
【题目】请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

When we get some money as a gift, how to deal with the money becomes a problem we must face. From my perspective, the answers are diverse in different periods. However, no matter how you deal with the money, the most important thing is to use it wisely.

In my childhood, when the cartoons about the car race extremely attracted me, I would use the money I received to buy toy cars. But when I entered the school, toys could not attract me. In this period, the things I wanted most were some electronic products. I always hurried to buy the up-to-date mobile phone immediately I received money as a gift.

Now I have got a job, the things above me not important for me. I do not need some useless things or something I have already had. Probably, saving money in the bank is my best choice.

In conclusion, if I receive a sum of money, in different periods I may have different choices. Whatever I choose to do with the gift of money, it must make me feel happy.


1. 用约 30 个单词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 用约 120 个单词就“收到零用钱为礼物”发表你的观点,内容包括:





1. 可使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子;

2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

4. 不必写标题。




The way the author deals with money as a gift changes over time. In the past he would use it to buy toy cars or mobile phones but now he chooses to save it in the bank.

Money is always the last thing I would consider as a present. Instead, I prefer to send such gifts as a purse or a pen so that the receivers can use them every day, which is a good way to recall the sincere friendship between us.

When I receive money as a gift, I will put it away, for I intend to travel to France next summer. Besides, Ive decided to donate a small portion of the money to poor children so that they can have a chance to study like me.

It is important for teenagers to develop the ability to handle money. First, as teenagers, we should have a plan rather than use money without control. What’s more, we can use the money to help others, because as the saying goes, to give is better than to receive.


试题分析:本文是一篇提纲类作文,请你用约 30 个单词概括上文的主要内容;用约 120 个单词就“收到零用钱为礼物”发表你的观点,内容包括:(1)你怎么看待以钱作为礼物;(2)收到钱时,你怎么处理它;(3)你认为青少年用钱时需要注意什么。 写作时要注意审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。审好题会让我们做到“磨刀不误砍柴工”。

【亮点说明】本文是一篇合格的书面表达。首先第一段是30词的概括,后文是你的观点。用了较多加分的句子,例如: I’ve decided to donate a small portion of the money to poor children so that they can have a chance to study like me是一个so that引导的目的状语从句,再如: First, What’s more让文章条理更加清晰。


【题目】Dear Kate,

It is very that you are coming to our school so soon. Before you arrive, let me introduce you what our school life is like .

Our school is quite famous for its long history. It was founded in the early 1920s. It is a good place we can prepare ourselves well for the future. We have many wonderful teachers who are always ready to help. we pay a lot of attention to how well we do in lessons, achieving high scores is not the only reason to study. The teachers encourage us to try out new ideas and ask questions. With their help we have developed all kinds of interests in both Arts and Science. Students can choose to any school clubs they are in. We can also choose the subjects that we want to study. Last term I selected American Literature, because I wanted to learn about famous American writers. This term I chose to attend music classes because my father bought me a piano a birthday present.

By the way, I was elected of my class. it can be very tiring to be a monitor, for I have to do a lot of work and attend many meetings. However , being a monitor has taught me a lot, such as caring for others and taking responsibilities(负责任)and so on. When my class was given the title(称号) of “Model Class”, I was prouder than ever before. So being a monitor an important part in my school life. I’m very pleased with my work.

I love my school and hope that your will have a pleasant experience here too. I am looking forward to you soon.

【1】A.excitedB. excitingC. exciteD. excitement

2】A. toB. forC. withD. in

3】A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which

4】A. givesB. offerC. donatesD. ask

5】 A. ButB. BecauseC. ThoughD. So

6】A. attendB. joinC. join inD. take part in

7】A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. interests

8】A. forB. asC. byD. with

9】A. the monitorB. a monitorC. monitorD. monitors

【10】A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times

【11】A.playB. takesC. makesD. plays

【12】A.meetB. meetingC. meetsD. meets

【题目】For some people, music is no fun at all. About four percent of the population is what scientists call “amusic.” People who are amusic are born without the ability to recognize or reproduce musical notes (音调). Amusic people often cannot tell the difference between two songs. Amusics can only hear the difference between two notes if they are very far apart on the musical scale.

As a result, songs sound like noise to an amusic. Many amusics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other. Life can be hard for amusics. Their inability to enjoy music set them apart from others. It can be difficult for other people to identify with their condition. In fact, most people cannot begin to grasp what it feels like to be amusic. Just going to a restaurant or a shopping mall can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many amusics intentionally stay away from places where there is music. However, this can result in social isolation( 隔离). “I used to hate parties,” says Margaret, a seventy-year-old woman who only recently discovered that she was amusic. By studying people like Margaret, scientists are finally learning how to identify this unusual condition.

Scientists say that the brains of amusics are different from the brains of people who can appreciate music. The difference is complex, and it doesn’t involve defective hearing. Amusics can understand other nonmusical sounds well. They also have no problems understanding ordinary speech. Scientists compare amusics to people who just can’t see certain colors.

Many amusics are happy when their condition is finally diagnosed . For years, Margaret felt embarrassed about her problem with music. Now she knows that she is not alone. There is a name for her condition. That makes it easier for her to explain. “When people invite me to a concert, I just say, ‘No thanks, I’m amusic,’” says Margaret. “I just wish I had learned to say that when I was seventeen and not seventy.”

【1】Which of the following is true of amusics?

A. Listening to music is far from enjoyable for them.

B. They love places where they are likely to hear music.

C. They can easily tell two different songs apart.

D. Their situation is well understood by musicians.

【2】According to paragraph 3, a person with defective hearing is probably one who _________.

A. dislikes listening to speeches

B. can hear anything nonmusical

C. has a hearing problem

D. lacks a complex hearing system

【3】In the last paragraph, Margaret expressed her wish that __________.

A. her problem with music had been diagnosed earlier

B. she were seventeen years old rather than seventy

C. her problem could be easily explained

D. she were able to meet other amusics

【4】What is the passage mainly concerned with?

A. Amusics’ strange behaviours.

B. Some people’s inability to enjoy music.

C. Musical talent and brain structure.

D. Identification and treatment of amusics.

【题目】Larry was on another of his underwater expeditions(探险)but this time, it was different. He decided to take his daughter along with him. She was only ten years old. This would be her first trip with her father on what he had always been famous for.

Larry first began diving when he was his daughter’s age. Similarly, his father had taken him along on one of his expeditions. Since then, he had never looked back. Larry started out by renting diving suits from the small diving shop just along the shore. He had hated them. They were either too big or too small. Then, there was the instructor. He gave him a short lesson before allowing him into the water with his father. He had made an exception. Larry would never have been able to go down without at least five hours of theory and another similar number of hours on practical lessons with a guide. Children his age were not even allowed to dive.

After the first expedition, Larry’s later diving adventures only got better and better. There was never a dull moment. In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank fastened on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. Dangerous areas did not prevent him from continuing his search. Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him. At least, he was still able to take photographs of the underwater creatures

Larry’s first expedition without his father was in the Cayman Islands. There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them. Fortunately for him, a man offered to take him around the different spots for free. Larry did not even know what the time was, how many spots he dived into or how many photographs he had taken. The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.

Larry looked at his daughter. She looked as excited as he had been when he was her age. He hoped she would be able to continue the family tradition. Already, she looked like she was much braver than Larry had been then. This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.

【1】In what way was this expedition different for Larry?

A. His daughter had grown up.

B. He had become a famous diver.

C. His father would dive with him.

D. His daughter would dive with him.

【2】What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Larry had some privileges.

B. Larry liked the rented diving suits.

C. Divers had to buy diving equipment.

D. Ten-year-old children were permitted to dive.

【3】Why did Larry have to stay in a cage underwater sometimes?

A.To protect himself from danger.

B.To dive into the deep water.

C.To admire the underwater view.

D.To take photos more conveniently.

【4】What did Larry expect his daughter to do?

A.Become a successful diver.

B.Make a good diving guide.

C.Take a lot of photos underwater.

D.Have longer hours of training.


Money Matters

Parents should help their children understand money. 【1】 So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.

1. The basic function of money

Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier(收银员). 2 When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more ways of using money.

2. Money lessons

Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. 3 If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, explain, “You have to make a choice between this and that toy.”

3. 4

Begin at the grocery store. Pick out two similar brands of a product –a name-brand butter and a generic(无商标产品), for example.You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. 5 If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.

A. Wise decision

B. The value of money

C. Permit the child to choose between them.

D. Tell your child why he can –or cannot –have certain things.

E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.

F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.

G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.

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