
A new study has been carried to test the role of story telling in lowering blood pressure.Dr.Thomas Houston, a professor of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, led a group of scientists that investigated how pre-recorded videos of hypertension (高血压) patients' talking about their medical histories helped another group of patients with high blood pressure to control their condition over several months.
Houston was surprised by their studies that suggested that communication can be a powerful tool in medicine.They showed that those who had had similar experiences, when talking to someone with a similar background, could help change their behavior to become healthier.Hypertension is difficult to control, since it is dependent on diet, exercise and mental state.Medical treatments with drugs, and lifestyle therapies(疗法) have been relatively ineffective because people find it hard to follow those medical requirements.
In the test, his team carefully chose their story-tellers from 230 members of a patients' community with whom they could most easily relate.Next, they divided their study population into two groups.One received three interactive (互动) DVDs containing the tellers' stories of their experiences in living with and treating their hypertension.The other were given educational discs on an unrelated health topic.The study volunteers reported that they had listened to the DVDs, and after three months, those who heard the stories of the hypertensive patients lowered their blood pressure.
While the study did not address how the story-telling influenced the patients' behavior, Houston suspects that watching patients of similar backgrounds who had a similar medical experience helped to motivate them to seek medical help to their hypertension.They found that after six months the difference in blood pressure between those who watched the story-tellers and those who observed the unrelated videos remained, suggesting that the story-telling continued to have an effect.
小题1:We can learn from the text that the pre-recorded videos _________.
A.tell medical histories of hypertension patients
B.introduce some medical treatments of hypertension
C.introduce a good lifestyle for hypertensive patients
D.tell scientific discoveries of the scientist group
小题2:Houston was surprised to find that _______.
A.hypertension is really difficult to control
B.communication has some medical effects
C.medical treatments have no effect at all
D.people don't follow the medical requirements
小题3:Which of the following is true about the study?
A.The scientists chose 230 patients from a hospital.
B.Both the groups used the same videos about health topic.
C.The two groups lowered blood pressure in different degrees.
D.The story-tellers were hypertension patients as well.
小题4:Which of the following could be the best title of the text?
A.The stories of some hypertension patients.
B.Medical treatments of blood pressure.
C.Storytelling may help lower blood pressure.
D.Suggestions about how to lower blood pressure.

Many people have never heard of Mesothelioma and are unaware of its symptoms. Although considered a rare form of cancer, each year the number of cases grows. With the prevalence(流行)of this disease on the rise, it is critical to understand why and how Mesothelioma develops and what courses of action can be taken in the event of diagnosis. The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will provide you with some information on Mesothelioma, and the legal issues surrounding it.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor found in the mesothelial cells of an organ. The organs where this form of cancer is most commonly found are the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. Pleural Mesothelioma is cancer of the lung lining(组织,膜)and is the most common form of Mesothelioma.
What causes Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos(石棉). Asbestos is often found in building materials used before the mid 1970's. In addition, materials such as pipes, boiler insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles may contain asbestos.
How much asbestos exposure will cause Mesothelioma?
Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is in accordance with the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. Also, your health is at risk if your exposure to asbestos is intense. It should be noted that Mesothelioma has a latency(潜伏)period of 20 to 50 years. This means that you may develop the disease long after your exposure to asbestos. On average, people tend to develop Mesothelioma somewhere between 35 and 40 years after exposure.
How quickly does Mesothelioma progress?
The onset of Mesothelioma is quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. These symptoms may also be accompanied by weight loss, fever and difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, once Mesothelioma develops, it quickly becomes aggressive and treatment must be sought immediately.
Can Mesothelioma be treated?
Doctors are able to use several traditional methods of cancer treatment for Mesothelioma, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Like all forms of cancer, detecting the disease at the earliest stage possible greatly increases the patient's chances for survival. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately.
What legal courses of action can be taken?
Anyone suffering from Mesothelioma is entitled to compensation from asbestos manufacturers. Additionally, if you are the spouse or child of someone who has died from Mesothelioma, you are entitled to file a claim and seek compensation.
小题1:The authors intends to _______.
A.tell the readers how important it is to know more about Mesothelioma.
B.provide more information about Mesothelioma
C.give advice on how tto avoid developing Mesothelioma
D.tell the readers how terrible Mesothelioma is
小题2:We can learn from the text that _______.
A.Asbestos is to blame for Mesothelioma.
B.Even if a person is exposed to asbestos for a while, he will die soon.
C.All the employees can ask for compensation from asbestos manufacturers.
D.Mesothelioma is a cancer familiar to many people.
小题3:The following are the symptoms of Mesothelioma EXCEPT ______.
A.frequent headacheB.lower back pain
C.chest painD.difficult breathing
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Terrible Mesothelioma
B.Mesothelioma is around us
C.Frequently Asked Questions About Mesothelioma
D.Mesothelioma in on the rise
小题5:If you work in an industry exposed to asbestos, you should ________.
A.give up the job immediately
B.ask for a rise from your boss
C.file a claim and seek compensation
D.go to hospital and have your body examined
October 15th is Global Handwashing Day.Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.
Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments.These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.
Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-private Partnership for handwashing with soap.The goal, they say, is to create a culture of handwashing with soap.The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs.They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap.Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails.Then, wash well under running water.Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth.
The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing.Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell, which increases the chances that people will wash again.
It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine.It could help reduce cases of diarrhea, which is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year, by almost half.
小题1:What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?
A.To keep healthy by washing hands.B.To wash hands with soap.
C.To take action to wash hands.D.To wash hands often.
小题2:Which of the following is the right way to wash hands?
a.Washing hands well.        b.Covering hands with soap.   c.Drying hands.
d.Rubbing hands with soap.e.Wetting hands.
小题3:.Which fact can NOT explain why soap is important?
A.It gives people a longer handwashing time.
B.It helps to remove a lot of germs from hands.
C.It attracts people to do more handwashing.
D.It gets all people into the habit of washing hands.
小题4:According to the last paragraph, diarrhea is a disease that ________.
A.kills half of the kids in the developing countries a year
B.causes the greatest number of child deaths
C.can be prevented to some degree by washing hands with soap
D.can’t be cured without washing hands
Many of us believe that a person’s mind becomes less active as he grows older.But this is not true,according to Dr.Lissy F.Jarvik,professor of psychiatry(精神病学)at the University of California,Los Angeles,and a board member of the New Center for Aging at the Veterans Hospital.She has studied the mental functioning of aging persons for several years.For example,one of her studies concerns 136 pairs of twins, who were first examined when they were already 60 years old.As Dr.Jarvik continued the study of the twins into their 70s and 80s,their minds did not generally decline(下降)as was expected.
However,there was some decline in their psycho-motor(精神运动的)speed. This means that it took them longer to accomplish mental tasks than it used to.But when speed was not a factor,they lost very little intellectual (智力的) ability over the years.In general,Dr.Jarvik’s studies have shown that there is no decline in knowledge or reasoning ability.This is true not only into the 30s and 40s,but into the 60s and 70s as well.
As for learning new things,and ability to remember,studies by Dr.Jarvik and others show that the old are equal to the young.It is true that older people themselves often complain that their memory is not as good as it once was.However,much of  what we call“loss of memory”is not that at a11.
In the cases where the older person’s mind really seems to decline,it is not necessarilv a sign of a decay due to becoming old or“senility”.Often it is simply a sign of a depressed emotional state.This depression usually can be got rid of by counseling(咨询)with a psychologist,or medicine which fights depression.
In American society,when an older person loses something,we tend to call him or her“senile”.But notice that when a younger person loses something,he does not blame it on senility or loss of memory.He finds some other excuse!
小题1:A long-term study of 136 pairs of twins showed that the only factor that declined over the years was  .
A.mental healthB.intellectual ability
C.the amount of knowledgeD.psycho-motor speed
小题2:According to Dr.Jarvik’s studies,middle-aged and older persons should expect to     .
A.reason betterB.learn fewer new things
C.remember lessD.1ose little ability to remember
小题3:The word“senility”most likely means       .
A.excellent healthB.weakness in body and mind because of old age
C.occasional forgetfulnessD.giving up one’s life
小题4:Both younger and older persons should realize that          .
A.a sign of a decay due to old age or“senility’’is a common thing
B.older persons are wiser than younger ones because of different knowledge amount
C.senility or mental decay due to aging is much less common than most of us believe
D.a sign of a depressed emotional state is not a reason of decay
In many societies, there is often greater acceptance of light skin than dark skin. Light skin may be seen as a mark of beauty, intelligence and success. These beliefs can lead to social pressures even within the same racial or ethnic group, if some members are darker skinned than others.
The result is that skin lightening has become a common activity across Africa, Asia and other areas of the world. More and more people with dark skin are using skin-lightening products, even if it means they may face health risks.
They believe that having whiter skin will improve their lives. Many people think they will have a better chance of getting a job or marrying into a better family. Or they want to look like what their society generally considers beautiful.
Some beauty care products and soaps contain chemicals that make skin lighter. This is also called bleaching. But some of the chemicals are extremely dangerous. One of the most dangerous is hydroquinone(对苯二酚).
Hydroquinone has been banned in several countries. This chemical has been connected to kidney damage and some kinds of cancer. It also causes low birth weight in babies when mothers –to-be use it during pregnancy.
At first, bleaching products make the skin color lighter. But after long-term use they can cause problems. They could even make some skin darker.
The chemicals in the products block and break down the natural process that gives color to skin. The skin loses its natural barrier(障碍)to protect against sunlight. Then the skin can become thick and discolored. Usually the person will use more of the product in an effort to correct the problem, but this only makes it worse.
Fatimata Ly treats skin conditions in the Senegalese capital, Dakar. Doctor Ly says skin bleaching has become a problem throughout Senegal. She says the chemicals are now more dangerous because they are stronger. Some cases have resulted in blackened fingernails, infections and permanent(永久的)skin damage.
And these are not the only risks. Experts say some people who change their skin color suffer emotional damage. They feel regret and sadness. They feel that instead of risking their health, they should have learned to love and accept their skin color as it was.
小题1:What is the text mainly about?
A.The advantages of light skinB.Introducing skin lightening products
C.The harmfulness of HydroquinoneD.The health risks of bleaching
小题2:What does the underlined word “bleaching” refer to?
A.The process of removing the color
B.The process of making the skin whiter
C.The chemicals that make things white
D.The chemicals that protect skin against sunlight
小题3:Why do people want to make their skin lighter?
A.Because they all want to look more beautiful.
B.Because they all want to marry into better families.
C.Because they want to find better jobs.
D.Because they want to improve their lives.
小题4:Skin bleaching may cause the problem of ______.
A.emotional problems B.kidney cancerC.lighter skin D.low birth rate
小题5:The author holds a/ an ______ attitude towards skin lightening.
Weight loss is a hard topic. Lots of people aren’t satisfied with their present weight, but most people aren’t sure how to change it. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines or on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic(现实的) for you .  小题1:  
So what should you do about your weight control?
  小题2:   The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a  doctor  or  dietitian (营养学家 ).
  小题3:   If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.
  小题4:   People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost, because they haven’t permanently(永久地) changed their habits. Therefore, the best weight management ways are those that you can maintain for a lifetime.
Small changes are a lot easier to stick with (坚持做) than large ones. Try reducing the size of what you eat.    小题5:   Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.
It’s a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it’s just that: healthy.
A.Try giving up regular soda for a week.
B.Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you’re full.
C.Weight management is about long-term success.
D.Besides, no magical diet will make you look like someone else.
E.Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.
F.Changing from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.
G.They will compare your weight with healthy standards and help you set goals
A good night’s sleep in the early years of life could be very important in preventing a child becoming obese, say scientists. Babies and pre-school children who sleep for less than ten hours a night are more likely to be overweight when they are older, research has found. Experts believe that those who do not get enough sleep are more likely to feel hungry and want more calorie-rich food during the day.
Former research has linked sleeping with obesity in adults and teenagers, but this is one of the first to look at very young children. Researchers from the Universities of Washington and California looked at the sleeping habits of almost 1,000 children under the age of five. They found those who had less than ten hours’ sleep were twice as likely to be overweight five years later.
Childhood obesity has doubled over the past 10 years. A quarter of secondary school pupils are now judged to be so overweight that their health is in danger. Experts believe sleep, or lack(缺乏)of it, could be a major cause of this. On average children are sleeping for an hour less than they did 30 years ago. Last year Chinese researchers looked at more than 5,000 youngsters and found that those who were able to catch up on (补充)sleep at the weekend were far less likely to get body weight problems. Scientists have also found a link between lack of sleep and diabetes(糖尿病). Last year Canadian researchers discovered those who did not get seven or eight hours’ sleep a night were two and a half times more likely to become sick.
小题1:The underlined word “obese” in the first paragraph may mean       .
A.quite protective B.very sad
C.very fatD.quite young
小题2:According to Chinese researchers, if a person who lacks sleep can get more sleep during weekends,       .
A.he won’t get hungry easilyB.he will feel tired all the time
C.there will be little chance of him becoming fat
D.it will be very hard for him to fall asleep at night
小题3:From the passage we know       .
A.too little sleep will result in illness besides obesity
B.in the past people didn’t connect sleep with weight
C.fat children must have slept less than 10 hours five years ago
D.most children are unhealthy because of little sleep
小题4:What would be the best title of the passage?
A.A good night’s sleep helps the development of kids’ brain!
B.Ten hours’ sleep prevents overweight in kids!
C.Children are sleeping much less nowadays!
D.More teenagers get weight problems!
小题5:Where can you most probably read this passage?
A.In the latest news.B.In a children’s book.
C.In a health magazine.D.In a scientist’s diary.
More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple. The fruits that made it to the UK were green on the outside and, more often than not, hard with an unpleasant taste within. Then in 1966, the Del Monte Gold pineapple produced in Hawaii first hit our shelves.
The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green. It was slightly softer on the outside and had a lot of juice inside. But the most important thing about this new type of pineapple was that it was twice as sweet as the hit-and-miss pineapples we had known. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the world’s best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only found in tinned pineapple.
In nutrition it was all good news too. This nice tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater.
Seeing the growing market for its winning pineapple, Del Monte tried to keep market to itself. But other fruit companies developed similar pineapples. Del Monte turned to law for help, but failed. Those companies argued successfully that Del Monte’s attempts to keep the golden pineapple for itself were just a way to knock them out of the market.
小题1:We learn from the text that the new type of pineapple is __________.
A.green outside and sweet insideB. good-looking outside and soft inside
C.yellowy-gold outside and hard insideD.a little soft outside and sweet inside
小题2:Why was the new type of pineapple selling well?
A.It was rich in nutrition and tasted nice.B.It was less sweet and good for health.
C.It was developed by Del Monte.D.It was used as medicine.
小题3:The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to something _________.
A.that people enjoy eatingB.that is always present
C.that is difficult to getD.that people use as a gift
小题4: We learn from the last paragraph that Del Monte _________.
A.slowed other companies to develop pineapples
B.succeeded in keeping the pineapple for itself
C.tried hard to control the pineapple market
D.planned to help the other companies
Why do parents deny their kids’ weight?
Experts in childhood nutrition aren’t surprised by an investigation this summer that shows 50%of parents who have overweight children don’t realize their children Weigh too much.Many parents deny their children’s weight because they don’t want to have to change their own eating and exercise habits,says Keith Ayoob, a doctor who works with overweight children and their families in New York City.
Parents frequently ask him whether their children have a thyroid(甲状腺) problem, but that’s rarely the case.“1t’s usually a dietary(有关饮食的) and lifestyle issue.It’s very difficult for parents to deal with their own food issues,”Ayoob says.An estimated 25 million children in the USA are overweight, which puts them at risk of developing diabetes(糖尿病), high blood Pressure and other health problems.A Consumer Reports magazine investigation released on July 25,2009 of 3.048 parents who have children aged 5 to 17 found that 91% say childhood obesity (肥胖) is a problem in the USA.
Only 36%of the parents with heavy children say their family doctors have suggested their children lose weight;the other 64%say the doctors didn’t mention it.“Many parents simply don’t realize their children are overweight.”says Keith Ayoob.“The doctors never told them.Other kids in the class look like their children.and their kids seem pretty healthy.”he says.
He has parents go to the calculator on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website to figure out whether their children are too heavy.
小题1:Why do many parents fail to admit their children are overweight?
A.Because they think it a shame to be overweight.
B.Because they want to keep their own eating and exercise habits.
C.Because they want to change their own eating and exercise habits.
D.Because they want their children to have more nutrition.
小题2:What is the probable cause of childhood obesity?
A.Thyroid problem.B.High blood pressure.
C.Dietary and lifestyle habit.D.Diabetes.
小题3:It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that the family doctors’ advice     
A.has no influence on many parents
B.has much influence on many parents
C.has little influence on many parents
D.is totally accepted by many parents
小题4:What advice does Keith Ayoob give to parents?
A.He advises that parents should go and ask their family doctors in person.
B.He advises that the children should have a medical examination regularly.
C.He advises that school should force the children to eat less and exercise more.
D.He advises parents to go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for the information.

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