
15.How to Raise Responsible Kids
   Kids aren't born knowing how to be responsible.They must be taught.Children who don't learn to be responsible for their actions grow up to become irresponsible adults and blame others for their shortcomings.(26)GAssign daily chores
    (27)DYoung children can do things like pick up their toys,sort and load laundry,and recycle nonbreakable items.Older kids can wash dishes,make up their beds,feed and water pets,clean the floor,and help with yard work.
Teach kids how to be responsible with money
    Kids who aren't taught to be careful with money grow up to make bad financial decisions that can end in debt and poverty.(28)F  Start by buying your child a piggy bank and giving him an allowance.Encourage him to put 10 percent of every dollar he gets into his piggy bank to save,and teach him how to budget the rest.
Use logical consequences
    There are many times when a parent has a golden opportunity to allow the consequences of bad behavior to take effect; but due to their pity or their desire to"protect"the child,they deprive(剥夺)him of the consequences and punish him in their own way.(29)ASometimes the consequences that follow their actions are enough to teach them to be more re sponsible for themselves and their things.
Model responsible behavior
    (30)BDon't just tell children how to behave responsibly,show them.Teaching children how to be responsible early in life will make them able to function in society as reliable adults.

A.There is no need to punish children for anything bad they do.
B.Children learn from the behaviors and values of their parents.
C.This is bad for their futu re development and career building.
D.Daily chores are a great way to teach kids how to be responsible.
E.Nothing is more important than teaching children to be responsible.
F.Children should learn the basics of money management early in life.
G.Listed below are some things parents can do to raise responsible kids.

分析 本篇文章谈论了如何培养出一个负责任孩子的话题.

26.G 上下文语境.根据文章第一段中的"Kids aren't born knowing how to be responsible.They must be taught."可知,孩子不是天生就知道如何负责任的.我们应该教给他们如何负责任.因此,下文提出了一些父母能做的用来培养负责任孩子的一些事情.答案选G.
27.D 上下文语境.根据Assign daily chores部分可知,给孩子们安排日常的家务劳动是一种培养孩子具有责任感的很好的方式.答案选D.
28.F上下文语境.根据Teach kids how to be responsible with money部分中的"Kids who aren't taught to be careful with money grow up to make bad financial decisions that can end in debt and poverty."可知,那些没有被教会如何细心处理金钱的孩子,长大后会做出很差的财务方面的决定,以至于债务缠身,导致贫穷.因此,在早期孩子们就应该学会关于如何管理金钱的基本知识.答案选F.
29.A上下文语境.根据Use logical consequences部分中的"Sometimes the consequences that follow their actions are enough to teach them to be more responsible for themselves and their things."可知,有时候,他们的行为所导致的后果已经足够教会他们对自己和所做的事情负责的了.因此,没有必要再用孩子们所做的坏事惩罚他们了.答案选A.
30.B上下文语境.根据该段的小标题Model responsible behavior可知,提到的是model即模范的作用.再接合"Don't just tell children how to behave responsibly,show them.可知,不要仅仅只告诉孩子们如何表现负责任,要做给他们看,也就是孩子们会从父母的行为以及价值观中学习,答案选B.

点评 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,题目主要考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测

14.Born in the State of New York on May 14th,1984,Mark Zuckerberg was an instant success.In his high school years,he was considered one of top students in the classics,before moving into the arts,sciences,and literature,again picking up high marks and receiving academic praise.It earned him admission to Harvard University.
As a rebellious yet relatively quiet student,he created a website called Facemash in the university-an instantly controversial(有争议的)  website that encouraged students to rate each other based on appearance.
The site was controversial for several reasons.The first was its illegal use of photographs,which the university and students took issue with(提出异议).The second was its controversial nature-not every student like being ranked based on their appearance.The third was its huge resource use-while it was hosted on Harvard servers,it was the most popular page in the university's entire network.
Zuckerberg was soon forced to shut the site down,but its popularity and controversy had made him consider its future potential.He soon turned the simple site into a personal one for Harvard students,encouraging them to network with their peers at the college.It was then,together with his two friends,that they launched"The Facebook",which immediately spread to other colleges and grew into a public service that anyone could access in the United States,whether to network with friends and family,or to play games.
The company has been criticized frequently.Hower,Zuckerberg has remained true to his initial vision-to create a website that the entire world can use to communicate openly and easily with one another and to keep the user experience clean and pure.The end result is one of the world's biggest online businesses.
Although its true value is debatable,it's safe to say that Facebook,and its creator Mark Zuckerberg,are two of the twenty-first century's most influential,controversial,and potentially powerful figures.
25.When Mark Zuckerberg was a student,heB.
A.was often praised by teachers for the website he created
B.had good academic performance
C.alone created a website called Facebook
D.encouraged students to set up business like him
26The reason why Zuckerberg shut the site down was probably thatB.
A.his website was not popular
B.he was doubted for the way he used photographs
C.he needed time to reconsider his choice
D.he stole resource on Harvard server
27.Which words can best describe Zuckerberg?D
A.easy-going and smart.
B.quiet and shy.
C.talented and outgoing.
D.rebellious and creative.
28.The best title of the passage should beA.
A.Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook         
B.The Foundation of Facebook
C.A Talent from Harvard University      
D.The Development of Facebook.
7.Do you know Australia?Australia is the largest island in the world.It is a little smaller than China.It is in the south of the earth.(16)DThe population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai.(17)A The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution.The sky is blue and the water is clean.You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers.Plants grow very well.
Last month we visited Perth,the biggest city in western Australia,and went to a wild flowers'exhibition.(18)FWe had a wonderful time.Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers.In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers'exhibition.
After visiting Perth,we spent the day in the countryside.We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill.It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves.Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill.(19)EThere were about three hundred sheep coming towards us down the path.(20)CAfter a short drive from any town,you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep.Sheep,sheep,everywhere are sheep.

A.The government has made enough laws to fight pollution.
B.Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.
C.Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos.
D.Australia is big,but its population is not large.
E.What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could.
F.There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before.
G.The people of Australia are very hard-working.
4.Nowadays,we all try to do things faster better,and more productively.Here are a few habits to help you increase your productivity.
(36)F Just by taking a few moments to find3-5things you must finish each day,you will improve your overall productivity,because you can't focus on your important work if you don't know what's important.
Don't multi-task.We live in a rapidly developing world,but scientists tell us that none of us is truly a good multi-tasker.(37)D
Create a morning routine.(38)A If you know you operate at your best when you have exercised and had a good breakfast,making those things a priority(优先考虑的事) will positively affect the rest of your day.
Be short and clear.When writing e-mails,get to the points quickly.(39)C
Work off-line.(40)G If you can't avoid its distractions(分心),work off-line or take your work somewhere without an internet connection to force some focus.I get so much work done on long plane journeys and I sometimes go to a local coffee shop for some work.

A.For many people,deciding and continuing a morning routine can have a good start of the day.
B.You don't need a fancy system for productivity,just a few good,timeless habits.
C.A good rule is to limit your e-mail to five sentences or less.
D.Working on one thing at a time will make you faster.
E.Do the thing you want to do the least first.
F.Decide your most important tasks.
G.The internet is a fantastic,but an attractive place.
17.Let's face it.No one drinks diet sodas for the taste.People drink diet sodas in the hope that it will help them lose weight or at least keep them from gaining it.Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effect,according to a new study.
 Researchers from the University of Texas said those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those who didn't drink diet sodas."What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drank,the more weight they were likely to gain,"said Sharon Fowler.
 The study was based on data from 474 participants in a large,ongoing research project,where the participants were followed for nearly 10 years.
 While the findings are surprising,they also offer some explanations.
 Nutrition expert,Melanie Rogers,who works with overweight patients in New York,has found that when patients are switched from regular to diet sodas,they don't lose weight at all."We weren't seeing weight loss necessarily,and that was confusing to us,"said Rogers.
 So why would diet soda cause weight gain?No one knows for sure yet,but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet sodas,and so over-compensate(弥补) for the missing calories.
 A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂)raised blood sugar levels in some mice."Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky,"said Helen P.Hazuda,professor at School of Medicine of the University of Texas."They may be free of calories,but not of consequences."
33.People drink diet sodas toC.
A.enjoy its taste       
B.stay in fashion
C.achieve weight loss  
D.gain more energy
34.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.regular sodas make people lose more weight
B.diet soda drinkers tend to eat more food
C.diet sodas do help reduce calories
D.most blood diseases come from diet sodas
35.The underlined word"They"in the last paragraph probably refers to"C".
B.diet sodas and artificial sweeteners
D.diet soda drinkers and sweetener takers.

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