

“Remember, your father is only one year 1. (old) than you.” That was Mum’s usual excuse when Dad said the wrong things or did something 2. (fool).

Dad quitted drinking exactly one year before I was born. He joined a group of other people. He said they 3. (stop) drinking, too. I loved my dad 4. I hated the way his weekly meetings took him away 5. me. It seemed that they were more 6. (importance) to him than I was. But with my birthday coming up I thought Dad would make an exception. “Can’t you miss it just this time? Saturday is my birthday! ” I begged him but 7. (refuse). He said “I am chairing the meeting this Saturday. We will have your party on Sunday.”

Saturday evening I sat on my bed, 8. (feel) sorry for myself. Dad started to leave, then paused and said, “Why not come with me together tonight? It’s an open meeting. All are welcome ” . 9. would I do at a meeting? But maybe I needed to see why something Dad every week mattered so much.

After we arrived, Dad announced the theme of the meeting was going to be gratitude. He told his story about giving up smoking. Later, a man 10. (call) Dave also told his story. Only then did I know it was Dad that saved his life from drinking. Showing up week after week and meeting with people, Dad was changing lives. Shame washed over me.


For Christmas last year, Marie’s grandma wanted to get her something special. So Marie asked her grandma for her dream gift: a brand-new pair of UGG boots. All her friends had them.

On Christmas morning, Marie really got a pair of boots. They fit perfectly. The quality was superb. There was only one thing missing: the tiny label (标签) on the heel that says UGG.

Marie thanked her grandma. But she’s only worn those boots twice — both times to visit her grandma. “I would never wear them in public,” she says.

Marie’s grandma would be heartbroken to know the truth. But at UGG headquarters (总部), a room full of sales managers would be cheering.

Through clever marketing and expensive advertising, the makers of UGGs have convinced (使信服) Marie — and millions of others — that the name UGG has value far beyond what the homely slipper boots should really cost. UGGs, like North Face jackets, Nike sneakers, and other brand-name items are “status symbols”. People pay double, triple, even 10 times more for brand names than for similar items. Is a pair of $400 True Religion jeans really better than the $18 Wranglers you can get at Walmart? Maybe the quality is a bit higher. Maybe they shrink less. But are brand names really worth the exorbitant prices? Some pricey brands do, in fact, use higher-quality materials that fit better and feel nice on your skin.

However, the truth is that the value of a brand has little to do with quality and a lot to do with status. A recent study by Consumer Reports found that some of the least expensive jeans are better made than the more expensive jeans. But that doesn’t matter. Wearing a certain label tells the world “I belong” or “I can afford it.”

A few decades ago, the idea of a kid refusing to wear a pair of boots because the label was wrong would have seemed as crazy as talking on a phone the size of your hand.

Clearly, times have changed.

1.When she received the Christmas gift from her grandma, Marie seemed .

A. excited B. worried C. moved D. disappointed

2.UGG’s managers would be cheering probably because of .

A. its particular design

B. its successful marketing

C. its high-quality products

D. its better customer service

3.The underlined word “exorbitant” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

A. high B. good C. average D. attractive

4.In the author’s opinion, people wear brand-name products as a way to .

A. follow the fashion

B. show themselves off

C. keep pace with the times

D. improve their quality of life

Our guide was excellent! He walked us through all the local villages and took extra time at the end to enjoy a local dinner. He stayed with us longer than he was obliged(迫使) to and made this a fantastic experience.

Tour snapshot

Travel is all about the street food these days, and why not? It’s fresh, fast, cheap and a great way to crack into the local scene. Join this Hanoi tour to source the best street eats from markets, food carts, street cafes and other hard-to-find-but-totally-worth-the-effort secret spots.


Sample delicious Vietnamese cuisine just like the locals do — on the street

Stroll through hidden alleyways and bustling markets of Hanoi’s charming old quarter

Learn more about Hanoi’s unique food culture

Try local specialties with influences from French and Chinese cuisine

Take in a spectacular night view of Hoan Kiem lake from a secret cafe

Schedule details

Duration: 2.5 hours

Meeting point: Sacombank ATM Machine – No. 1 Dong Xuan street (front entrance of Dong Xuan Market, Corner of Dong Xuan St with Cau Dong St)

Starting time: 5. 00 PM

Ending point: Café Pho Co – 11 Hang Gai St, Hoan Kiem

1.What did the guide do?

A. He showed visitors around by car.

B. He took many photos of visitors.

C. He stayed with visitors for extra time.

D. He enjoyed breakfast with visitors.

2.What does the underlined word “snapshot” mean in the passage?

A. A photograph taken quickly and casually.

B. A brief impression of something.

C. An attempt to score in a game.

D. An act of firing a gun.

3.During the tour, we can enjoy ______.

A. various local food

B. charming mountain landscapes

C. many rare animals

D. French and Chinese cuisine

4.We can infer from the passage that the ending time of the tour is ______.

A. 5. 00 PM B. 5. 30 PM

C. 7. 05 PM D. 7. 30 PM

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are concerned about their own appearance and actions too much. Negative thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people unfavorably. A person's self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a deep effect on all areas of their lives.

Shy people, who have low respect, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need faith that they are doing "the right thing". Shy people are very sensitive to criticism. It makes them feel inferior(自卑). They also find it difficult to be pleased by praises because they believe they are unworthy of praise. A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this one: "You're just saying that to make me feel good, I know it's not true.” It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

Can shyness be completely got rid of, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determination since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self respect. It is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths. Each one of us has his or her own characteristics. We are interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our chances for a rich and successful life.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about______.

A. the cause of shyness

B. the effect of shyness on people

C. the feelings of shy people

D. the questions in the minds of shy people

2.According to the writer, self-awareness is______.

A. harmful to people

B. a weak point of people

C. the cause of unhappiness

D. a good characteristic

3.What is the shy people's reaction to praise?

A. They are pleased by it.

B. They feel it is not true.

C. They are very sensitive to it.

D. They feel they are worthy of it.

“Dutch” expressions heard in American English were first used in the 17th century. That was a time of fierce competition between England and Holland. At that time, the British used “Dutch” as a word for something bad, or false.

A Dutch agreement was one made between men who had drunk too much alcohol. Dutch leave was what a soldier took when he left his base without permission.

Some of these old expressions are still used today with a little different meaning. Long ago, a Dutch treat or to go Dutch was a dinner at which the invited guests were expected to pay for their own share of food and drink. Now, Dutch treat means that when friends go out to have fun, each person pays his own share.

Another common expression heard a few years ago was “In Dutch”. If someone told you that you were in Dutch, they meant that you were in trouble.

Some of the Dutch expressions heard in American English have nothing to do with the Dutch people at all. In the seventeen hundreds, Germans who moved to the United States often were called Dutch. During the American Civil War, supporters of the northern side in the central state of Missouri were called Dutch, because many of them were German settlers. President Theodore Roosevelt once noted that anything foreign and non-English was called Dutch.

1.If one of your friends collects 60 yuan from you to go to have a meal together, you can use “_____”.

A. Go Dutch B. A Dutch C. In Dutch D. Dutch leave

2.Why does the word “Dutch” often have a negative (not good) meaning in English?

A. Because in the 17th century, the Dutch were timid (胆小的)

B. Because in the 17th century, the Dutch often drank a lot of alcohol.

C. Because in the 17th century, the Dutch often fought with the British.

D. Because in the 17th century, the Dutch didn’t like to pay for others.

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The original meaning of “Dutch” refers to the people in the British.

B. “Dutch” sometimes means all that is non-English in American English.

C. The Dutch uncles are often very severe.

D. “Dutch” expressions in English didn’t come from the Dutch at all.

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Telling us that “Dutch” is not a good word.

B. Showing that “Dutch” means differently between the British and the American

C. Telling us there was fierce competition between England and Holland.

D. Helping us enlarge the knowledge about the word “Dutch”.

Many people go to school for a good education. They learn languages, history, maths and other lessons. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. No matter how much a teacher knows, he cannot teach his students everything they want to know. His work is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves. It is always more important to know how to study by oneself. It is quite easy to learn something in a language or a formula(公式) in maths,but it is difficult to use a formula in finding the answer to a maths problem . Great inventors do not get everything from school but they can invent many things and change the world a lot. Though Thomas Edison invented many things he didn’t have much school education. How do they do all these? Because they know how to study. A lot of things are not taught in the classroom. They get knowledge from books outside school. They work hard all their lives, and the most important thing is that they know how to use their head.

1.What do many people go to school for?

A. To make friends B. To get everything

C. To study by themselves D. To get a good education

2.What should a student learn to do from school?

A. Try to remember more knowledge and formulas.

B. Try to learn how to read and how to think.

C. Try to remember what the teachers teach.

D. Try to invent the world.

3.How can an inventor invent things? The most important thing is how to:

A. be a great inventor

B. study by himself

C. use his head well

D. remember what he’s been taught

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. School education is important for a person.

B. A student should learn how to remember a formula.

C. A student can not learn everything from school.

D. Inventors can invent things and change the world a lot.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm. ________ by miles of winding stone walls, the house provided ________ hours of fun for a city kid.

I can still remember one ________ when I was eight years old. I’d wanted ________ anything to be allowed to climb the walls surrounding the property. The walls were old; some stones were ________ , others loose. Still, my desire to scramble (爬)across those walls ________ so strong that finally, one spring weekend, I took all my________and entered the living room, where the ________ had gathered after Sunday dinner.

“I, I wanna climb the stone walls,” I said hesitantly. ________ a chorus (齐声) went up from the women in the room. “Heavens, no!” they cried. “You’ll hurt yourself!” I wasn’t too ________ ; the response was just as I’d expected. But ________ I could leave the room, I was ________ by my grandfather’s loud voice. “Now ________ just a minute,” I heard him say. “Let the boy climb the stone walls. ________ , he has to learn to do things for himself.”

For the next two hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my ________ . Later when I told my grandfather about my ________ , I’ll never forget what he said. “Fred,” he said, smiling, “you made this day a (an) ________ day just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are.”

Many years have passed since then, and today I ________ the television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, seen by millions of children. There have been ________ over the years, but one thing ________ the same: my suggestion to children at the end of almost every visit. “There’s only one person in this whole world like you,” the kids can hear me say, “and people can like you exactly as you are.”

1.A. Covered B. Surrounded C. Extended D. Spread

2.A. meaningless B. short C. endless D. imaginable

3.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. daytime

4.A. more than B. as well as C. rather than D. other than

5.A. remaining B. left C. tight D. missing

6.A. built B. went C. grew D. turned

7.A. trouble B. mind C. courage D. heart

8.A. adults B. relations C. men D. women

9.A. Soon B. Hurriedly C. Frequently D. Immediately

10.A. excited B. sad C. disappointed D. pleased

11.A. after B. before C. as D. when

12.A. encouraged B. asked C. allowed D. stopped

13.A. keep up B. hold on C. hold up D. keep on

14.A. Anyway B. However C. Therefore D. Thus

15.A. childhood B. play C. life D. Sunday

16.A. action B. adventure C. story D. happiness

17.A. special B. interesting C. common D. beautiful

18.A. own B. like C. hold D. host

19.A. jobs B. events C. adventures D. changes

20.A. remains B. develops C. becomes D. seems

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