
2.Why would you want to speak without notes?A presenter that keeps checking his notes looks as if he didn't prepare or he doesn't know much about the topic.That can damage your image in the mind of the audience and no wonder their thoughts will wander during your speech.So,let's discover how you can speak without keeping checking notes while giving a presentation.
The most common technique is to use key word notes.While giving the presentation you are simply filling in the blanks between the key words.You can do this because you know your material well.This method makes it easy for you to recall what you plan to cover.The challenge is to cut your presentation down to a few key words.
The second technique is to prepare your presentation as a series of questions.The questions could be the most common questions about your business.You've heard and answered those questions many times so you can certainly talk about them.Asking yourself a specific question is also an effective way of drawing out the information from your memory.A variation(变体) of this technique is to ask your audience questions.Listen to their responses and then add your comments to fill in the gaps(间隙).This"unpredictable"method will make your presentation appear more like a conversation.Therefore you will look more confident and knowledgeable.But you can't know the direction of the question.
The third technique is to use props(道具).Put them on a table in the order that you plan to address them.They could be products,tools or toys.You could even use colored pieces of paper,books or letters.They serve as a visual clue(提示) to you and add the"show-and-tell"feature to your presentation.
46.What will happen if you keep checking notes while giving a presentation?C
A.You will appear to be disrespectful.
B.The audience may get angry with you.
C.You will fail to hold the audience's attention.
D.The audience may not understand your speech.
47.Using key word notes in a presentation requires you toB.
A.have a good memory
B.know your material well
C.practice your speech repeatedly
D.involve as many points as possible
48.The key word notes are supposed toC.
A.make your presentation simple         
B.make your presentation well organized
C.remind you of the things you are going to talk about
 D.help you memorize the material faster in preparation
49.The technique of"asking the audience questions"is"unpredictable"becauseA.
A.you can't predict the way in which the questions develop
B.whether the audience will be glad to participate is unknown
C.you can't know how much should be prepared to fill in the gaps
D.the"conversation"style may make the presentation out of order
50.Which of the following is true according to the passage?B
A.You give the impression of being bored in learning by using key word notes.
B.You can replace your notes with the props used in your presentation.
C.Asking the audience questions is the most frequently used technique.
D.Using props in a presentation can make the atmosphere more exciting.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了如何在报告中做笔记并且不影响你的报告效果.

解答 46.C.细节理解题.根据第一段A presenter that keeps checking his notes looks as if he didn't prepare or he doesn't know much about the topic.That can damage your image in the mind of the audience and no wonder their thoughts will wander during your speech可知如果你在做报告时不断检查笔记你将不能吸引听众的注意;故选C.
47.B.细节理解题.根据第二段You can do this because you know your material well.This method makes it easy for you to recall what you plan to cover.The challenge is to cut your presentation down to a few key words可知在演示文稿中使用关键词注释要求你充分了解相关知识;故选B.
48.C.细节理解题.根据第二段You can do this because you know your material well.This method makes it easy for you to recall what you plan to cover.The challenge is to cut your presentation down to a few key words可知关键字注释应该是提醒你要讲的东西;故选C.
49.A.推理判断题.根据文章Asking yourself a specific question is also an effective way of drawing out the information from your memory.A variation(变体) of this technique is to ask your audience questions.Listen to their responses and then add your comments to fill in the gaps可知"问听众问题"的技巧是"不可预测的",因为你无法预测问题发展的方式;故选A.
50.B.细节理解题.根据最后一段The third technique is to use props(道具).Put them on a table in the order that you plan to address them.They could be products,tools or toys.You could even use colored pieces of paper可知你可以用你演讲的道具替换你的笔记;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断..

7.Everybody has to face bad days in their life.Some face ailments,some face fears,some face poverty,some face helplessness etc.No one can escape from it.It is a rule of life.Two things always combines together,like joy and sadness,laugh and cry,health and illness,profit and loss,morning and night,victory and failure,likewise good days and bad days.
You know what is the biggest advantage of bad days?You come to know GOD.What is God?What he can do?He is so friendly,understanding,loving and moreover God is the Superman who can do anything in a second.Yes,true,he can do anything.He is the only light in darkness.God always forgives and never complaint whether you ignore him many times.That is why,for me,God is the only best and faithful friend who never cheats.
When bad days come,even if a person first of all cannot understand what is going on.Why me?But after some time he realizes his strength and start doing every single thing to come out of it.When he comes out,that journey is though very painful.However,when you get through it,you will find your journey very meaningful,and you will feel like it's your rebirth.You have totally changed your thoughts and your viewpoints,and you can understand life better.You get the meaning of your life.In short,you start becoming wise.
The biggest lesson of life during bad days for me is that a person becomes spiritual and a giver who he wasn't before.Life means to create.First think what you want in your life,then start giving the same think.This is one of the most important thing I have learnt in my life.You want love then start spreading it; you want money then start giving to needy,you want happiness then start doing all things that bring happiness.Everything is in your hand and you only need to give first.If you don't have everything,then give or share what you have.Still you feel you have nothing to share,and then give smile.You can't imagine that your smile can do wonder for someone.So start smiling from today onwards.
The most beautiful lesson I have learnt in my life is that if you are in pain,remember one thing:the time is though to be hard but it would be the best time of your life.You know why we have to face hard days?Did you think about it?No!!!!Ok I will tell you.We always forget two unforgettable things.The first is God and second is family.Nowadays money is everything.Money is important,in fact very important but it is not the whole life,so why do we spend the whole life in earning money?How long will we live?So don't let he day pass without enjoying it.
One thing I must share with you is that if you want to grow and learn more than you know,then do whatever you want but beyond your comfort zone.Always try to think that I can,and then nothing is impossible for you.Difficulty is in the mind but not in work.You know one thing when we accept life as it comes,or we accept that everything happens for a reason or for our betterment.Believe me,you will find your hard days as an adventure but you need to trust God and in the end you will find yourself a winner.

62.According to the author,when you are in bad days,you might ask for help fromD
A.family members     B.friendly people    C.understanding men    D.a spirit like God
63.The author may agree to the following opinions EXCEPT thatA.
A.bad days can destroy all people
B.smiling can change your life
C.bad days can help you become wise
D.bad days can change people's thoughts and viewpoints
64.Which opinion of life is in agreement with the author's?D
A.Lily insist that family is more important than God
B.Mr Smith believes that money is the most important of all
C.Mary gives up her love due to the pressure from her parents
D.Tom thinks difficulties in life can be removed once you take action
65.From the last paragraph we can infer that to be a winner,D.
A.you must think twice before taking action
B.you must believe that no difficulty actually exists at all
C.you can stay in your comfort zone thinking about what you are doing
D.you must believe that ups and downs in life are only to help you move forward.
14.The steady increase in women having babies later in life is undeniable.First-time mothers are more likely to be 35or older than their counterparts (对应者) from two decades ago,according to the Pew Research Center.While the number of first-time moms between ages 20 and 24 falls,the number of births to women in their 30s and 40s keeps growing.In addition,recent wide-ranging studies have found significant long-term benefits in waiting to have babies.These benefits counterbalance (抵消) some worries about being an older mother and the effects it may have on children.
Longevity for women who wait
A study in the journal Menopause examined older mothers'life expectancy (寿命) and found that women who had their last child after the age of 33 are more likely to live to 95.In fact,researchers reported that these women had twice the chance of living to 95 or older than those who had their last child before their 30th birthday.The news for women having babies after 40 is equally promising.
Boosted brainpower for older mothers
It's also possible that later pregnancies (怀孕) protect against cognitive decline.Researchers at the University of Southern California found that women have better brainpower if they have their last baby after age 35.The researchers looked at the pregnancy history of a group of 830 women ages 41 to 92.Their research provides strong evidence of a positive association between later age at last pregnancy and late-life cognition.
Increased income over time
There's a measurable link between the age you have your first child and income gains and losses.Women who start their families when they are older are likely to increase their earning potential.
Educational and emotional support for children
Older parents who are less stressed about income or job security tend to be more patient and can spend more time with their children.Parents who have more secondary education can also offer more specific stimulation to their children,which can be helpful for development.An investigation of 8-to 12-year-olds explored how specific parenting beliefs and behaviors-such as reading,constructive play and emotional support-affected child development.The research published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that parent education and income positively affect child achievement.
Having babies later in life
It can't be (71)denied that the number of women having babies later in life is steadily (72)increasing/growing.
(73)benefitsin waiting to have babies
Longevity for women who wait(74)Compared with those who had their last child before 30,women giving (75)birth to last child after 33 or even 40 are more likely to live to 95 or older.
Boosted brainpower for older mothers•Later pregnancies prevent late-life cognition from (76)declining/decreasing.
•Research on 830 women proves that there is a (77)positiveassociation between later age at last pregnancy and late-life cognition.
Increased income over timeOlder mothers have the potential of increasing their income in the future.
Educational and
support for children
•(79)Besides more patience and more time,older parents with higher income and education can also offer specific stimulation to children.
•Specific parenting beliefs and behaviors have influence on child (80)development.
11.There are few habits as annoying as someone making us wait.However,some punctually-challenged people have no intention of offending anyone.They still want to keep friends,family and bosses happy.They are often painfully aware and ashamed of the damage their lateness could do to their relationships,reputations,careers and finances.
Johnson,a doctor in New York,says his reputation for being unpunctual can sometimes be attributed to a misunderstanding of opinion."A friend will ask me to come over,and he'll say'come anytime from seven.'But if I do turn up at eight or later,he will be annoyed."
Joanna a teacher in London,for whom the most distressing thing is writing school reports,never makes the deadline for herself."I always spend weeks carefully considering everything about the reports,"she says,"just for fear that any error arises."

Different countries adopt different tolerance towards one's lateness.Actually,some people are late not deliberately but because they misunderstand others'opinions or pay too much attention to details.
As we all know,frequent lateness will have negative effects on one's daily life.On the one hand,unpunctual people tend to leave a bad impression on those who have made the appointment with them.Others usually regard being punctual as a sign of keeping the promise.On the other hand,lateness sometimes brings about much trouble in solving urgent problems.
Asfor those who are unintentionally late,like Johnson and Joanna,I have two suggestions as follows.First,whenever you make appointments with others,make sure you have understood all the details and try to get there a few minutes before the appointed time.Second,make good preparations for the appointments but never become too particular about every detail..
10.In life,we will succeed and fail often for reasons that are entirely out of our control.For instance,we can be incredibly nice and love someone deeply,and they may not love us back.We can work harder than anyone else in the office and still not be promoted to management.We can eat healthy food,exercise and stay away from alcohol and cigarettes,and still get sick.
The bottom line is that life is not fair.
That is a tough pill to swallow for many of us.As a result,some people shut down after being hit by even one unfair blow from life.They can't handle the fact that our efforts don't always get the results that we expect.But if we let life's unfairness defeat us,we will never receive the beautiful blessings (幸事) that life has in store for us.
For example,my first marriage ended in divorce.To me,it felt very unfair.I had worked hard to be a good wife and mother.However,no matter what I did,I could not make the relationship work.
I could have been shut down by that experience.I could have decided that if one person didn't appreciate me as a wife,then no one would.I could have given up.But I knew that I wanted to be married.I knew that I wanted to experience traditional family life.So I didn't let one seemingly unfair experience stop me from believing that I could one day be happily married.And then one day,I met this kind,thoughtful,generous man with whom I now have a wonderful friendship and marriage.But that wouldn't have happened if I had decided to give up after one failed marriage.
What I've learned over the years is that we can do all the things that deserve a good outcome,but get bad things in return instead.
When we are faced with life's seeming unfairness,our faith needs to jump in.When life doesn't go according to plan,we have to let go of the outcome that we are looking forward to and keep trying,working hard and doing the right thing.Please don't be discouraged.Accept that life is neither fair nor straightforward.And by knowing that if we remain confident,we can drive our unfair experiences away and use them for our benefit.

27.We can learn from the first three paragraphs thatA.
A.life doesn't often turn out the way we expect
B.the author thinks life should reward us for our efforts
C.unsatisfactory results simply mean your effort is not enough
D.people should focus on the process rather than the outcomes
28.The author wrote about her unsuccessful marriage toD.
A.complain about the unfairness of her life and marriage
B.tell readers how she met her second husband and became happily married
C.express how proud she is for not being shut down by a blow from life
D.show that we need to have faith and continue working for our goals
29.When we encounter unfairness in life,the author suggests weC.
a.do nothing but accept them
b.be confident with ourselves
c.keep doing what we should do
d.find out what has gone wrong
A.ab   B.ad    C.bc   D.cd
30.The author wrote the article mainly toB.
A.share her experiences of unfairness in life
B.tell us how to deal with life's seeming unfairness
C.tell us that life has beautiful blessings in store for us
D.explain why life seems neither fair nor straightforward.

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