
I have spent years of my life traveling all over the world. When I arrive in a new country or city, usually I am very __________ and go to bed early. For this __________ my first day or night in any __________ place is always quiet and very little happens. __________ my first night in Algeciras was very different. That night was very __________ and unusual.

At that time __________ in Southern Spain was a dirty and badly looked __________ city. I arrived late in the __________ by boat. As soon as I got off the __________, I went to look for a __________. I found a small one not far from the quay(码头).

This hotel looked __________ and untidy from the outside. I was very tired and did not know my __________ around the city of Algeciras, so I decided to stay in this __________ hotel on the quay. I also decided to stay in this hotel for __________ reason. The moon was full and it was a clear, __________ night. From the hotel I could __________ at the sea. I could see the huge rock of Gibraltar in the bright __________.

The hotel had a narrow __________ and no name. When I __________ this doorway, I had to climb up narrow and dark stairs to the first floor. I __________ a small cup-board with desk in front of it. This was the hotel office.

1.A. unhealthy B. excited C. tired D. careless

2.A. way B. reason C. research D. journey

3.A. big B. new C. old D. small

4.A. So B. Because C. And D. But

5.A. ordinary B. dark C. free D. strange

6.A. Gibraltar B. Algeciras C. Madrid D. New Delhi

7.A. after B. for C. at D. back

8.A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. spring

9.A. bus B. boat C. plane D. train

10.A. guide B. driver C. hotel D. dinner

11.A. clean B. dirty C. beautiful D. interesting

12.A. friend B. address C. effort D. way

13.A. small B. large C. expensive D. funny-looking

14.A. another B. one C. no D. some

15.A. dark B. cloudy C. bright D. rainy

16.A. look down B. look up C. look after D. look for

17.A. sky B. night C. space D. moonlight

18.A. bedroom B. doorway C. stairs D. door

19.A. went through B. painted C. walked out D. pointed out

20.A. came to B. walked for C. went out of D. escaped from


Tchaikovsky, a famous Russian composer of the late-Romantic period, was born on 7 May 1840 in the mountains of western Russia. He was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally. Tchaikovsky’s training set him on a path to combine what he had learned with the native musical practices to which he had been exposed from childhood. He first helped write a song in 1844, at an age when most children are still in kindergarten. At home, his mother sang folk songs, which helped develop his interest in music. Mozart was Tchaikovsky’s favourite composer and he influenced Tchaikovsky’s life and work. For 11 years, beginning in 1866, Tchaikovsky taught at the Moscow School of Music. During his time there, he wrote music for the piano, along with ballets, operas and symphonies. He was famous for writing the music for the ballet Swan Lake in 1876. Because of his musical talent, Tchaikovsky toured many countries as a conductor, including a voyage to the USA in 1891. He continued to write for the ballet until his death in Saint Petersburg in 1893.















The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California, the US. "_________ station? A train for Santa Fe collided(相撞) a _________ at the McDonald Street Crossing. Please come here at once. With an ambulance(救护车), too. A man is badly wounded," said a(n) _________ voice of a young woman.

"OK. We'll come soon. Please stay there and wait," replied the policeman.

Within a minute, a police car and an ambulance _________ off. Soon they got to the crossing, but only to find everything was _________. No collision, no wounded man.

"What a dirty _________!" said the policeman angrily. "We must find out that mischievous(恶意的)_________ and..."

They had not been able to say anything about a _________ when they heard the whistle of a train was nearing them quickly. All of a sudden, a truck appeared. It came _________ towards them, too. When it was passing the crossing, it suddenly __________ to move on. Right then and there, before the eyes of all the people present, the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it dozens of metres away.

When Randolph Bruce, the driver, was helped out of the damaged truck, he was badly wounded just as the young woman had foretold(预言) on the phone. As he was taken to hospital in time, he was __________ at last. Later the police did whatever they could to __________ the woman who had __________ them, but failed.

It is really __________ that a prophecy(预言) should agree with the fact so __________.

1.A. Weather B. Railway C. Fire D. Police

2.A. bus B. truck C. taxi D. train

3.A. sweet B. anxious C. beautiful D. low

4.A. turned B. took C. started D. walked

5.A. bad B. satisfied C. pleasant D. fine

6.A. call B. lie C. trick D. plan

7.A. policeman B. boy C. woman D. driver

8.A. reward B. praise C. thanks D. punishment

9.A. turning B. running C. starting D. passing

10.A. continued B. refused C. began D. stopped

11.A. saved B. dead C. awake D. alive

12.A. find B. meet C. punish D. thank

13.A. laughed B. telephoned C. repeated D. visited

14.A. exciting B. surprising C. pleasing D. interesting

15.A. equally B. truly C. exactly D. carefully

We have some friends who seem as if they understand and appreciate you, but really they might not. A girl named Nevaeh was about to find a friend that she thought understood her, but she actually didn’t.

When Nevaeh was in kindergarten she didn’t have friends. Every time she wanted to make some they would just walk away. That happened until she went to the third grade when a girl named Brooke said hello to her.

Nevaeh, a shy girl, didn’t answer. Since Nevaeh had no friends to talk to, her mouth would close up. After knowing Nevaeh was shy and needed friends, Brooke wouldn’t leave Nevaeh’s side and always talked to her. Nevaeh started talking more and was less shy. Once Brooke took her to her friends. There were only three girls, Karla, Mariana, and Isela, but Nevaeh was fine with it. At least she had friends.

They got along very well and had a few things in common. When they were finally in middle school, Brooke and Nevaeh became best friends, but as they got older, they changed. When Nevaeh changed the way she looked and acted, Brooke didn’t like it. Brooke started to judge her, and make her wear stuff that she didn’t like. They had arguments about the way Nevaeh wanted to look, and how Brooke didn’t like what she wore.

Nevaeh wasn’t sure if she could really trust Brooke anymore. That was until she met Susan who understood Nevaeh and didn’t judge her by her looks, but had the same interests as Nevaeh. They liked to dress in the same kinds of things and had similar hobbies.

Nevaeh really liked Susan because she never judged her. When they were talking about their interests it was like they had known each other for a long time.

Nevaeh was still friends with the other girls, and was happy that she finally had someone that understood her and appreciated her.

1.What does the underlined word “she” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Susan. B. Karla.

C. Brooke. D. Nevaeh.

2.Why did Nevaeh have no friends in kindergarten?

A. She didn’t want friends.

B. She wasn’t accepted by others.

C. She didn’t deserve to have friends.

D. She was stopped from making friends.

3.How did Nevaeh react to Brooke’s judgment on her?

A. She rejected it. B. She tolerated it.

C. She corrected it. D. She appreciated it.

4.What was Susan like according to the text?

A. Brave and helpful. B. Sincere and supportive.

C. Smart and humorous. D. Clever and hard-working.

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