
Now, we know that if we do not get enough vitamins, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. As a result, vitamin supplements(补品),though expensive, are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins from the foods they eat. But contrary to what many people think, medical experts have found little evidence that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease.

In fact, medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin E can cause bleeding. People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors, as some vitamins can produce harmful side effects when mixed with medicines.

Experts, however, say that sometimes vitamins can help prevent disease. People who know they lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements. Some older adults, for example, may not have enough vitamin B-twelve. This is because, as people get older, their body loses its ability to take it from foods. Also, people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin from sunlight.

Different vitamins are found in different foods. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It also is in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, like fruits. Vitamin K can be found in pork products.

In fact, for most people, a balanced diet can ensure enough of the vitamins our bodies need. So, it is important for us to eat a mixture of foods every day to ensure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need.

1.What is probably talked about before this passage?

A. How many vitamins a person’s body needs.

B. How many vitamins some foods contain.

C. The benefits that vitamins bring to our health.

D. What people should do to stay healthy.

2.Vitamin supplements are popular with people because ________.

A. people mistakenly think that they are good for their health

B. they contain more vitamins than the foods people eat

C. food does not provide enough vitamins people need

D. people fear that a lack of vitamins will lead to disease

3.From the passage, we can learn that medical experts advise people _________.

A. never to take any vitamin supplements

B. to depend only on food for their vitamins

C. not to take any vitamins together with medicines

D. to consult doctors before taking vitamin supplements

4.For people who lack Vitamin B-twelve, they can eat more from _______.

A. sweet potatoes B. green leafy vegetables

C. pork products D. eggs


Things You Should Stop Doing to Be Successful

Are you a happy person? How often do you think of reasons why everyone around you is successful though they are not better than you in general? What do you do wrong? Here are some things you should stop doing to be successful.


Different people may interpret “success” in different ways: some of them measure it in money, other ones in positive changes to people around them and the world in general. 2.Don’t worry about what other people think but come after what makes you happy.

2. Do not believe anything without questioning it.

3.They are critical thinkers, and they understand that we all are ruled by our prejudices(偏见), so they will always question new information.

3. Do not worry about all unpredictable things that may happen to you.

If you want to be successful, stop thinking about everything that MAY happen to you. 4.Be ready to improve and change your deeds and decisions when things suddenly don’t go according to your plan.

4. Do not care about what other people think of you.

5.Your attempts to become “good” for everyone will turn into nothing but new worries, stresses, and problems. Successful people do not concentrate on the quantity of people to please, but worry about their quality and focus on developing friendships with people they really care about.

A. Do not wait for the “right time” to do anything.

B. Do not let others decide what “success” is for you.

C. Successful people do not just accept any new information to be true.

D. As far as we all know, it’s impossible to please all the people who surround us.

E. Try to feel comfortable with the reality and accept the fact your future can’t be predicted.

F. If you want to be successful, do not let others force their interpretation of success on you.

G. Successful people never ignore or avoid problems,no matter how big and awful they seem.

My 10-year-old son Arthur loves to help others. He never __ to help people in need. His favorite pastime is to volunteer __ at various charities in our community. One day, after purchasing the hamburger Arthur liked most, I tried to hurry him along when he __ next to our cur to look at something. I turned to see what stopped him.

Standing about five feet away was an old __ in rags. Every few seconds he smiled and tried to speak to the people who were walking by. At that moment, he turned around and __ my son watching him. __ I could say anything, he smiled broadly and said, “Hey do you happen to have any spare __?”

Arthur __ his empty pockets and then looked at me briefly. I shook my head---I hardly ever carry cash anymore. Arthur __ and then he said something that took my breath away.

“No, I don’t. But are you __? Do you like the hamburger?”

Knowing the old man was hungry, Arthur’s whole face __. “Good, here, you can have __.”

I thought about how many people had __ this man as he walked the streets that day. How many chose to act as if he hadn’t existed? But my son? The one who just moments before had loudly begged me for the hamburger was now __ giving his favorite away to a strange man because he was hungry. And he didn’t __ give the food and walk away. He engaged the man in a conversation. The smile on the man’s face told me this was the real __ for his happiness.

‘‘I’m really proud of you, Arthur. I think you __ his day.”

His __ was beyond my expectation. “It’s only __.”

It’s true that being kind doesn’t have to be difficult me, or complex. As Arthur often reminds me, __ is natural.

1.A. tries B. manages C. agrees D. refuses

2.A. actively B. carefully C. seriously D. curiously

3.A. ran B. paused C. parked D. walked

4.A. employee B. customer C. beggar D. policeman

5.A. spotted B. recognized C. heard D. understood

6.A. After B. Since C. Until D. Before

7.A. food B. change C. pocket D. lime

8.A. checked B. mended C. returned D. handed

9.A. sighed B. laughed C. cried D. screamed

10.A. angry B. thirsty C. hungry D. worried

11.A. turned red B. lit up C. froze up D. got up

12.A. his B. yours C. mine D. hers

13.A. minded B. welcomed C. ignored D. appreciated

14.A. willingly B. pitifully C. basically D. normally

15.A. even B. just C. yet D. still

16.A. excuse B. reason C. doubt D. fear

17.A. mined B. troubled C. made D. created

18.A. behavior B. response C. dream D. attitude

19.A. natural B. useless C. difficult D. calm

20.A. patience B. effort C. skill D. kindness

Until a few years ago, I was a calm person. If you were going to offend me or verbally ______ me, I almost never lost it ______; of course I felt hurt, but I didn’t show it.

Then, one day, I met my husband and I fell ______ in love with him, a proud ______ who loudly discusses things even with himself when he’s not happy. Things, however, got worse for me when we started ______ on things. He seemed really angry and loud, while I seemed detached and polite. Truth is that I was ______ too, but I was used to not showing it on the outside. Fight after fight, he always acted as if nothing had happened a few minutes after each quarrel, while my moments of ______ discontent started to ______ more and more in time until they became hours, sometimes even days.

I felt this had to change and the conversation went ______ like this:

Me: “Either you change your ______ when we fight or I will start avoiding any discussion, otherwise this will ______ our relationship.”

Him: “Did you ______ the Mpemba Effect? If you put two ______ containers filled with the same amount of the same water into the ______ except that one has boiling water in it while the other one has water at ambient (周围的) ______, the boiling water will ______ faster than the ambient water. Baby, you have got to boil first, to cool down faster. That’s why the Italians live longer than Canadians.”

The connection he suggested is to be ______, but I have learned a fact I didn’t know, one that has ______ me to understand that if I’m angry about something or someone, for that anger to disappear, it has to be towards the ______ or otherwise it is like hiding the dust under the ______: your house might look clean, but it is not.

1.A. cheat B. attack C. defend D. impress

2.A. in return B. in time C. in place D. in public

3.A. steadily B. reasonably C. hopelessly D. blindly

4.A. Italian B. American C. Canadian D. Chinese

5.A. operating B. disagreeing C. living D. working

6.A. struggling B. controlling C. boiling D. accumulating

7.A. inner B. abrupt C. extra D. distinct

8.A. disappear B. expand C. recover D. withdraw

9.A. up and down B. by and by C. sooner or later D. more or less

10.A. vision B. viewpoint C. attention D. attitude

11.A. affect B. compensate C. mend D. strike

12.A. hear about B. learn from C. worry about D. hear from

13.A. mobile B. similar C. exact D. relevant

14.A. basin B. oven C. freezer D. pond

15.A. heat B. level C. environment D. temperature

16.A. explode B. burst C. resist D. freeze

17.A. suspected B. indicated C. proven D. created

18.A. warned B. inspired C. recommended D. forbade

19.A. outside B. inside C. public D. rich

20.A. dustpan B. carpet C. roof D. broom

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