
Stress is a normal part of life and usually comes from everyday occurrences. 1.

? Try physical activity

When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. 2.

? 3.

You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and can’t sleep well enough, or if you’re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.

? Make time for yourself

Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don’t forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work. 4.. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.

? Make a list of things to do

Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there’s so much to do, and not enough time”. Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. 5.. Set out to do the most important task first.

A. If you feel stress is hard to control, seek professional help.

B. Take care of yourself

C. Running, walking, playing tennis, and working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.

D. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun

E. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, and then do one thing at a time.

F. Here are some ways you can deal with everyday sources of stress

G. Competing with others, whether in accomplishments, appearance, or possessions, is an avoidable source of stress


There’s a trend that more city people decide that they want to grow crops and raise some live-stock (家禽). After all, there are few things more satisfying than biting into a bunch of tender, red carrots you grow yourself, or a fresh egg from the backyard.

Most gardeners understand that the soil in big cities is often polluted with lead and know to get their soil tested. But most are pretty clueless about how to prevent other types of pollutants, like heavy metals and asbestos(石棉)from getting into their vegetables.

Part of the problem is that “there might be pollutants that gardeners can’t test for,” says Brent Kim, a program officer. Most soil tests look for lead, cadrniunt(镉)and arsenic(砷). But they don’t test things like chemicals left behind by cars, which might have escaped into the soil.

So if you’re thinking of staring an urban garden, Kim says, once you’ve found a plot of land, you should learn what’s now an empty plot or a backyard might once have been a parking lot, a gas station or a chemical ground. “Knowing its past will give you some idea about what might be in that soil,” he says.

“People tend to think raised beds are going to solve their pollution problem,” Kim says. But polluted soil could easily kicked onto your plants, especially if the beds are low to the ground.

“Another consideration is that you have to be careful about the materials that you’re using to build a raised bed,” Kim says. Recycling wood from an old construction site might seem like a good, eco-friendly idea. But that wood could be treated with chemicals you don’t want touching your fruits and veggies, Kim says. And it’s always a good idea to use gloves while gardening, and wash all your produce thoroughly.

“I see these urban growing spaces as these oases(绿洲)in the middle of these urban environments,” Kim says. “They bring communities together, and they help people save money on fresh produce. Urban growing spaces are amazing. Let’s keep doing this, but let’s do it safely.”

1.What does the underlined word “clueless” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. unaware B. careless

C. helpless D. considerate

2.What should you do when starting an urban garden?

A. Build it on a parking lot B. Keep it low to the ground

C. Know the history of the ground D. Use recycled wood to build it

3.What do we know about the raise beds from the text?

A. They are free from some tests B. Their plants can be poisoned

C. They are environment-friendly D. Their materials are all recycled

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A. More fresh vegetables are produced by urban gardeners

B. Growing vegetables become a fashion in big cities

C. Big cities are short of soil for growing fresh produce

D. Urban gardeners may not realize the seriousness of polluted soil

A Samoan airline says that it is the world’s first carrier to charge passengers by their weight. Samoa Air, which opened in 2012, asks passengers to give their personal weight during booking, which is then charged according to the length of a flight. The customers will also be weighed just before they board the plane.

"It is believed that all people throughout the world are the same size," Samoa Air CEO Chris Langton said. "Airplanes always run on weight, not seats."

"There is no doubt in my mind that this is the concept of the future. This is the fairest way of your travelling with your family or yourself."

Though the airline introduced the plan last November, it caught people's attention last week when the carrier began international flights to neighboring American Samoa.

Almost at the same time, a Norwegian economist, Bharat Bhatta, published a report suggesting that airlines should charge obese passengers more.

The Pacific Islands contain some of the world’s most common countries for obesity, many ranking in the top 10, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Samoa is ranked number four, with 59.6 percent of the population considered obese, said the most recent WHO report.

According to Samoa Air's latest schedule, the airline charges up to $0.57 per kg for flights in Samoa and $1.03 per kg for its only international flight to American Samoa, around 250 miles.

Children under 12 are charged 75 percent of the adult rate, with fares also based on weight. Any overweight baggage is calculated at the same rate as the passenger's personal weight.

The plan could actually prove cheaper in some cases, such as for families travelling with small children, and Langton said customer reaction has mainly been "amazingly positive".

The idea of charging passengers by weight has been hotly discussed before, and in the US some airlines require those who do not fit into a seat comfortably to buy a second seat.

1.What does the underlined word "this" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Airlines should charge passengers by flight length.

B. All people throughout the world are the same size.

C. It is unfair to weigh passengers at the airport.

D. Airplanes always run on weight, not seats.

2.In Bharat Bhatta’s eyes, Samoa Air's plan might be _______.

A. funny B. acceptable

C. strange D. disappointing

3.A 100 kg adult flying to American Samoa would be charged _______.

A. $57 B. $75

C. $103 D. $125

4.What does the text mainly tell us?

A. 59.6% of Samoans are considered obese.

B. Samoa Air introduces pay-by-weight pricing.

C. Airlines should charge obese passengers more.

D. Baggage must be calculated as passengers’ weight.

Do you really know who you are? This is not a trick question but rather an honest understanding into the inner workings of each one of us. We usually share with our friends a piece of who we are, the piece that we want them to like or connect with. However, there is a secret, a hidden piece that doesn’t want to be noticed by others.

Our personal inner beliefs play a vital role in the way we think, act and live. They set us up to accept a belief and then it is the belief that separates our personal story. There are numerous people who have taken on the pain and suffering of their parents. Some have devoted their lives to living with lack; that is lack of love because they saw what they thought was love while in the crib (婴儿床) and it frightened them. Subconsciously (潜意识地) they made great efforts in their lives to avoid a similar experience.

Each one of us carries around with us our inner beliefs. If one of your beliefs is one that causes you to hold back from getting the perfect job or blocking love to come to you, that belief is a negative belief and one that needs to be dealt with if you are seeking a life of joy, contentment and personal success, whether it is emotional, spiritual, financial or physical.

Don’t let your blocked or frozen emotions guide the way you want to lead your life. Now it is your time to finally become victorious over those past situations that have upset you during your entire life and become the winner you were born to be.

1.What is the author’s purpose with a question at the beginning?

A. To explain who we are really.

B. To introduce the main topic.

C. To show the author’s opinion.

D. To persuade people to share inner beliefs.

2.We can infer that the author believes inner beliefs ________.

A. shape us B. block love to come

C. shouldn’t be hidden D. make us sad and painful

3.What does the underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. The love to come.

B. The negative belief.

C. The past painful experience.

D. The life of joy, contentment and personal success.

4.Which of the following is the suggestion of the author?

A. Sharing our inner beliefs with others.

B. Ignoring blocked or frozen emotions.

C. Dealing with our negative inner beliefs wisely.

D. Having a deep understanding of our inner beliefs.

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