
16-25 Railcard
16-25 Railcard (The Young Person's Railcard) entitles the holder to up to 1/3 off most rail fares across Briuin.Just imagine where it could take you-to festivals,to see distant friends or to London for a weekend break.
Who can apphf?
Absolutely anybody between 16 and 25 can apply.You will need to provide proof that you are under 26 years of age.For this,only your birth certificate,driving license,passport or medical card will be acceptable.Alternatively,if you are a mature student over this age but in-full-time education,you can also apply.In order to prove your eligibility (适用性),you will need to get your headteacher,tutor,or head of department to sign the application form as well as one of your photos,the latter also needing to be officially stamped."Full time education"is defined as over 15 hours per week for at least 20 weeks a year.
Then go along to any major railway station,rail-appointed travel agent or authorized student travel office with your completed application form from this leaflet,together with£28,two passport-sired photos and proof of eligibility.
Using your rail card
You can use it at any time-weekends.Bank Holidays or during the we?k.But If you travel before 10 am Monday to Friday (except during July and August) minimum fares will apply.For full details of these,please ask at your local station or contact a rail-appointed travel agent.
In cases where a railcard does not bear the user's signature.It will be treated as invalid.Neither your railcard nor any tickets bougfit with It may be used by anybody else.Unless there are no purchase facilities available at the station where you began your journey,you will be required to pay the full fare if you are unable to produce a valid ticket for inspection during a journey.
Reduced rate tickets are not available for first-class travel or for Eurostar links to France and Belgium.Passengers will be charged the full rate if they want to use these services.

60.If you are a 22-year-old nurse,you can apply for the railcard withoutA.
A.the signature of your director
C.application  form
D.passport-sized photos
61.The 1/3 OFF discount may not apply for the railcard holders who travel atB.
A.11 pm on Sunday in August
B.7 am on  Tuesday in February
C.7 am on Monday in July
D.11 pm on Friday in March
62.Which of the following is True according to the leaflet?D
A.If you railcard doesn't have your name signed,it will be used by someone else.
B.The benefits of a railcard are transferable to your friend of your age.
C.If you have no ticket but have boarded a train,you will still be eligible for a discounted ticket
D.If railcard holders wish to use the Eurostar network,they must pay the full fare.

分析 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,属于广告,青年铁路卡使得持有人能够跨越Briuin的多数铁路票价达到1/3.本文以此展开谈论,主要讲述了青年铁路卡的申请方法和使用条件.

解答 60.A.细节理解题.根据For this,only your birth certificate,driving license,passport or medical card will be acceptable.Alternatively,if you are a mature student over this age but in-full-time education,you can also apply.In order to prove your eligibility (适用性),you will need to get your headteacher,tutor,or head of department to sign the application form as well as one of your photos,the latter also needing to be officially stamped.可知,只有您的出生证,驾驶执照,护照或医疗卡才可以接受.或者,如果您是成熟的在这个年龄的学生,但在全日制教育,你也可以申请.为了证明你的资格(适用性),你需要让你的校长,导师或部门主管签署申请表以及您的照片之一,后者也需要正式加盖.故可知,如果是一名护士,不需要领导者的签字.故选A.
61.B.细节理解题.根据But If you travel before 10 am Monday to Friday (except during July and August) minimum fares will apply.For full details of these,please ask at your local station or contact a rail-appointed travel agent.可知,t如果您在星期一至星期五上午10点之前旅行(7月和8月除外)最低票价将适用.故在二月的星期二7点时满足条件.故选B.
63.D.细节理解题.根据Reduced rate tickets are not available for first-class travel or for Eurostar links to France and Belgium.Passengers will be charged the full rate if they want to use these services.可知,一级旅行或欧洲之星到法国和比利时的链接不能使用优惠票.如果想要使用这些服务,乘客将被收取全额费用.故选D.

点评 本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,题目涉及多道主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

18.Are you having difficulty falling asleep?Try drinking a glass of warm milk.If that doesn't work,listen to soft,beautiful music.Still no luck?Try thinking about sheep jumping over a fence.If you are still awake,take a sleeping pill.But people who take pills often become dependent on the drugs.So you lie awake knowing that the new workday will soon arrive.If you have been in such condition for at least one month,you may have primary insomnia(失眠症).
A new study has found that you might fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer if you try"cerebral hypothermia".It is not a complex medical process.It just means cooling down your brain.Eric Nofzinger and Daniel Buysse from the University of Pittsburgh Medical School led the study.They examined twelve people who had sleeping problems.Twelve others had no sleep problems.Each of them wore a soft plastic cap on their head at bedtime.
The caps had tubes inside filled with water.The researchers moved the water through the tubes and then changed the temperature of the water.Other studies showed that people who had sleeping problems often had more chemical reactions in the front of their brain.The researchers thought cooling down the brain might help.
On the first two nights of testing,the patients wore caps with no water.On the next two nights,the caps were worn,but the water was not cooled.Then the researchers cooled the water a little for another two nights.On the final two nights of the study,the temperature of the water was made much cooler.
The researchers found that the water caps didn't help the patients until the temperature was about 14℃.Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their heads.
Dr Nofzinger and Dr Buysse noted that this was only the beginning of the brain temperature study.But they believed they had discovered something important that needed more research.

36.The first paragraph is written toB.
A.explain how serious insomnia is
B.bring forward the topic of the passage
C.tell us the causes of sleeping problems
D.tell us the danger of having sleeping problems
37.From the passage we know that"cerebral hypothermia"is actuallyC.
A.a complex medical process
B.a psychological treatment
C.a simple physical treatment
D.a difficult scientific theory
38.In the study,researchers helped people fall asleep faster throughD.
A.increasing chemical reactions in the front of their brain
B.making them feel safe with a cap on their head
C.asking them to drink water to cool down
D.lowering the temperature of their brain
39.Dr Nofzinger and Dr Buysse seemed to believe thatB.
A.their research wouldn't help people greatly
B.more studies would be needed for their research
C.cooling down people's brain might be harmful
D.the results of their study would be made use of soon.
10.In life,we will succeed and fail often for reasons that are entirely out of our control.For instance,we can be incredibly nice and love someone deeply,and they may not love us back.We can work harder than anyone else in the office and still not be promoted to management.We can eat healthy food,exercise and stay away from alcohol and cigarettes,and still get sick.
The bottom line is that life is not fair.
That is a tough pill to swallow for many of us.As a result,some people shut down after being hit by even one unfair blow from life.They can't handle the fact that our efforts don't always get the results that we expect.But if we let life's unfairness defeat us,we will never receive the beautiful blessings (幸事) that life has in store for us.
For example,my first marriage ended in divorce.To me,it felt very unfair.I had worked hard to be a good wife and mother.However,no matter what I did,I could not make the relationship work.
I could have been shut down by that experience.I could have decided that if one person didn't appreciate me as a wife,then no one would.I could have given up.But I knew that I wanted to be married.I knew that I wanted to experience traditional family life.So I didn't let one seemingly unfair experience stop me from believing that I could one day be happily married.And then one day,I met this kind,thoughtful,generous man with whom I now have a wonderful friendship and marriage.But that wouldn't have happened if I had decided to give up after one failed marriage.
What I've learned over the years is that we can do all the things that deserve a good outcome,but get bad things in return instead.
When we are faced with life's seeming unfairness,our faith needs to jump in.When life doesn't go according to plan,we have to let go of the outcome that we are looking forward to and keep trying,working hard and doing the right thing.Please don't be discouraged.Accept that life is neither fair nor straightforward.And by knowing that if we remain confident,we can drive our unfair experiences away and use them for our benefit.

27.We can learn from the first three paragraphs thatA.
A.life doesn't often turn out the way we expect
B.the author thinks life should reward us for our efforts
C.unsatisfactory results simply mean your effort is not enough
D.people should focus on the process rather than the outcomes
28.The author wrote about her unsuccessful marriage toD.
A.complain about the unfairness of her life and marriage
B.tell readers how she met her second husband and became happily married
C.express how proud she is for not being shut down by a blow from life
D.show that we need to have faith and continue working for our goals
29.When we encounter unfairness in life,the author suggests weC.
a.do nothing but accept them
b.be confident with ourselves
c.keep doing what we should do
d.find out what has gone wrong
A.ab   B.ad    C.bc   D.cd
30.The author wrote the article mainly toB.
A.share her experiences of unfairness in life
B.tell us how to deal with life's seeming unfairness
C.tell us that life has beautiful blessings in store for us
D.explain why life seems neither fair nor straightforward.
17.To be financially secure and spiritually pleased,a man who has an occupation ought to have two or three hobbies.It tends to make people laugh by saying:"I will develop hobbies when I am retired."Such a promise is like a bubble which will burst in the end,leaving pleasure forever beyond.On the other side,if a man is only interested in acquiring knowledge and abilities irrelevant(不相干的) to his daily work,it is also hard to get true pleasure in the long run.
Broadly speaking,hobbies for those who have jobs should be practical.For example,it is impractical for a construction worker,after a hard week's manual labor,to develop the interest of playing football on Saturday afternoon.It is also unlikely for a politician or a business man,who has been working or worrying about serious things for six days,to attend drama courses at the weekend.
It may also be said that laborers are divided into two classes:first,those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly,those whose work is everything and pleasure just exists in work.The former are the majority.They have their compensations.The long hours in the office or the factory bring them money,not only as the means of livelihood,but as a driving force for pleasure beyond their work.But for the second class,the working hours are never long enough.Each day is enjoyed like a holiday,and when real holidays come,they see them as interruptions.To both classes,the need of changing the angle of viewing work and pleasure is essential.Those who find it hard to enjoy their work are not fully enjoying the world they live in.However,it is more urgent for those whose work is their all pleasure to drive the work occasionally off their minds and develop hobbies.

24.What can we learn from paragraph 1?C
A.The best choice for a person is having three hobbies
B.To relax one should broaden his knowledge in other fields
C.Pleasure is acquired by enjoying work and hobbies
D.Pleasure lies in how much one is involved in other fields
25.Which hobby do you recommend to a software programmer?D
A.Playing Chinese chess
C.Learning watercolor painting
B.Writing poems
D.Joining in Mobike riding
26.Which can substitute the underlined word in paragraph 3?B
A.working hours
B.real holidays
C.means of livelihood
D.drama courses
27.What is the best title of the passageA
A.Work and Pleasure
C.Holidays and Interruptions
B.Hobbies and Relaxation
D.Manual Work and Brain Work.
14.Chinese students are the largest group of international students in the United States,Britain,Australia,Canada and several other countries.
Data (41)released(release) by the Chinese Ministry of Education shows that the number of Chinese students studying abroad has reached more than 500,000.Chinese students make (42)up  the majority of international students around the world.More Chinese students studied abroad in 2016 than in 2015,and this is a trend,(43)whichmay continue in the following years.
Quite a few nations have relaxed(放宽) their visa policies(44)to attract(attract)more international students.For instance,Australia has created(45)a new procedure to simplify the visa application process,(46)hoping(hope)that international students in Australia will increase a lot by 2025.
"The majority of foreign universities do not have strict admission requirements.(47)However,students should reach higher standards for graduation.It means that students have to meet standards for language ability and academic performance,"stated Li Rongyu,vice president of the University of Canberra(堪培拉大学副校长).
A craze(狂热) for studying abroad has led to strong (48)competition(compete) among international applicants at many universities.The latest data shows that the admission rate (录取率) for Ivy League universities(常青藤大学) reached the lowest point in 2016.
"The decreased admission rate has something to do with the(49)increasing(increase)applicants."experts say.As a consequence,elite U.S.universities(精英大学)can continuously raise(50)their(they)admission requirements.

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