





Thirty years ago, my world almost fell apart. I had operation and was fired. In a few weeks, I saw an ad about a Spanish festival. Although I was very upset, and I decided to go. Here, I met a gentleman with who I chatted for hours. A few day later, I came home to found a letter at my door. It was from that friend. Inside the letter was a 1,000-dollar check to help me through his hard days. Sixteen years later, I met a family that bad needed help. I gave them enough money to get through. They called me their angel, but I told them I once had an angel, also.


Now, we know that if we do not get enough vitamins, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. As a result, vitamin supplements£¨²¹Æ·£©£¬though expensive, are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins from the foods they eat. But contrary to what many people think, medical experts have found little evidence that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease.

In fact, medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin E can cause bleeding. People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors, as some vitamins can produce harmful side effects when mixed with medicines.

Experts, however, say that sometimes vitamins can help prevent disease. People who know they lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements. Some older adults, for example, may not have enough vitamin B-twelve. This is because, as people get older, their body loses its ability to take it from foods. Also, people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin from sunlight.

Different vitamins are found in different foods. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It also is in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, like fruits. Vitamin K can be found in pork products.

In fact, for most people, a balanced diet can ensure enough of the vitamins our bodies need. So, it is important for us to eat a mixture of foods every day to ensure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need.

1.What is probably talked about before this passage?

A. How many vitamins a person¡¯s body needs.

B. How many vitamins some foods contain.

C. The benefits that vitamins bring to our health.

D. What people should do to stay healthy.

2.Vitamin supplements are popular with people because ________.

A. people mistakenly think that they are good for their health

B. they contain more vitamins than the foods people eat

C. food does not provide enough vitamins people need

D. people fear that a lack of vitamins will lead to disease

3.From the passage, we can learn that medical experts advise people _________.

A. never to take any vitamin supplements

B. to depend only on food for their vitamins

C. not to take any vitamins together with medicines

D. to consult doctors before taking vitamin supplements

4.For people who lack Vitamin B-twelve, they can eat more from _______.

A. sweet potatoes B. green leafy vegetables

C. pork products D. eggs

Breathing in polluted air on busy roads is as harmful as passively smoking ten cigarettes a day, new research has found. The drop in pollution had the same effects as avoiding four cigarettes a day. One of the researchers, Saskia van der Zee, explained why they compared the effects of pollution lo passive smoking. ¡°We thought that passive smoking would be easier to understand,¡± she told The Times. ¡®¡®You don¡¯t want your neighbors to come into your house and smoke three cigarettes every day.¡±

Earlier this week, doctors warned that Britain is facing a major health emergency unless diesel(²ñÓÍ)cars are taken off the roads. Emissions (ÅÅ·ÅÎï) from diesel cars arc already contributing to smog which has been linked to the deaths of 40,000 people a year. Health charities, medical leaders and environmental groups have called for a modern Clean Air Act lo bring pollution under control. Separately, more than 300 doctors in the Doctors Against Diesel group have written to Theresa May, calling for a diesel reduction.

Professor John Middleton, president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, said, ¡°Diesel is the primary source of nitrogen dioxide(¶þÑõ»¯µª)in urban areas and is linked to health effects that begin before birth and extend throughout life, from childhood lung development to increased risk of heart disease, stroke and lung cancer. It is high lime lo handle the problem.¡±

London is already planning to introduce an ¡°emission zone¡± which diesel drivers would be charged to enter, and other cities are set to follow. But exerts are desperate to find new ways to control the damage done by pollution. Diesel drivers in Westminster have been told they may soon be charged 50 percent extra for on-street parking. And Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London£¬submitted a £ 3,500 plan to encourage drivers to switch to petrol or electric cars.

¡°Cutting diesel emissions would therefore have an immediate effect on children¡¯s personal exposure, and improve their long-term health.¡± A government spokesman said.

1.Why did the researchers compare pollution to smoking?

A. It¡¯s easier for people to understand.

B. It¡¯s hard for people to quit smoking.

C. It¡¯s a bad habit to smoke at home.

D. It¡¯s harmful to breathe in polluted air.

2.How can the major health emergency be solved according to Britain doctors?

A. Give up smoking.

B. Abandon diesel cars.

C. Make strict laws.

D. Schedule yearly exams.

3.What can we infer from what Professor John Middleton said?

A. Cutting diesel emissions is urgent.

B. Prevention is better than relief.

C. Children are the worst victims.

D. People ignored the harm of diesel.

4.What is the purpose of the plan put forward by Sadiq Khan?

A. To improve air quality with high technology.

B. To limit the total number of cars on roads.

C. To inspire people to choose greener vehicles.

D. To carry out license plate restrictions.

Ever since the invention of the printing press over 500 years ago, mass communication has been growing and affecting the way communities and people behave. Where once the written word was used by those with power to keep control of populations, now everyone believes that they have power over governments because of the huge amount of knowledge available to them thanks to electronic communication. At every stage of the development of communication, from the telegraph through to the Internet, societies have had to adapt to its effects. But have the effects been more positive or negative?

The saying ¡°knowledge is power¡± has been an excellent motivator for people to improve their lives, but today the massive amount of information available through the Internet doesn¡¯t always seem to be helping people in the way we¡¯d hoped. Rather than improving people¡¯s lives and bringing us closer together, the information age is making us more divided and irresponsible.

Nevertheless, many people find comfort in their virtual (ÐéÄâµÄ) worlds and are happy to connect with real-life friends and online friends from the familiar surroundings of their living rooms. However, being able to reinvent themselves online and be whoever they want to be leads to the question of whether they are losing their identities by living in a virtual world.

It¡¯s not all bad news, however. Mass communication has helped change some attitudes for the better. Take our views on the environment for example. Internet campaigns by governments and other organizations have helped popularize the ideas of recycling, protecting wildlife and reducing pollution.

Modern electronic communication now influences every aspect of our lives ¡ª it is a powerful tool that has raised some concerns for society. However, it has also brought countless benefits to society. At the end of the day, it can be used both for good or evil and ultimately relies on the morals and sense of responsibility of the individual or community involved. In short, it needs to be used with care.

1.What does the writer imply about life before the printing press?

A. Population levels were lower.

B. The general public had little power.

C. People wanted to have more control over their lives.

D. Countries were governed by poorly educated people.

2.The writer states that the saying ¡°knowledge is power¡± has ________.

A. encouraged people to get an education

B. sometimes failed to have the expected results

C. motivated people to access as much information as possible

D. been the driving force behind the development of mass media

3.What does the writer think about socialising online?

A. It can be comforting for some people.

B. Virtual lives can stop people enjoying a real life.

C. People have too many friends online to be of any value.

D. Crime is a problem for people on social networking sites.

4.Which statement best summarises the writer¡¯s overall view of electronic communication?

A. It should be used wisely.

B. It changes attitudes much too quickly.

C. It is more powerful than many people believe.

D. It should be better controlled by the government.

How to Be Happy in Your Life

Newborn Learning shouldn¡¯t stop once you graduate from school. 1.As an individual, you must constantly seek for more ways to grow. There are always new things to learn and adventures left to be discovered.

Support a cause

2.Learning more about animal welfare can tell you which cosmetic brands support testing on animals. You don¡¯t have to force yourself to support something you don¡¯t believe in. You only need to look at your interests and see which ones you need to take some immediate actions.


The first step to learning is accepting that you¡¯re likely to make mistakes. Once you¡¯ve accepted that, you¡¯ll have an easier time taking in things and risking everything in favor of your passion.

Enroll in online or night classes

How about learning a new language you can use whenever you travel? Or taking free online classes about Management? Yes, studying doesn¡¯t also have to be restricted in the four corners of a classroom. 4. But you learn something you like and something you consider useful.

Learn to adapt

You can¡¯t stop changes from happening in your life. 5.This is why you can¡¯t stop learning, and you can¡¯t stop growing.

There are so much more to learn, especially now that we¡¯re virtually connected to everyone in the world. As a student of life, it¡¯s really up to you to use all your resources and make it into something enriching.

A. It¡¯s never too late to start learning something new.

B. Life offers more lessons than school ever could.

C. Why not try to turn your passion for animals into a good cause?

D. When you learn to adapt, you pick up something you haven¡¯t encountered before.

E. Take risks

F. You won¡¯t get an A for your efforts.

G. What you can do is to accept that it¡¯s unavoidable and you just have to adapt.

Dusty is my son Jack¡¯s favorite pet. They have a special connection that is a _______ to see. After she finishes her dinner at night, Dusty will run into Jack¡¯s room to _______ on the pillow beside him. During the day she¡¯ll _______him around, jump into his arms, and even _______ with a ¡°meow¡± every time he calls her name.

_______ a few weeks ago Dusty began to lose _______. She ate less and less and lost some of her fur. She _______ going after jack around and hid in my daughter's old closet (±Ú³÷). She _______ only to drink water and then quickly returned there. I was _______ that we were going to lost her and prayed to God that she¡¯d return to ________. I didn't want Jack to lose his furry friend. ________, after a few weeks she started to spend time outside the ________ again. In addition, her ________ recovered. Soon her fur grew back and she gained weight. Once again she became my son¡¯s constant ________ and I thanked God for bringing her back to him.

I can ________ why she¡¯d gone off by herself to take the time to heal (¿µ¸´£©from her illness. There have been many times in my own life when fear, sickness and sadness have beaten me and I¡¯ve just needed to find a quiet in my own ________ to think and to heal.

________, every time I¡¯ve done so my heart is filled with God¡¯s ________£¬making me better and stronger than I was before.

When life heats you down, don¡¯t ________. Go within. Allow God's love to fill you and to heal you. And then go out and ________ that love with the world.

1.A. delight B. shock C. honor D. prize

2.A. hide B. sleep C. hunt D. guard

3.A. look for B. run into C. follow D. guide

4.A. answer B. challenge C. reward D. impress

5.A. Besides B. Instead C. Therefore D. However

6.A. memory B. sight C. weight D. hearing

7.A. delayed B. risked C. escaped D. stopped

8.A. set out B. came out C. called put D. work out

9.A. embarrassed B. disappointed C. worried D. relieved

10.A. health B. safety C. calm D. peace

11.A. Mercifully B. Interestingly C. Thankfully D. Undoubtedly

12.A. pillow B. closet C. suitcase D. kitchen

13.A. appetite B. pride C. confidence D. curiosity

14.A. relative B. companion C. guarantee D. understand

15.A. prove B. forecast C. guarantee D. understand

16.A. view B. soul C. choice D. opinion

17.A. Honestly B. Eventually C. Joyfully D. Regretfully

18.A. behavior B. happiness C. love D. words

19.A. keep on B. turn back C. march on D. exchange

20.A. share B. compare C. link D. exchange

Many people rush into the commitment of bringing home a four-legged family member,only to find out that they are not ready for a pet.This often results in the dog being turned over to a shelter where it may not find another home.This can be avoided if potential pet owners take the time to figure out if they are truly ready for the responsibilities of pet ownership.

Being a responsible pet owner involves a financial commitment that goes beyond buying dog food.There are also parasite£¨¼ÄÉú³æ£©prevention,boarding costs while traveling and the cost to care for the pet should it become ill or injured.That is not to say that one must be rich in order to have a dog,but it is important to be prepared for the expenses that come with being a pet owner.

Another consideration is the time commitment.An owner away from home for 14 hours every day is not an ideal situation for a dog.A potential dog owner must also consider the time it takes to care for his or her pet,the time it takes to feed,walk,play with,bathe and clean up.Also,dogs require attention.Be prepared to spend time each day petting and playing with it.

Dogs are dogs,and will act like dogs.This includes barking,digging,having accidents in the house and,possibly, destroying some of the owner's prized possessions,such as furniture,shoes and cell phones.If the above would cause an owner to want to get rid of the dog,then he or she is not yet ready to be a pet owner.Many wonderful pets end up in shelters simply because they acted like dogs!

1.Who might be qualified to be a dog owner according to the text?

A. Kari,a teacher who works eight hours a day.

B. Jim,who has a daughter sensitive to dog's smell.

C. Dick,a jobless teenager who can hardly pay his rent.

D. Steven,a business man who travels a lot on business.

2.To be a responsible dog owner you need to do all the following EXCEPT .

A. buying dog food and feeding it

B. taking it to hospital when necessary

C. spending time each day playing with it

D. finding a shelter for it when you are bored with it

3.What does the underlined part in the first paragraph probably mean?

A. Rush to adopt a dog formally.

B. Commit to buy a dog and take it home.

C. Run into a pet shelter and take one home so quickly.

D. Decide to be a pet owner without thinking about it carefully.

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A. Dogs Are Dogs B. Ready for a Pet?

C. Have Time for a Dog? D. Pets Are Family Members

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