
17.Don't forget to ________ my regards when you see her.(  )

分析 你见到她时不要忘记转达我的问候.

解答 答案是A.本题考查动词词义辨析.A项表示"运送;传达;表达";convey one's regards传达某人的问候;B项表示"证实;确认";C项表示"使相信";D项表示"完成";根据句意和搭配判断,答案选择A项,其它选项不符合逻辑.

点评 本题考查动词词义辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的词汇和搭配,并牢记其意思.在做题时,将词义和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.

2.Why would you want to speak without notes?A presenter that keeps checking his notes looks as if he didn't prepare or he doesn't know much about the topic.That can damage your image in the mind of the audience and no wonder their thoughts will wander during your speech.So,let's discover how you can speak without keeping checking notes while giving a presentation.
The most common technique is to use key word notes.While giving the presentation you are simply filling in the blanks between the key words.You can do this because you know your material well.This method makes it easy for you to recall what you plan to cover.The challenge is to cut your presentation down to a few key words.
The second technique is to prepare your presentation as a series of questions.The questions could be the most common questions about your business.You've heard and answered those questions many times so you can certainly talk about them.Asking yourself a specific question is also an effective way of drawing out the information from your memory.A variation(变体) of this technique is to ask your audience questions.Listen to their responses and then add your comments to fill in the gaps(间隙).This"unpredictable"method will make your presentation appear more like a conversation.Therefore you will look more confident and knowledgeable.But you can't know the direction of the question.
The third technique is to use props(道具).Put them on a table in the order that you plan to address them.They could be products,tools or toys.You could even use colored pieces of paper,books or letters.They serve as a visual clue(提示) to you and add the"show-and-tell"feature to your presentation.
46.What will happen if you keep checking notes while giving a presentation?C
A.You will appear to be disrespectful.
B.The audience may get angry with you.
C.You will fail to hold the audience's attention.
D.The audience may not understand your speech.
47.Using key word notes in a presentation requires you toB.
A.have a good memory
B.know your material well
C.practice your speech repeatedly
D.involve as many points as possible
48.The key word notes are supposed toC.
A.make your presentation simple         
B.make your presentation well organized
C.remind you of the things you are going to talk about
 D.help you memorize the material faster in preparation
49.The technique of"asking the audience questions"is"unpredictable"becauseA.
A.you can't predict the way in which the questions develop
B.whether the audience will be glad to participate is unknown
C.you can't know how much should be prepared to fill in the gaps
D.the"conversation"style may make the presentation out of order
50.Which of the following is true according to the passage?B
A.You give the impression of being bored in learning by using key word notes.
B.You can replace your notes with the props used in your presentation.
C.Asking the audience questions is the most frequently used technique.
D.Using props in a presentation can make the atmosphere more exciting.
16-25 Railcard
16-25 Railcard (The Young Person's Railcard) entitles the holder to up to 1/3 off most rail fares across Briuin.Just imagine where it could take you-to festivals,to see distant friends or to London for a weekend break.
Who can apphf?
Absolutely anybody between 16 and 25 can apply.You will need to provide proof that you are under 26 years of age.For this,only your birth certificate,driving license,passport or medical card will be acceptable.Alternatively,if you are a mature student over this age but in-full-time education,you can also apply.In order to prove your eligibility (适用性),you will need to get your headteacher,tutor,or head of department to sign the application form as well as one of your photos,the latter also needing to be officially stamped."Full time education"is defined as over 15 hours per week for at least 20 weeks a year.
Then go along to any major railway station,rail-appointed travel agent or authorized student travel office with your completed application form from this leaflet,together with£28,two passport-sired photos and proof of eligibility.
Using your rail card
You can use it at any time-weekends.Bank Holidays or during the we?k.But If you travel before 10 am Monday to Friday (except during July and August) minimum fares will apply.For full details of these,please ask at your local station or contact a rail-appointed travel agent.
In cases where a railcard does not bear the user's signature.It will be treated as invalid.Neither your railcard nor any tickets bougfit with It may be used by anybody else.Unless there are no purchase facilities available at the station where you began your journey,you will be required to pay the full fare if you are unable to produce a valid ticket for inspection during a journey.
Reduced rate tickets are not available for first-class travel or for Eurostar links to France and Belgium.Passengers will be charged the full rate if they want to use these services.

60.If you are a 22-year-old nurse,you can apply for the railcard withoutA.
A.the signature of your director
C.application  form
D.passport-sized photos
61.The 1/3 OFF discount may not apply for the railcard holders who travel atB.
A.11 pm on Sunday in August
B.7 am on  Tuesday in February
C.7 am on Monday in July
D.11 pm on Friday in March
62.Which of the following is True according to the leaflet?D
A.If you railcard doesn't have your name signed,it will be used by someone else.
B.The benefits of a railcard are transferable to your friend of your age.
C.If you have no ticket but have boarded a train,you will still be eligible for a discounted ticket
D.If railcard holders wish to use the Eurostar network,they must pay the full fare.

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