
Sometimes when I’m flying from one speaking engagement to another, I find myself sitting next to someone who's quite talkative. This is often a pleasant experience for me because I’m a people-watcher. I learn so much by watching and listening to the people I meet and see every day. I’ve heard stories of sadness and others of delight, fear and joy, and others that would rival those on “Oprah” and "Geraldo”.

Sad to say,there are times when I’m sitting next to someone who just wants to vent(发泄) his temper or inflict(强加)his political views on an audience for 600 miles. It was one of those days. I settled in, as my seatmate began his speech on the terrible state of the world with the time worn, “You know, kids today are...” He went on and on, sharing vague notions of the terrible state of teens and young adults, based on watching the six o’clock news rather selectively.

When I gratefully got off that plane and finally made it to my hotel in Indianapolis, I bought the local paper and went to have dinner in the hotel. There, on an inside page, was an article I believe ought to have been the front-page headline news.

In a little Indiana town, there was a 15-year-old boy with a brain tumor. He was undergoing radiation and chemotherapy(化疗)treatments,As a result of those treatments, he had lost all of his hair. I don’t know about you, but I remember how I would have felt about that at his age ---I would have felt awkward and ashamed.

This young man’s classmates willingly came to the rescue: all the boys in his grade asked their mothers if they could shave their heads so that Brian wouldn’t be the only bald boy in the high school. There, on that page was a photograph of a mother shaving all of her sons’ hair with the family looking on approvingly. And in the background, a group of similar bald young men.

No, I don’t despair about kids today.

1.From the passage we can infer the author's job is .

A. meeting talkative people

B. the commitments concerning speaking, like lecturers

C. a psychologist

D. to cope with complaints

2.The word “rival” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by .

A. oppose B. compete against

C. object to D. match

3.What's the author’s attitude towards his seatmate?

A. Favorable. B. Critical.

C. Indifferent. D. Satisfied.

4.The author's purpose in telling the news about the 15-year-old boy is .

A. to show his disappointment in kids today

B. to praise the diseased boy’s bravery

C. to draw people’s attention to care for such people

D. to display his confidence and faith in today’s teens


As if there weren’t enough of them in the world already, scientists have succeeded in cloning flies. The alike fruit flies are the first insects ever cloned, says the Canadian team that created them. The question everyone asks is why anyone would want to clone flies in the first place. She hopes that the insects , which are very easy to experiment with , will help to adjust the cloning process in other animals and even in humans, where the technique is being researched to aid production of therapeutic (治疗的) stem cells.

In cloning, the DNA-containing nucleus of an adult cell is injected into an egg whose own nucleus(细胞核) has been removed. At the moment, the majority of cloned mice, sheep and other animals die before birth. It is thought this is because the adult DNA is not properly ‘reprogrammed’.

Using flies, researchers might discover genes that are important for this reprogramming, and that have matches in other animals. That is because it is relatively easy in flies to knock out the function of a single gene and then attempt cloning with these cells, which will test whether that gene is important. If such genes are confirmed, then in theory cloned mammalian embryos(晶胚) might be grown in selected solutions that change the activity of those genes to improve the technique’s success rate. Although some groups have attempted to clone insects before, Lloyd says this is the first time it has been successful. The team used a slight difference on the standard cloning process: they transferred nuclei taken from embryos rather than fully-grown adult cells. They sucked several nuclei (pl)out of developing fly embryos, and injected them into a fertilized(已受精的) fly egg. From over 800 early attempts, they cloned five adult insects, the group reports in the journal Genetics.

1.The best title of this passage probably is _______.

A.The importance of clone

B.First insects are cloned

C.The disagreement in clone

D.The advantages of clone

2.The scientists cloned flies because________.

A.there are fewer and fewer flies in the world

B.flies are easy to find and cheap to use

C.they can gain some experience before cloning other animals

D.it is safe to clone flies

3.The failure of most cloned animals is due to _______.

A.the difference of other animals’ genes

B.the improper technique of clone

C.the complex of other animals

D.the improper rearrange of the adult gene

4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.

A.the clone of insects before used grown-up cells

B.the clone of insects were never experimented before

C.this time scientists cloned flies successfully and easily

D.based on this success, other animals will be cloned in large quantities.

One day I sat down in front of my office computer. “Your password is __ ,” a server message emerged on my screen, with __ for changing it. Coming up with a new code doesn't seem like a big __, unless you work at my company, where we have to change it __ . And I can’t use any of the __ passwords before.

At that time I was deeply __ after my recent divorce. Disbelief over what she had done to me was all I thought about every day.___ I realized I couldn't focus on getting things done in my __ mood. I need to __ control of my life, so I made my password Forgive@ her.

I had to __ this statement several times a day, each time my computer __. I wrote Forgive @her every day.

The simple action changed the way I looked at my __ . That constant reminder led me to accept the way things had happened at the end of my marriage and __ a new way of dealing with depression. __ the month went on, I felt a slow healing begin to take place. By the time my server prompted (提示)me to reset my __ the following __ , I felt free. So I thought about the next thing that I had to get done.

My password became Quit @srnoking4ever.

I __ smoking finally.

One month later, my password became Save4trip@thailand.

Guess where I went three months later: __ .

Seeing how these __ helped to achieve my goals and kept me motivated and excited, you’ll not __ to choose a positive one for yourself.

1.A. due B. lost C. gone D. missing

2.A. findings B. instructions C. congratulations D. benefits

3.A. chance B. campaign C. beat D. deal

4.A. daily B. weekly C. monthly D. yearly

5.A. different B. special C. new D. same

6.A. depressed B. encouraged C. faithful D. impressed

7.A. Gradually B. Frequently C. Suddenly D. Regularly

8.A. high B. strange C. novel D. current

9.A. refresh B. regain C. attain D. observe

10.A. change B. copy C. type D. vary

11.A. locked B. closed C. broke down D. got through

12.A. mother-in-law B. ex-wife C. ex-husband D. step-mother

13.A. adopt B. adjust C. adapt D. address

14.A. With B. After C. Before D. As

15.A. passport B. screen C. password D. mood

16.A. minute B. hour C. month D. fortnight

17.A. gave up B. gave in C. gave off D. gave out

18.A. England B. Jamaica C. Scotland D. Thailand

19.A. reminders B. chances C. challenges D. news

20.A. spare B. hesitate C. spend D. have

I am a writer. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language—the way it can evoke(唤起) an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all—all the Englishes I grew up with.

Born into a Chinese family that had recently arrived in California, I’ve been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks. Like others, I have described it to people as “broken” English. But feel embarrassed to say that. It has always bothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than “broken”, as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness. I’ve heard other terms used, “limited English,” for example. But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including people’s perceptions(认识)of the limited English speaker.

I know this for a fact, because when I was growing up, my mother’s “limited” English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is ,because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. And I had plenty of evidence to support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.

I started writing fiction in 1985. And for reasons I won’t get into today, I began to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with: the English she used with me, which for lack of a better term might be described as “broken”, and what I imagine to be her translation of her Chinese, her internal(内在的) language, and for that I sought to preserve the essence, but neither an English nor a Chinese structure: I wanted to catch what language ability tests can never show; her intention, her feelings, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts.

1.By saying “Language is the tool of my trade”, the author means that ______.

A. she uses English in foreign trade B. she is fascinated by languages

C. she works as a translator D. she is a writer by profession

2.The author used to think of her mother’s English as ______.

A. impolite B. amusing C. imperfect D. practical

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?

A. Americans do not understand broken English.

B. The author’s mother was not respected sometimes.

C. The author’ mother had positive influence on her.

D. Broken English always reflects imperfect thoughts.

4.The author gradually realizes her mother’s English is _____.

A. well structured B. in the old style

C. easy to translate D. rich in meaning

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The changes of the author’s attitude to her mother’s English.

B. The limitation of the author’s perception of her mother.

C. The author’s misunderstanding of “limited” English.

D. The author’s experiences of using broken English.

The number of Japanese students in the Chinese mainland is more than those studying in the US, according to Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a Taiwan news outlet reported on Monday.

Japan saw the peak of studying abroad in 2010 when 124,000 sought academic careers overseas.About 61,000 Japanese studied in the US in 2010, about half the total studying abroad.But since then, the number has decreased.In 2015, the number was down to only just over 20,000, about 20 percent of Japanese students being educated overseas.

The number of Japanese going to the Chinese mainland to study has been rising since 2009 and now surpasses the US.

An official spokesman said, “Choices are various for studying abroad nowadays, not just limited to the US. Many Japanese universities have an increasing number of exchange pro-grams with Chinese universities and Japanese companies now tend to prefer people with academic experience in Asia rather than the US or Europe as previously.Tuition fees (学费) are another reason.Annual fees in US universities are almost twice those charged by Chinese universities.”

Some Japanese experts say the decline indicates young Japanese are satisfied with the domestic situation rather than preparing for challenges outside.

1.How many Japanese students studied abroad in 2015?

A. About 61,000. B. About 100,000.

C. About 124,000. D. About 200,000.

2.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The tuition fees about studying in the US.

B. The choices for Japanese students to study abroad.

C. The reasons why Japanese students go to study in China.

D. The problems that Japanese students have when studying in China.

3.The underlined word “domestic” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “____”.

A. native B. previous

C. complex D. simple

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