
Miss Li is our English teacher.One day when the first bell rang,the monitor stood up and said,"Our English teacher is going to have a operation today.It has not decided yet who will take his place."The class all turned silently at his words.Just at this moment,Miss Li appears at the door.She looked tiring and pale."I have asked the doctor to put off the operation till tomorrow because I don't want you to miss a single class."she said at a low voice,"A new teacher will take my place and I hope you'll get on well with her.I'll return back as soon as I'm well."Heard this,all of us were moved to tears.What a good teacher we have!

分析 李老师教我们英语,有一天,班长告诉我们英语老师病了,还没决定谁来代替她的课,同学们都沉默了.就中那时,李老师出现在门口,她看起来有点疲惫,脸色苍白.她小声地说,她已经把手术推迟到明天了,因为她不想错过一节课.新老师会来上课,希望我们相处融洽.她好一点就会回来.听到她的话,我们都被感动得流泪,多好的老师啊!

解答 Miss Li is our English teacher.One day when the first bell rang,the monitor stood up and said,

"Our English teacher is going to have a operation today.It has not∧decided yet who will take his place.
                                                     an                                       加been                                  her           
"The class all turned silently at his words.Just at this moment,Miss Li appears at the door.
                              silent                                                                     appeared
She looked tiring and pale."I have asked the doctor to put off the operation till tomorrow 
because I don't want you to miss a single class."she said at a low voice,
"A new teacher will take my place and I hope you'll get on well with her.I'll return back as soon as I'm well."
                                                                                                                            去掉                     better
Heard this,all of us were moved to tears.What a good teacher we have!
3.his改为her.逻辑指代错误,句意指代的是Miss Li,要用her来指代. 
7.at改为in.短语搭配,in a low voice小声说话.  
10.heard改为hearing.句中Hear和all of us构成主谓关系,要用表示主动的现在分词.

点评 短文改错题考查的是语境理解能力和用法基础知识.常考的知识点有:名词(单复数错误),动词(时态,语态,搭配,转换),代词(指代错误),形容词和副词(转换,比较等级),连词(and,but,or)等.偶尔也会考查逻辑错误,如本来用her,却用了his等等.解题是要注意:以句子为单位,以动词为中心.看句子要看完整,避免句子前后矛盾的错误;找错误要以动词为主,动词或与动词有关的错误占了改错的题的重要一部分.

15.Here is an astonishing and significant fact:Mental work alone can't make us tire.It sounds absurd.But a years ago,scientists tried to find out how long the human brain could labor without reaching a stage of fatigue (疲劳).To the amazement of these scientists,they discovered that blood passing through the brain,when it is active,shows no fatigue at all!If we took a drop of blood from a day laborer,we would find it full of fatigue toxins(毒素) and fatigue products.But if we took blood from the brain of an Albert Einstein,it would show no fatigue toxins at the end of the day.
  So far as the brain is concerned,it can work as well and swiftly at the end of eight or even twelve hours of effort as at the beginning.The brain is totally tireless.So what makes us tired?
  Some scientists declare that most of our fatigue comes from our mental and emotional(情绪的) attitudes.One of England's most outstanding scientists,J.A.Hadfield,says,"The greater part of the fatigue from which we suffer is of mental origin.In fact,fatigue of purely physical origin is rare."Dr.Brill,a famous American scientist,goes even further.He declares,"One hundred percent of the fatigue of sitting worker in good health is due to emotional problems."
  What kinds of emotions make sitting workers tired?Joy?Satisfaction?No!A feeling of being bored,anger,anxiety,tenseness,worry,a feeling of not being appreciated-those are the emotions that tire sitting workers.Hard work by itself seldom causes fatigue.We get tired because our emotions produce nervousness in the body.

64.What surprised the scientists a few years ago?C.
A.Fatigue toxins could hardly be found in a laborer's blood.
B.Albert Einstein didn't feel worn after a day's work.
C.The brain could work for many hours without fatigue.
D.A mental worker's blood was filled with fatigue toxins.
65.According to the author,which of the following can make sitting workers tired?B.
A.Challenging mental work.
B.Unpleasant emotions.
C.Endless tasks.
D.Physical labor.
66.What's the author's attitude towards the scientists'idea?A.
A.He agrees with them.     B.He doubts them.
C.He argues against them.  D.He hesitates to accept them.
67.We can infer from the passage that in order to stay energetic,sitting workers need toB.
A.have some good food.
B.enjoy their work
C.exercise regularly
D.discover fatigue toxins.
19.BEIJING-Family planning officers will handle the illegal birth case of film director Zhang Yimou by following legal procedures,a government spokesman said on Tuesday,December 10,2013.
When asked to comment on Zhang's case at a press conference,Yao Hongwen,spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC),said"Every citizen is equal before the law and nobody is allowed to have privileges(特权)to give birth to more children than allowed."
Yao's comment came after media stories claimed that Zhang had remarried and fathered a total of seven children:one with his former wife,three with his present wife,Chen Ting,and another three from two lovers.
"The NHFPC's attitude towards citizens'birth violations(违法)is consistent and clear…Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard the seriousness of laws and regulations."NHFPC spokesman Yao Hongwen said.
China's family planning policy,introduced in the late 1970s to slow down the country's growing population,limits most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two.The policy was recently relaxed,allowing couples to have two children if one of them is an only child.
Those who break the policy face severe fines.The amount of the fine is generally several times the yearly annual income of the two spouses(配偶).Some media calculations put the fine that Zhang may face at as much as 160 million yuan(over $26 million).
Zhang's birth case has caused criticism online about famous people who have more children than the policy allows.
In an open letter on December 1,Zhang admitted that the couple has two sons and daughter and they are willing to accept investigation and punishment according to China's laws and regulations.He apologized to the public.
However,the letter denied that Zhang had lovers and was father to as many as seven children from various mothers.
Zhang,one of the"fifth generation"of Chinese filmmakers,made his first directorial work in 1987 with"Red Sorghum"and has won a number of award worldwide.He was chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games.
54.The purpose of the news report is toB
A.claim that Zhang Yimou remarried and fathered a total of seven children
B.inform us that Zhang's illegal birth case will be dealt with by the government
C.convince us that Zhang is a famous director and his case will be pardoned
D.confirm that Zhang's illegal birth case has resulted in lots of criticism online
55.According to Yao Hongwen,which of the following statements is true?A
A.Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard laws and regulations.
B.Few people have the privileges to give birth to more children than allowed.
C.China's family planning policy has never been relaxed since introduced.
D.Zhang will be fined as much as 160 million yuan for his violations.
56.Judging from the recent relaxed policy,a coupleC
A.can have as many as three children if they live in a rural area
B will definitely be fined if they have two children nowadays
C.can give birth to two children if one of them is an only child
D.can only give birth to two children if they live in an urban area.
14.A couple of weeks ago,my dad had a total knee replacement operation on his left knee.Later in his ward,he was laughing as he told the story of hearing the hammer and saw (锯) as they took out the bone.With a smile on his face,he advised the doctors to sharpen the saw,since he could smell the bone burning as they removed it.
He came home and did the exercises the doctors had given him and even when it hurt he managed to make jokes about the new metal knee being heavier,which made it harder to lift,but he did lift,bend and move it anyway.
Yesterday,I went to visit my parents and was told by Mom that he was in the room for keeping his tools.I walked into the room to find him sitting on the bench laughing.I asked what on earth he was doing.He explained that since something went wrong with his walker (助行架) he was changing the legs of it.It seemed that Mom's walker,which she had used five years ago,was broken on the top,but the legs were in good condition.Those legs wouldn't fit and he couldn't get off the one he had changed so he couldn't get back.
Together,my dad,with the useless knee,and I,with the crippled (残废的) arms and hands,worked and worked laughing all the while.The more trouble we had,the harder we laughed.We did finally get the walker fixed and got back.Tired and feeling the physical pain,we had created a wonderful heart-warming memory.I have been fortunate enough to have many such minutes with my dad.

21.Which of the following can NOT describe the character of the author's father?B
A.Humorous.      B.Stubborn.
C.Optimistic.    D.Strong-willed.
22.According to the passage we can infer thatA.
A.the three people in the family all have physical problems.
B.the father complained about the pain in doing the exercises.
C.the mother refused to offer help to the father in trouble.
D.the author doesn't like joking with people.
23.Which can be a suitable title for the text?B
A.My Dad's Knee
B.Laughing with My Dad
C.Being Disabled
D.Walker in Need.

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