
16.He is working as a teacher of English in our school and he         in the U.S.Air Force for four years.(  )
A.has servedB.had servedC.servedD.was served

分析 他在我们学校当英语老师,他还曾在美国当了四年的空军.

解答 答案:C
根据句意以及句中"is working"使用了现在进行时可知,他现在正从事的工作是在我们学校当英语老师;因此在美国当空军应是过去的事情;故此处表示的是过去发生并且现在已经结束的动作,应使用一般过去时;这里不能选A;因为现在完成时表示发生在过去并且延续到了现在的动作;故选C

点评 本题考查了一般过去时的用法.做本题时,首先应通过分析句意,进行逻辑推理.从而判断出句子应使用的时态;其次应熟练掌握一般过去时的意义及用法;还应注意总结一般过去时与现在完成时的区别.

The France company that spread a Europe-wide cheating of food supply by passing off(冒充)750tons of horse-meat as beef was allowed on Monday to restart production of minced meat,sausages and ready-to-eat meals.But the company will no longer be allowed to stock frozen meat,Agriculture Minister Stephane Foll said.
A new virus that broke out in the Middle East last year and killed five people is well adapted to infecting humans but could practically be treated with drugs that improve the immune(免疫)system."The virus is from the same family as the common cold and as SARS."a scientist from Oxford on Tuesday.
Olympian runner Oscar Pistorius broke into the door of a small bathroom where his girl friend was bathing after a shouting match on Valentine's Day,hitting her three times,a South African prosecutor(检察官) said on Tuesday as he charged the sports star with planned murder.
Former Egyptian prime minister and presidential(总统的) candidate Ahmed Shafiq was referred to the Cairo Criminal Court on Tuesday over corruption and money laundering charges,the official News Agency reported.Shafiq has left Egypt has left Egypt for the United Arab after losing the presidential race.

31.According to the passage,the French companyD.
A.spread a virus across Europe.
B.sold 750tons beef as horse-meat.
C.restarted production of frozen meat.
D.was again allowed to produce sausages.
32.The planned murder took place inC
C.South Africa          
D.The United Kingdom
33.We can learn from this passage thatA.
A.the French company once cheated its customers.
B.patients with the new virus can not be cured by now.
C.Pistorius killed his girlfriend all by chance on Tuesday.
D.the former prime minister of Egypt has left the United Arab.
34.This passage is taken from the section ofBin a newspaper.
10.Heads of states from around the world gathered in South Africa on Dec.10,2013 for a farewell to Nelson Mandela,the respected statesman against racial inequality.
Born in 1918 in a country where blacks and other non-whites were racially separated in every manner possible:education,hospital,public transport,even beaches,Mandela fought a lifelong battle for freedom and justice for all.
In the 1940s,Mandela and the Youth League of the Africa National Congress(ANC非国大青年联盟) were active to help organize strikes and demonstrations(示威) against the country's system of racial inequality-Some blacks were forcibly removed from homes and they had no right to vote.As a result,he and several other ANC leaders were arrested in 1963.
Despite facing the death penalty,Mandela told the court that his action had been for the ideal of a free,democratic (民主的) society with equal opportunity for all races."It is an ideal for which I am prepared to die,"Mandela said at the time.Later he and his fellows escaped the death and were sentenced to life in prison,where he spent the next 27 years.Even in prison,he never stopped fighting.
On Feb.11,1990,having endured great hardships,and after nearly two years of secret negotiation,Mandela walked to freedom through the gate of Cape Town's Victor Verster prison,watched by cameras and broadcast live around the world.Four years later,he was again in the international spotlight when he celebrated the outcome of South Africa's first democratic elections,becoming the country's first black president.
The nation,thanks in large part to Mandela,is no longer a victim of racial inequality but is able to participate freely in the global economy,sports and other areas.www.sdzxlm.com
36.What might be the purpose of writing the passage?B
A.To ask us to learn from Mandela
B.To memorialize Mandela.
C.To give a description of Mandela
D.To seek help for people in South Africa.
37.In the 1960s in South Africa,black peopleC.
A.lived in a democratic society
B.enjoyed the same rights with whites
C.had no rights to take part in elections
D.fought together with whites for freedom
38.What is Mandela's attitude toward his lifelong fighting for racial equality?C
39.All the following statements about Mandela are true EXCEPT thatD.
A.he passed away when he was 95
B.he went on fighting for racial equality even in prison
C.people of all races in South Africa have equal rights,thanks to him
D.he was the first black president in the world
40.How did the author develop the passage after the opening paragraph?D
A.By asking questions
B.By making comparison.
C.By arising debates
D.By following time order.

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