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½â´ð Wu Bin£¬a bus driver£¬was born in the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province on March 8£¬1965£®Wu was driving his bus from Wuxi to Hangzhou around noon on May 29£¬2012£¬when he was suddenly struck by a large piece of iron that came flying through the windscreen£®Despite his obvious injuries£¬Wu Bin hit the brakes£¬shifted gears£¬pulled over the car gently and told his passengers not to wander onto the highway before collapsing from his injuries£®His liver was damaged to pieces so severely that he ultimately died from his injuries£®Wu's heroic actions have deeply moved the public and he is honored as the most beautiful driver£®
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A£® | graduate | B£® | graduating | C£® | to graduate | D£® | graduated |
---______£®I've got a lot£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | I'm very sorry | B£® | Yes£¬please | ||
C£® | Forget it | D£® | Of course not£¬go ahead |
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¼õ·ÊÒ© weight-loss pills
Dear Connie£¬
How are you going now£¿I'm sorry to hear that you feel ashamed of your figure£®Here is some advice I want to give you£®