










A. havetheirownoriginsininstitutesoftechnology

B. havebothsimilaritiesanddifferences

C. canofferawidechoiceofprogramsandactivities

D. provideaboutseventy-fivepercentstudentswithartcourses







A. a-c-e-d-b B. e-d-c-a-b

C. d-a-c-e-b D. b-c-e-d-a


A. payinganAmericanembassyorconsulatesomemoney

B. takingyourpictureandyourfingerprints

C. showingagovernmentformgivenbytheAmericanschooladmittingyou

D. providingevidencethatyouhaveenoughmoneytopayforyoureducation


A. tomakesomemoney

B. toprovideforeignstudentswithaguide

C. toimproveeducationquality

D. toattractforeignvisitorstoAmerica.








1细节理解题。从College,UniversityorInstitute部分中College and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences.And both can help prepare young people to earn a living.可知学院和大学提供文科和理科本科学位,两者都可以帮助年轻人谋生A项文中没有提及到;C项是科学技术学院提供的Aninstituteoftechnologycanofferawidechoiceofprogramsandactivities.;D项由Seventyfive percent of freshmen go there with a strong interest and involvement in the arts.可知是指75%的大学新生对艺术有浓厚的兴趣和参与。故选B。



4主旨大意题。本文第一句话Are you interested in higher education in the United States?The following advice might help you.你对美国的高等教育感兴趣吗?以下建议可能会对你有所帮助。故选B。


【题目】 It was a little before nine o'clock on Tuesday night. 1 “Do you need a second helping of pudding?"a waitress asked. Antonio, who had already finished a plate of pasta,a Fish Stew and a slice of cake, couldn't answer it right away. The question might be common for most diners, but for him, it was entirely novel because he was homeless and was having the meal for free. 2 .He had no preparation for it.

3But at night, it transforms itself into a pioneering place where homeless people such as Antonio can dine free of charge, at tables set with flowers, metal cutlery(餐具)and proper glasses.

The restaurant is the latest initiative(初步行动)from the charity Mensajeros de la Paz.It was founded 54 years ago by Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez. Its business model – using breakfast and lunch takings from paying customers to fund free evening meals for the homeless - is simple enough. 4 “The inspiration came from Pope Francis, who's spoken again and again about the importance of giving people dignity, whether it's through bread or through work," said Father Angel. “ 5People with nothing can come and eat in the restaurant and get the same treatment as everyone else. It's just common sense."

A.By day, the Robin Hood restaurant, which sits on a side street near the center of Madrid,is a typical Spanish bar.

B.So we thought, why not open a restaurant with tablecloths, proper cutlery and waiters?

C.They plan to extend the scheme and hopes it will attract famous chefs to come to cook.

D.It was the first time that he had been asked such a question.

E.The homeless are treated with respect at the restaurant.

F.Antonio found himself facing a welcome dilemma.

G.Its aim, however, is a little ambitious.



Anotherreasontotakeonlycarry-oncarriage—besidesavoidingbaggagefees—isthatthelessyouhavetocarryaround,themorequicklyyoucanmove,ifnecessary.Youshouldalwayshaveafreehand.Besides,youwon’tbeexhaustedfromdraggingallthosebagsaround. 2


Leaveyourhotelwithonlywhatyouneedandlockuptherest.Takealockforyourluggagejustincaseyourhoteldoesn’tofferasafe. 3Ifyoudon’tneedallyourcashandcards,don’ttakethemallwithyouwhenyougooutforadayofsightseeingorshopping.Also,leaveyourpassportinthehotel.MakephotocopiesofallyourimportantdocumentsandleavethehotelwithacopyofyourpassportplusaonephotoI.D.Why? 4Ifallofyouridentificationisinit,imaginethetroubleyouhavetogothroughtoreplaceitall.


Alwayskeepinmindthat,whenyoutravelabroad,youareinaplaceyoudon’tknowwellandyoucanalwaysbeatarget.Trustyoursenses. 5Afteryourarrival,askthehotelstaffandlocalsabouttheareasyouarethinkingofvisiting,especiallyatnight.Andyoushouldwalkinwell-litareasatnightandknowhowtocontactthelocalpolicewithyourcellphoneorapayphoneinaoreigncountry,ifnecessary.








【题目】 Ladies, if you find yourselves wandering an unknown city with a man who is questioning your directional abilities, don’t doubt yourselves.

A recent small study published in the journal Psychological Science found that the longstanding theory that women have a more difficult time reading maps wasn’t true.

Historically, men have performed better than women in studies that tested their spatial(空间的)ability. But the leading study author Margaret Tarampi and a researcher from the University of California, Santa Barbara theorized that social influences had an effect on this outcome: The cultural belief that women are worse at reading maps could be seen as a stereotype(固有模式) threat, meaning women believe they’re bad at something, so they perform poorly as a result. The researchers also theorized that women performed better at skills that involve a social element. In other words, if reading a map means helping someone else, they might perform better.

Tarampi and her team tested both theories on undergraduate students at UCSB across three separate experiments. And, indeed, the results showed that men scored better than women only when they were mentioned the stereotype of male superiority before the test.

When the researchers did not mention it and gave a social context for reading the map, women’s scores improved across the board. Women also performed better when the test maps simply included human figures, rather than just random objects and landmarks.

So ladies, next time you struggle to figure out whether you should make a left or right at the Louvre, take out your tourist map with a healthy dose of confidence.

1What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To warn women of one of their shortcomings.

B.To introduce the topic of the passage.

C.To encourage women to read maps.

D.To state a social phenomenon.

2Women are thought to be worse at reading maps because of .

A.a poor sense of directionB.a lack of experience

C.a social stereotypeD.threats from others

3Men performed better than women in the study when .

A.they were asked to help someone else by reading a map

B.they were informed of the stereotype before the test

C.the test maps simply included human figures

D.there were social elements in the map

4What can be concluded from the passage?

A.Women can read maps as well as men.B.Women are better drivers than men.

C.Women always have difficulty reading maps.D.Women are better at spatial ability.

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, almost everyone in China wears a face mask to protect themselves and other people 1 the virus. However, many people in the West feel reluctant to wear masks 2 there is an increasing number of their compatriots(同胞)being infected.

According to the Global Times, different attitudes toward 3 (wear) masks largely lie in the cultures. In the West, 4 people generally believe is that unless one is already ill, wearing a mask is simply unnecessary.

Siva Kumar from the US is one of them. “Masks can only protect you from particulate matter in the air you breathe, but they can't filter (过滤) out microbes (微生物), "Kumar told China Daily. “wearing a mask when you're healthy 5(cause) tension for others."

US infection prevention specialist Eli Perencevich told Forbes, "The average healthy person 6 not wear masks." She added, “If they wear them incorrectly it can increase the risk of infection because they're touching their faces more often."

However, for people in Asian countries like China, wearing a mask is engrained (根深蒂固的) in their culture. 7 (Value) collectivism (集体主义), people in Asia always want to make contributions to the groups 8they belong to. In such uncertain and potentially dangerous time, many people have taken the responsibility 9(wear) face masks to ensure the safety of their communities.

Chen Xinjie, a media worker in Beijing said: "Wearing the mask for a long time is stuffy(闷热的) and uncomfortable…But as a member of the group, it's our duty to do so."

10(Influence) by social cultures, the attitudes toward wearing a mask can be different in the East and West. But as US essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves."

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