied with his present life.
C.Only women have feelings of nostalgia.
D.A little nostalgia can make a person's life more colorful.
小题4:According to Kaplan's idea, _____.
A.nostalgia is sure to be harmful
B.nostalgia can be helpful
C.nostalgia is always very good
D.nostalgia is bad indeed
小题5:We may also use _____ as the topic of the article.
A.Thoughts on Nostalgia
B.The reasons for Nostalgia
C.Why Do They Think Back to the Past
D.Nostalgia, Good or Bad
Young people looking for a job with good pay, flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care, according to a list of the top 15 best jobs in the US for young people.
Health care is the fastest growing sector of the US economy and nearly half of what are considered the top jobs for young people are in the sector, Forbes.com said.
With a medium annual salary of $33,470, dental assistants topped the ranking, while medical assistants, who earn about $28,860, came in No. 3, followed by physical therapist assistants who make a medium salary of nearly $50,000 and health aides who earn $20,560.
Teachers of self-enrichment courses such as pottery and art, were the only non-health job in the top five.
"Almost every one of these requires physical contact," Laurence Shatkin, the author of the book "150 Best Jobs for Your Skills," told Forbes. com. "You have to show up to do them, so you're not being shipped overseas, and they can't be done by a robot."
Shatkin studied which jobs have the highest concentration of 16 to 24 year olds, pay well and have opportunities for entry level positions. He based the ranking on annual salary and openings and projected growth. Many of the jobs do not require a college degree.
Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors, pharmacy technicians and surgical technologists were also among the top 10 jobs for young people.
Because many of the jobs can be done on a part-time basis, they offer the flexibility for people to continue their education while doing them. Some of the jobs offer career prospects and advancements.
"Young people may not have figured out what their priorities are yet," Shatkin told Forbes.com.   "They may use these jobs to discover what they like and where they fit in."
小题1:From the passage, we know that health care is a sector where people in the USA can ________.
A.work the shortest time
B.make the most money
C.enjoy its safest working conditions
D.experience its fastest development
小题2:After reading the passage, we can infer that _________.
A.teachers of self-enrichment courses are No.2 among the top five jobs
B.dental assistants are listed as the best job due to their highest salary
C.people still need to go to college to get a good job
D.good jobs are those that can be done part-time
小题3:What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Health Care among Top Jobs for Young People
B.Factors for People to Consider while Seeking Jobs
C.Results from Forbes.com on Best Jobs
D.The Higher the Pay Is, the Better the Job Is
"Children should not be left unsupervised (无人监督的) to play with a dog." say experts in this week's British Medical Journal. Their advice is part of a review aimed at doctors who deal with dog bites.
"Dog bites and maulings are a worldwide problem, particularly in children." write Marina Morgan and John Palmer. Every year 250,000 people who have been bitten by dogs attend minor injuries and emergency units in the United Kingdom, and half of all children are reportedly bitten by dogs at some time, boys more than girls.
Accurate death figures are difficult to obtain, but in the past five years, two to three cases a year have made news headlines.
Based on the latest medical evidence, they advise doctors how to examine and treat a patient presenting with a dog bite. They discuss the risk of infection and when to refer to specialist care. For travelers bitten abroad, they suggest assessing the risk of rabies(狂犬病).
In terms of prevention, they suggest that children should be taught to treat dogs with respect, avoid direct eye contact, and not tease them. They should be taught not to approach an unfamiliar dog; play with any dog unless under close supervision; run or scream in the presence of a dog; pet a dog without first letting it sniff you; or disturb a dog that is eating, sleeping, or caring for its babies.
"Dog owners also need to change their behavior", says Rachel Besser, a children's doctor and lifetime dog owner, in an article.
"It is clear that not all dog owners appreciate that children should not be left unsupervised with a dog", she says. Just as some parents are obliged to take parenting classes, she would like to see compulsive classes for expectant dog owners to teach them about the responsibilities of dog ownership. Educational programs are also needed to teach children about some precautionary (预防的) behaviors around dogs.
Finally, she would like to see animal doctors advising dog owners about bite prevention, and doctors promoting bite prevention when treating patients who have been bitten by dogs.   
小题1:Dog biting is a problem which _____.
A.only happens to a few childrenB.should be paid attention to
C.only boys may meet withD.has made news headlines
小题2:The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 4 refers to "________" .
A. doctors         B. parents            C. experts            D dog owners
小题3:To avoid dog bites, a child should be taught to_____.
A.have direct eye contact B.approach an unfamiliar dog
C.run or scream in the presence of a dogD.leave a dog feeding itself
小题4:What are Rachel Besser's words mainly about?
A.It's necessary to teach children how to raise dogs.
B.Children should be taught not to play with dogs.
C.All the dog owners would like to attend classes on caring for dogs.
D.Some dog owners would like children to be left unsupervised with a dog.
小题5:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Dogs, Dangerous To Children
B.Children Should Know Behaviors Around Dogs
C.Doctors, Treat Dog Bites Correctly
D.Never Leave Children Unsupervised With Dogs
If your recurring(经常性的)dreams are worrying you,you can rest assured and needn’t worry.Psychologists say in the vast majority of these cases,this is just the mind’s way of dealing with stress and conflicts,problems and concerns.It’s a good thing.
They call be surprisingly vivid and real,or fragmented and weird.They can be comforting or frightening.Our dreams can tell us a lot about what we are really thinking.Dreams give us an x-ray of our unconsciousness(潜意识).They tell us,particularly when we are at life’s passages or turning points.
Lisa Oppenheim had the same dream whenever she was about to move to a new home or a new city.It’s always just a feeling of needing to stay safe.Experts say disturbing dreams often occur around major life events.For Lisa,it was moving.For others,it can be marriage or divorce,the death of a loved one or pressure at work.
Doctor Siegel has studied the meaning of dream for nearly 30 years.He believes stressful or upsetting dreams can be a sign of what’s buried deep inside our minds.
He said.“Dreams are important to survival.They are crucial to the balance of our psyche(心灵).They help us work out problems that we’re having every single day.They go to the cutting edge of what’s stressful,what’s bothering us and what we’re working out in our lives.Dreams can guide us and in order to find that guidance,to find that deep source of wisdom that’s in our dreams every night,we need to pay attention to our dreams.”
But many dreams are scary and horrible.How can we understand these nightmares? Doctor Siegel says they are reflecting especially intense emotion or unresolved conflict.The stronger the emotion in the dream,whether it’s pleasure or fear,the likelier the dream is to be important.
Knowing what your recurring dreams or nightmares mean can be liberating.Some nightmares can be a sign of serious psychological problems,such as post-dramatic stress disorder.If they are extremely disturbing or violent or the cause of severe anxiety,you should see a professional therapist(治疗专家).
小题1:By saying “Dreams give US an x-ray of our unconsciousness,”  the author means that dreams
A.do harm to our mindB.show us our real mind
C.solve our stress in mindD.give us a turning point in mind
小题2:People will have recurring dreams when they_______________.
A.1ive with great pressure or have great events
B.do the same things all their lives
C.move to a new home or a new city
D.are comforted or frightened
小题3:Which of the following is true according to Doctor Siegel?
A.Dreams play a very important role in the world’s balance.
B.Dreams help us find out the problems we need to solve.
C.We should pay attention to every dream we have.
D.Only the dreams with pleasure are important to us.
小题4:How should we deal with the recurring nightmares?
A.We should remember them because they are important to us.
B.We can ignore them since they are just reflecting our emotions.
C.We need to take some sleeping pills to stop this serious problem.
D.We should see a psychological doctor if they are seriously disturbing
小题5:The purpose of the passage is_________________.
A.to introduce a variety of dreams
B.to offer some advice on avoiding nightmares
C.to compare recurring dreams with nightmares
D.to ease our anxiety on recurring dreams
These days, people are concerned about the growing number of kids who are overweight. The number of overweight kids has increased a lot over the last 30 years. Today, more than 15% of the kids aged 6 to 19 are overweight.
In a recent study in the USA, 1,168 boys and girls were asked about the problem. More than half of them said too many girls were overweight.
What does “Overweight” Mean?
Most people who are overweight have too much body fat. The person who is overweight weighs more than is healthy. Being overweight can lead to health problems, like heart disease. Overweight kids also may feel sad about the way they look. Sometimes they get laughed at by other kids and it is harder for overweight kids to make friends.
Why Are Some Kids Overweight?
When asked why some kids were overweight, many kids said it was because overweight kids didn’t exercise enough or eat right. Others said that kids were overweight because fast food restaurants serve the wrong foods or it’s a problem of genes.
How Are the Kids Trying to Lose Weight?
Plenty of kids said they have tried to lose weight and they have been trying to do the following:
● go on a diet – 17%
● eat healthy and exercise – 64%
● eat out less – 4%
● take medicine – 5%
It’s great that kids are thinking about weight problems and are trying to solve them. It’s like putting together a difficult puzzle. Understanding that there’s a problem is one piece. Understanding what causes kids to be overweight is another. And knowing that eating healthy and exercising are the best ways to fix the problem is a very important piece.
小题1:How do overweight kids feel about the way they look?
小题2:Some kids have tried to lose weight. What have 64% of them been trying to do?
小题3:What is the passage mainly about?
The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds. About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spend a lot of their time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be sportsmen for only a few years, but during that time the best ones can earn a lot of money. For example, a professional footballer in England earns more than 30,000 dollars a year. The stars earn a lot more. International golf and tennis champions can make more than 500,000 dollars a year. Of course, only a few sportsmen can earn as much money as that.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is that the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sports. An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply say “Buy our things”. It says “Buy the same shirt and shoes as …”. Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or a photograph of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for people’s spare time.
小题1:From the passage we can learnt that_______.
A.  people spend too much money on sports
the development of sport is slower than any other activity
most people enjoy sport because they can earn money
nowadays sport is not merely a pastime for people
小题2:Nowadays, the word “sport” means “________” .
A.what people do in their spare timeB.hunting wild animals and birds
C.organized games D.something people are paid to do
小题3:People play sports for ________.
A.funB.differentC.moneyD.keeping fit
小题4:What surprises people most is that ________.
A.the stars get more money from advertising
B.the word “sport” meant hunting animals
C.professional sportsmen are paid for what they do
D.only a few sportsmen can earn $500,000 a year
A new study has been carried to test the role of story telling in lowering blood pressure.Dr.Thomas Houston, a professor of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, led a group of scientists that investigated how pre-recorded videos of hypertension (高血压) patients' talking about their medical histories helped another group of patients with high blood pressure to control their condition over several months.
Houston was surprised by their studies that suggested that communication can be a powerful tool in medicine.They showed that those who had had similar experiences, when talking to someone with a similar background, could help change their behavior to become healthier.Hypertension is difficult to control, since it is dependent on diet, exercise and mental state.Medical treatments with drugs, and lifestyle therapies(疗法) have been relatively ineffective because people find it hard to follow those medical requirements.
In the test, his team carefully chose their story-tellers from 230 members of a patients' community with whom they could most easily relate.Next, they divided their study population into two groups.One received three interactive (互动) DVDs containing the tellers' stories of their experiences in living with and treating their hypertension.The other were given educational discs on an unrelated health topic.The study volunteers reported that they had listened to the DVDs, and after three months, those who heard the stories of the hypertensive patients lowered their blood pressure.
While the study did not address how the story-telling influenced the patients' behavior, Houston suspects that watching patients of similar backgrounds who had a similar medical experience helped to motivate them to seek medical help to their hypertension.They found that after six months the difference in blood pressure between those who watched the story-tellers and those who observed the unrelated videos remained, suggesting that the story-telling continued to have an effect.
小题1:We can learn from the text that the pre-recorded videos _________.
A.tell medical histories of hypertension patients
B.introduce some medical treatments of hypertension
C.introduce a good lifestyle for hypertensive patients
D.tell scientific discoveries of the scientist group
小题2:Houston was surprised to find that _______.
A.hypertension is really difficult to control
B.communication has some medical effects
C.medical treatments have no effect at all
D.people don't follow the medical requirements
小题3:Which of the following is true about the study?
A.The scientists chose 230 patients from a hospital.
B.Both the groups used the same videos about health topic.
C.The two groups lowered blood pressure in different degrees.
D.The story-tellers were hypertension patients as well.
小题4:Which of the following could be the best title of the text?
A.The stories of some hypertension patients.
B.Medical treatments of blood pressure.
C.Storytelling may help lower blood pressure.
D.Suggestions about how to lower blood pressure.

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